Pretty much how I feel about college parties... Went to one once, but standing around wasn't entertaining, so I went home and killed zombies.
Oh man that is too funny. I speak broken cantonese, but that's pretty much what mandarin sounds like.
Generally feel the same way about parties all around, why is it more fun to be cramped into a small hot room filled with smoke and BO... just never made sense to me, though vacations I generally find to be the same. They usually wind up involving just as much work as work...
Generally feel the same way about parties all around, why is it more fun to be cramped into a small hot room filled with smoke and BO... just never made sense to me, though vacations I generally find to be the same. They usually wind up involving just as much work as work... my area parties is,in parties to,talk with girls,laugh with girls,dance with girls,drink with girls,drive with girls,stop in the beach with girls,......well....if you dont know the sequence then you must start to go out more often.
Generally feel the same way about parties all around, why is it more fun to be cramped into a small hot room filled with smoke and BO... just never made sense to me, though vacations I generally find to be the same. They usually wind up involving just as much work as work... my area parties is,in parties to,talk with girls,laugh with girls,dance with girls,drink with girls,drive with girls,stop in the beach with girls,......well....if you dont know the sequence then you must start to go out more often.
A Guy
Yeah, that's what I keep getting told, by the same people that were at the same parties. ...and most the girls at my age are already married anyway.
There were girls at the party, just not any I was interested in.
Hmm... I did think it a bit strange when they started talking about and trying to sell me plastic containers.
so where's wall-e?
Found him. Gotta say, he is well hidden.
Yup, me too. Recognize so many there. Even the red guy on the right from Wizards! A Guy
yeah the reason I shared the image wasn't so much the where is wall-e theme as the fact that there is like 3 decades worth of robot characters from all over in it. I even noticed the one from spaceballs...
Thx 1138 too. A Guy
Coding problems?
Heh. I know people who would definitely fall for that...
Pretty amazing all the robots on there. I was surprised to see the two in the front from the movie Silent Running....a made for TV flick. As well as the robot from Woody Allen's Sleeper....
Yeah he's not hard to find when you blow it up to full size, like I said I posted it more because of the massive number of robot characters they included. As noted above there's some there you'd never expect to see.
No shame in admitting it, I do this if possible at the moment.
Shhh! I'm thinking.
A Guy
A Guy
Whew! Finally found Wall-e, also the dagget from the original Battlestar Galactica. Can't recall his name but a kid named Boxie owned him.
I also found a picture of a Brink family meal...
Shawn is the front left. Across from Grandma.
I also found a picture of a Brink family meal...
Shawn is the front left. Across from Grandma.
Cannot unsee. You will always know that's there even if you can't see it.
I actually want to know if it's real too. I'm not sure what currency it is so I can't check I'll just pretend it's North Korean money so I can laugh my self off more
This isnt a pic per se, but I think this is a cool geeky thing:
1. Google
2. Click any link. Enjoy!
1. Google
inurl:"ViewerFrame?Mode=" -inurl -intitle
James Earl Jones would speak on that lmao.....
Really? Or is just too mainstream like the metric system of units?
The Spanish one is wrong. Clearly an over exaggeration.
A Guy
I guess it still beats walking.....
...anything beats walking.
oh are we doing those now?
Here's one, on your face book page scroll ALL THE WAY TO THE BOTTOM
click on the link that says English (us)
In the window that opens click on the little triangle next to English (US)
Select English (Pirate)
and enjoy the booty me harties...
Candidate for Pimp My Ride....
Days are passing so fast!!
I like 11111111 numbers.
I like 11111111 numbers.
A Guy
I refrain from using the phrase "I wish" as much as possible for the consequences are simply too dire.
imagine getting THIS CAPTCHA
I got a new idea on how to cheat!
I got a new idea on how to cheat!
One or Two?
Hey I used those, and did that test today!
A Guy
A Guy
I can read block 60.
It asked if Topper is seeing anyone.
She only has eyes for him!
Test? What Test? I cant see any Test!
A Guy
You've not heard of "Doctor Who"?! Strange creature you are...
"Doctor Who" is a British Television Show. Watch it, you'll love it. Once you see it until season five, then you will understand.
Heard of Dr. Who, sure seen an older guy as the Dr. even, never watched though, and certainly wouldn't have recognized that guy in the pic
A Guy
A Guy
Cool shot of a Rod Cap flying off a Top Fuel Dragster yesterday in qualifying.
Derek that guy is in trouble, from the US Nationals?
This proves absolutely people have way too much free time.
This proves absolutely people have way too much free time.
A Guy
My mother was stopped for excessive speeding yesterday!
She thought she could talk her way out of a ticket until the officer looked at our dog in the back seat...
She thought she could talk her way out of a ticket until the officer looked at our dog in the back seat...
George lucas missed something I think.
Although this would help with the teacher shortage. If all your science education consisted only of 'god did it'.
Really needs a truck.....
That's funny! Is it real, or a minature?
The crazy thing is it appears to be in motion...
Its most likely real.
You wouldnt believe how they transport stuff in south east asia...
You wouldnt believe how they transport stuff in south east asia...
Sure, people can be retarded here; but honestly, that's a first seen even for me.
jfar those posts are blank to us, without a login on their site you can't view their attachments.
I can see them so it is just as well you told me, llllll, ok I will repost them later, in the meantime I will delete these.
Thank you Maguscreed.
Study these 3 photos closely, then
read the message at the bottom.
It will explain a lot..
This is India. It's where you call
when you have technical problems.
read the message at the bottom.
It will explain a lot..
This is India. It's where you call
when you have technical problems.
Nice one,lllll
...and they thought it didn't make any sense when he said the internet would one day black out the sky.
Dont stand in any puddles next to that thing.....
putting an extension cord on that thing might bring the grid down...
Made me laugh.
The playground that gives your kids nightmares?
This isn't really geeky but I thought I'd post it anyway. I took this at my company a few weeks back. Clearly the forklift drivers were taking things a little too literally....
^I lol's when I looked at that
You did manage to get the roof on the top. Mission accomplished!
This isn't really geeky but I thought I'd post it anyway. I took this at my company a few weeks back. Clearly the forklift drivers were taking things a little too literally....
Attachment 175494
Attachment 175495
Attachment 175494
Attachment 175495
Its how real builders work.
Shoot twice .........ask once
That's how we used to do it...
That's how we used to do it...
Press 'Send' once. Then re-read text twice. Oooooops --- Can't correct those errors now!
driving down the highway
This one....
I thought 'The Borg' were supposed to be scary!
Call out Hazard Control for removing portable devices.
iPod people!
The End of the World!!!!!! EGADS!!! Wait that is a different thread!
The End of the World!!!!!! EGADS!!! Wait that is a different thread!
TVeblen Grim Fandango avatar
Invasion of the Body Snatchers > Invasion of the Body Snatchers (1956) - IMDb
She is holding a replicating pod.
One of the pods replicating another human.
She is holding a replicating pod.
One of the pods replicating another human.
Invasion of the Body Snatchers > Invasion of the Body Snatchers (1956) - IMDb
She is holding a replicating pod.
One of the pods replicating another human.
She is holding a replicating pod.
One of the pods replicating another human.
How old are you?
Invasion of the Body Snatchers > Invasion of the Body Snatchers (1956) - IMDb
She is holding a replicating pod.
One of the pods replicating another human.
She is holding a replicating pod.
One of the pods replicating another human.
How old are you?
Invasion of the Body Snatchers > Invasion of the Body Snatchers (1956) - IMDb
She is holding a replicating pod.
One of the pods replicating another human.
She is holding a replicating pod.
One of the pods replicating another human.
How old are you?
I remember when that film came out, it was a couple of years before I left school.
of course I doubt many will get the references but it cracked me up for some reason.
i get your reference and i thinks its funny too
One can only dream.
Love this --- stopped the car too fast. . .
Key! That was out!
A Guy
A Guy
To the OP i recommend ""keep always your pc clean""
In this case i...i.....i.......
In this case i...i.....i.......
It must be a Mac iPot.
I think you are correct Hopalong. That's why one shouldn't turn a Mac over the brown stuff runs out.
Who says Mac's are crappy?
They're right.
They're right.
All the comforts of home.....on the back of a bike....
lol if that was a motor trike he'd be my hero...
Whaaaat? Sorry i cant hear you....
Let's see one of those Power Supply Calculators deal with that!
Which ones blow in, and which ones blow out?
Which ones blow in, and which ones blow out?
That is the question my friend Grim Fandango!
I was looking for something in my cabinet and found that old gem!
Manny es el hombre!
Manny es el hombre!
He was always saying "viva la revolution"
Label side out exhaust. No label, intake
A Guy
A Guy
Thats cool.
No pun intended
Good eye.
No pun intended
Good eye.
And for the budget conscious extreme PC gamer......
On the bright side, your room now has VERY good airflow, which you'll enjoy....until the electric bill arrives.....
I don't think you can get anymore budget conscious than this....
I don't think you can get anymore budget conscious than this....
Nothing still beats the pizza laptop
Must be a Mac lap. A real live Hackintossed.
Add logo and slap a $1000 price tag on it.
Add logo and slap a $1000 price tag on it.
Someone else out there that really needs a truck.....
If he's in the US he also needs some red flags hanging off both ends of that lumber!
Your call
And the truth shall set you free.
Finally a computer setting I understand.
My only problem with this is if it were really Windows it would offer you a beer or a shot.
So this must be from a Mac.
Who else can afford wine with their puter?
I got it! It is one of those dual boot Hockertashes'.
My only problem with this is if it were really Windows it would offer you a beer or a shot.
So this must be from a Mac.
Who else can afford wine with their puter?
I got it! It is one of those dual boot Hockertashes'.
Seen enough of them when I worked there. sic
Either that or someone was laughing their butt off when the design was approved.
Hey rvbfan!
That's a cool picture of a white out snow storm.....Awesome dude!
That's a cool picture of a white out snow storm.....Awesome dude!
Or to subtle.
Only opened half way
Have a great day anyway my friend...
What is it ...............Pick on Dennis today????
Where's Mike(Hopalong) when I need him? Probably sleeping!
I will be lurking tonight when you are in bed...
Where's Mike(Hopalong) when I need him? Probably sleeping!
I will be lurking tonight when you are in bed...
I don't like birthdays.
Attachment 176818
Attachment 176818
Attachment 176818
Attachment 176818
Attachment 176818
Attachment 176818
Attachment 176818
Attachment 176818
Attachment 176818
Attachment 176818
Sorry if anyone thinks this offensive in the least, I thought it was funny as hell when I saw it.
I have daughters. It's funny Mugu!
And now for something completely different:
And now for something completely different:
the chans burnt out that meme so long ago it's not even mildly amusing to me anymore... sorry to say.
This makes me smile.
Could it be true?
As things stand I don't plan on upgrading to 8, and I actually think as the dev version is, android is actually better.
I'll likely wind up using win 7 for many years now.
I'll likely wind up using win 7 for many years now.
It looks true to me. Not sure why Windows 8 has a trollface though, it's not that bad.
A lot of people feel very trolled by what they've seen of 8 so far. ...and I can't say I blame them.
I just cant but help find stuff like this funny......oh well.
I applied for this position awhile ago
Someone finally posted something humorous!
I'm sure this will solve the problem.....
Excellent idea.
Now if people would just drive with such courtesy for others.
Now if people would just drive with such courtesy for others.
Had to laugh when I saw this It made me think of you all ...................... Help!!
yes, all the grandmothers have been spamming that on facebook for about a week now .....
I just saw that yesterday along with a few other cat images and was thinking of using that very photo....
How interesting!
While we're doing kitteh themed ones I guess I have to toss this up.
Cats, they're cats.
there is no cat here, only...
want this one to go viral...
Ok original content here:
Actually, from a relative left and right perspective they'll still run into each other.
Too right...
Leftside one way is the same side as rightside in the opposite direction. This will cause more collisions.
And who runs on stairs??
Leftside one way is the same side as rightside in the opposite direction. This will cause more collisions.
And who runs on stairs??
Though it doesn't said when and where......
Though it doesn't said when and where......
It's whizzing allowed in the Twilight Zone.....
I think this is what you call a loose/loose situation. If the guy in front jams on the brakes...
If the guy in the back pedals faster the guy in the front gets a free Rectal Exam...
Never feed your cat mexican food...
Shopped, I can tell by the pixels.
You'd have to be pretty damn gullible to think that was real to begin with....
The cat can't really fly???!!!!! I'm so disappointed.
it never hurts to look over your shoulder now and then.
Like this?
It's amazing how much livestock you can see on the roads.....
IF those things experience flatulence or even defecate.. Gosh.. I can't even describe it if I'm driving
If they do you will have sufficient gas to get to your destination. Just make sure you bring a garden hose with you to re-cycle the waste.
Another in my never ending collection....
I knew one day in this millenium you would post something funny!
Been more funnier if it was Pepper Spray!
Talk about teary eyes.....
It was a tumblr post lol XD
Nothing to see here, move along.
Driving the car from the chair using straps. Brainiac genius until the brakes are needed!
That's why he has a mop.
There are two types of Youtube comments:
I can duplicate that in a bathtub having eaten a plateful of beans...
We call them "Farkles!"
Just don't pop the bubbles....
Hahaha! Good one THW. I actually had a good laugh when I read that
We all need a good laugh once in a while so I am glad you enjoyed my humor.
Now have a great week.
Do you dare?...........
That is going to make some big shark steaks!
Here is a grill for those big shark steaks. One at a time of course.
Hey is that a flamethrower on the right?
Nah, not a flame thrower! Just a little igniter. Used for small grills and interplanetary rockets.
It really is a propane torch. The one by the grill is similar to this.
Plumbers use them to solder copper pipes together and many other uses.
I've seen people use them as cigarette/cigar lighters.
Singed eye brows and eye lashes are the usual result.
A real macho look!
Plumbers use them to solder copper pipes together and many other uses.
I've seen people use them as cigarette/cigar lighters.
Singed eye brows and eye lashes are the usual result.
A real macho look!
It really is a propane torch. The one by the grill is similar to this.
Plumbers use them to solder copper pipes together and many other uses.
I've seen people use them as cigarette/cigar lighters.
Singed eye brows and eye lashes are the usual result.
A real macho look!
Plumbers use them to solder copper pipes together and many other uses.
I've seen people use them as cigarette/cigar lighters.
Singed eye brows and eye lashes are the usual result.
A real macho look!
Nuthin wrong with it..............I normally burn the hair out of my nostrils just so I can get a good nights sleep....
It really is a propane torch. The one by the grill is similar to this.
Plumbers use them to solder copper pipes together and many other uses.
I've seen people use them as cigarette/cigar lighters.
Singed eye brows and eye lashes are the usual result.
A real macho look!
Plumbers use them to solder copper pipes together and many other uses.
I've seen people use them as cigarette/cigar lighters.
Singed eye brows and eye lashes are the usual result.
A real macho look!
Nuthin wrong with it..............I normally burn the hair out of my nostrils just so I can get a good nights sleep....
It really is a propane torch. The one by the grill is similar to this.
Plumbers use them to solder copper pipes together and many other uses.
I've seen people use them as cigarette/cigar lighters.
Singed eye brows and eye lashes are the usual result.
A real macho look!
Plumbers use them to solder copper pipes together and many other uses.
I've seen people use them as cigarette/cigar lighters.
Singed eye brows and eye lashes are the usual result.
A real macho look!
Nuthin wrong with it..............I normally burn the hair out of my nostrils just so I can get a good nights sleep....
Nice hair cut!
This is my new dew..............
got to keep up with the latest style!
got to keep up with the latest style!
my contributions for the day.
That should give a new generation of infants nightmares for their entire life.
Perfect for addams family!
It really is a propane torch. The one by the grill is similar to this.
Plumbers use them to solder copper pipes together and many other uses.
I've seen people use them as cigarette/cigar lighters.
Singed eye brows and eye lashes are the usual result.
A real macho look!
Plumbers use them to solder copper pipes together and many other uses.
I've seen people use them as cigarette/cigar lighters.
Singed eye brows and eye lashes are the usual result.
A real macho look!
Nuthin wrong with it..............I normally burn the hair out of my nostrils just so I can get a good nights sleep....
It really is a propane torch. The one by the grill is similar to this.
Plumbers use them to solder copper pipes together and many other uses.
I've seen people use them as cigarette/cigar lighters.
Singed eye brows and eye lashes are the usual result.
A real macho look!
Plumbers use them to solder copper pipes together and many other uses.
I've seen people use them as cigarette/cigar lighters.
Singed eye brows and eye lashes are the usual result.
A real macho look!
Nuthin wrong with it..............I normally burn the hair out of my nostrils just so I can get a good nights sleep....
pooch give it a try then upload here your photo.
.........and the banner will say "Scorch" instead of "Pooch".
pooch give it a try then upload here your photo.
.........and the banner will say "Scorch" instead of "Pooch".
My morning
pooch give it a try then upload here your photo.
.........and the banner will say "Scorch" instead of "Pooch".
Scorch / Pooch
I warned you but noooo would you listen?
You had to do it anyway.
A triple face palm moment!!!
I warned you but noooo would you listen?
You had to do it anyway.
A triple face palm moment!!!
I just completed this homemade work of art, I'm quite proud of it.
I call it 'polar bear blinking in snow storm.'
I call it 'polar bear blinking in snow storm.'
such majesty! such color! its simplicity screams of deeper meanings to be interpretted. oh the beauty and the wonders!
now THAT deserves a spot at the louvre.
now THAT deserves a spot at the louvre.
in my defense I think his nose is very well done.
Something is wrong with me!!
I cant see anything!!!!
I cant see anything!!!!
it's just to the left of center next to the beautifully detailed snow drift.
It's really the Polar Bears anal sphincter not his eye blinking.....
That's how cold it is!
That's how cold it is!
Don't blame me or my work for your misfortune though, toilet seats are actually rather inexpensive.
Does anyone think of Borderlands when seeing this?
Does anyone think of Borderlands when seeing this?
Very nice view if you leave the door open...
Like in real estate....location......location.............location!
Thought you would enjoy this educational moment in American history. A Strange Old Tool
This old tool has been reintroduced in Washington D.C. by the REPUBLICAN PARTY as a major part of their New Health Care Program Proposal.
They also plan to cut Government help for heating costs in the winter and cooling costs in the summer.
"We can then use the billions in savings to pay for deregulation of pollution limits caused by fossil fuels and increase subsidies to the oil companies!"
The logic is that you wont need clean air do to being able to breath through your ass and the warm smoke will heat your body in the winter and provide a cool breeze in the summer!
Are you starting to feel it? If not bend over a little more.
This old tool has been reintroduced in Washington D.C. by the REPUBLICAN PARTY as a major part of their New Health Care Program Proposal.
They also plan to cut Government help for heating costs in the winter and cooling costs in the summer.
"We can then use the billions in savings to pay for deregulation of pollution limits caused by fossil fuels and increase subsidies to the oil companies!"
The logic is that you wont need clean air do to being able to breath through your ass and the warm smoke will heat your body in the winter and provide a cool breeze in the summer!
Are you starting to feel it? If not bend over a little more.
...but they've assured us we can fix everything by going back to the same policies that got us in this mess in the first place.
What was old is new again policy.
That cures the healthcare problem with smoke.
All they have to do is drag out the shiny mirrors.
What was old is new again policy.
That cures the healthcare problem with smoke.
All they have to do is drag out the shiny mirrors.
fools in...
Now we have the chance to vote those fools OUT!
New fools or old fools they all leave us with the smoke machine!
Can you feel the breeze yet?
Can you feel the breeze yet?
To be honest at this point I want to see Paul elected just to see if it even is possible to return any of our rights to us.
I'm guessing it's not, kind of have the feeling he'd be railroaded by his own party.
edit: allow me to add this thought.
I'm guessing it's not, kind of have the feeling he'd be railroaded by his own party.
edit: allow me to add this thought.
Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.
Albert Einstein, (attributed)
US (German-born) physicist (1879 - 1955)
This is a static picture, it is NOT animated.
A Guy
A Guy
Wow! Magic!
black magic ... sorcery I say!!!!
the only way to be sure is to tie a rock to A guy and throw him in a pond, if he drowns he's not a warlock.
the only way to be sure is to tie a rock to A guy and throw him in a pond, if he drowns he's not a warlock.
Im little sceptical about this!
A Guy
Saw this on got a good laugh from it.
Traveling in time.......
Talk about taking "in the cloud" to a new level...
A Guy
A Guy
I need help like NOW! I'm trying to upload a picture at tinypic but I can't understand the left word. Maybe someone can??
Too late!
I think it says learn Arabic...
LOL. i hit refresh and now it wants me to enter the f of f(?)^?=x
The answer is 42
Looks more like the Devanagari script to me - used in India ;-) Cannot decipher it, unfortunately...but maybe a speaker of Hindi can :-)
It says f(?)^?=x
Am i clever or what?
Am i clever or what?
Who said nuclear is not friendly?
It says it needs to reboot!
Exactly what I felt.
You talking to me?
Yeah! What about it???
I know you ain't coppin' no attitude with me!!
I'll send you back to ya mama cryin'.
I know you ain't coppin' no attitude with me!!
I'll send you back to ya mama cryin'.
You was saying.....?
Bring it on! Fluffy?????
Don't mess with fluffy man, you don't know what you're getting into...
That rabbit in the holy grail... has nothing on fluffy, and we're all out of holy hand grenades.
Speaking of the unexpected though here's something I just found in the family storage. You'll have to excuse the image quality my good phone died and this is the only back up one I have that will use the sim.
I understand that if it still works it's worth a pretty penny.
That rabbit in the holy grail... has nothing on fluffy, and we're all out of holy hand grenades.
Speaking of the unexpected though here's something I just found in the family storage. You'll have to excuse the image quality my good phone died and this is the only back up one I have that will use the sim.
I understand that if it still works it's worth a pretty penny.
Don't mess with fluffy man, you don't know what you're getting into...
That rabbit in the holy grail... has nothing on fluffy, and we're all out of holy hand grenades.
Speaking of the unexpected though here's something I just found in the family storage. You'll have to excuse the image quality my good phone died and this is the only back up one I have that will use the sim.
I understand that if it still works it's worth a pretty penny.
That rabbit in the holy grail... has nothing on fluffy, and we're all out of holy hand grenades.
Speaking of the unexpected though here's something I just found in the family storage. You'll have to excuse the image quality my good phone died and this is the only back up one I have that will use the sim.
I understand that if it still works it's worth a pretty penny.
actually it works, it's not even suffering from the hold down the cartridge to read problem. the hard thing was finding a tv the ancient adapter worked on. been a long time since I played duck hunt
oh can't post in this thread without leaving contributions so here you go.
and yes that is a game of chess titans I actually played, and the hardest part was actually keeping it from stalemating before I got that many queens on the board.
oh can't post in this thread without leaving contributions so here you go.
and yes that is a game of chess titans I actually played, and the hardest part was actually keeping it from stalemating before I got that many queens on the board.
actually it works, it's not even suffering from the hold down the cartridge to read problem. The hard thing was finding a tv the ancient adapter worked on. Been a long time since i played duck hunt
oh can't post in this thread without leaving contributions so here you go.
And yes that is a game of chess titans i actually played, and the hardest part was actually keeping it from stalemating before i got that many queens on the board.
oh can't post in this thread without leaving contributions so here you go.
And yes that is a game of chess titans i actually played, and the hardest part was actually keeping it from stalemating before i got that many queens on the board.
So you think you are smart?
no I know I am.
Advice columns.
This is.........
This is.........
Uh oh. . . busted!
2.2 seconds?
What, was he thinking about it?
What, was he thinking about it?
I actually hate it when they force you to scroll through a eula as if you are going to bother to read it.
We all know what they all say. If our software on your machine creates a blackhole that sucks in and destroys all reality, we are not liable.
You can not use our software for any purpose other than that intended and if it doesn't work you are completely out of luck.
It's just ridiculous of course you are going to accept it, it's the only way to install the dang thing in the first place.
I'm going to relax now, EULA's make me angry.
We all know what they all say. If our software on your machine creates a blackhole that sucks in and destroys all reality, we are not liable.
You can not use our software for any purpose other than that intended and if it doesn't work you are completely out of luck.
It's just ridiculous of course you are going to accept it, it's the only way to install the dang thing in the first place.
I'm going to relax now, EULA's make me angry.
I actually hate it when they force you to scroll through a eula as if you are going to bother to read it.
We all know what they all say. If our software on your machine creates a blackhole that sucks in and destroys all reality, we are not liable.
You can not use our software for any purpose other than that intended and if it doesn't work you are completely out of luck.
It's just ridiculous of course you are going to accept it, it's the only way to install the dang thing in the first place.
I'm going to relax now, EULA's make me angry.
We all know what they all say. If our software on your machine creates a blackhole that sucks in and destroys all reality, we are not liable.
You can not use our software for any purpose other than that intended and if it doesn't work you are completely out of luck.
It's just ridiculous of course you are going to accept it, it's the only way to install the dang thing in the first place.
I'm going to relax now, EULA's make me angry.
The EULA is just the chit-chat you make with software so you can take it home!
Oh God, did I just say that out loud?
Oh God, did I just say that out loud?
this is one of my favorites... and yes it's real.
They've since removed it.
If I want to use itunes to make chemical weapons or missiles that's my business dammit.
Plus I would definitely get points for creativity in the process.
They've since removed it.
If I want to use itunes to make chemical weapons or missiles that's my business dammit.
Plus I would definitely get points for creativity in the process.
United Nations EULA for N.Korea and Iran
You promise only to use uranium to make glow in the dark watches for personal use only.
I will take this opportunity to quote family guy as it seems appropriate here.
�� Quote: Originally Posted by Lois Griffin
But...what about the terrorists? That's right. Terrorists. We've received intelligence plotting with...with the Legion of assasinate Jesus. And we've also have reports that...Darth Vader...tried to buy yellowcake uranium...from unwed teenage mothers!!"
I couldn't come up with a proper response to that so here is image #193
Don't mess with fluffy man, you don't know what you're getting into...
That rabbit in the holy grail... has nothing on fluffy, and we're all out of holy hand grenades.
Speaking of the unexpected though here's something I just found in the family storage. You'll have to excuse the image quality my good phone died and this is the only back up one I have that will use the sim.
I understand that if it still works it's worth a pretty penny.
That rabbit in the holy grail... has nothing on fluffy, and we're all out of holy hand grenades.
Speaking of the unexpected though here's something I just found in the family storage. You'll have to excuse the image quality my good phone died and this is the only back up one I have that will use the sim.
I understand that if it still works it's worth a pretty penny.
Its a collectors item. Marketing not required.
That space creature seems quite familiar.
Speaking of dogs.
Don't do it.....
That should be posted on the Conspiracy thread.
I would add it over there.
Give them something new to be confused about.
That should be posted on the Conspiracy thread.
I would add it over there.
Give them something new to be confused about.
In the name of techs everywhere I give you the pain and horror that it is to be you.
Edit>: almost broke my own rule and posted without an image.
Well here's one that hits on recent events.
Well here's one that hits on recent events.
you know the hand dryers in public toilets ??? :::
Not exactly geeky.
This was reportedly posted in public restrooms in Japan.
Quadruple palm worthy.
This was reportedly posted in public restrooms in Japan.
Quadruple palm worthy.
500 posts
World War II explained by the internet.
I knew my History teacher was telling porkies.
THIS is how they should be teaching.
THIS is how they should be teaching.
South Korean beach....I think an anthill would be less crowded....
Sea of people!
Stereoscopic Photography which i've currently got hooked into, to do these, simply look at the center of the two images and cross your eyes (only works with people with 2 eyes, sorry) and the two images will merge into one 3D image, the further away you are from the screen, the less stress on your eyes there is so sit back a bit.
who needs 3D specs!
this is what my purple monkey avatar looks like in 3D:
who needs 3D specs!
this is what my purple monkey avatar looks like in 3D:
MagicEye had this concept when I was still an anklebiter at school. They just did their images in a different way.
here's my neighbours (messy) garden:
Never going there again.
I told you not to post picture of my garage set up!
Now everyone will want to know where I acquired it
Nice underground bunker. Lots of toys!
Needs a bigger monitor.
Needs a bigger monitor.
yeah i know - someone is still using XP!
...he should be shot...
...he should be shot...
Thats an old pic from last year before I "built" this new rig with W7!
Appropriate text art:
I think you need to rotate the ART 90* left.
The elephants trunk goes on one end or the other not above its ears.
Of course the elephant could be standing on its hind legs I suppose.
The elephants trunk goes on one end or the other not above its ears.
Of course the elephant could be standing on its hind legs I suppose.
pretty good no?
I see your point Mike...
Seems to be a lot of head slapping going on in here....
so I thought I would join you!
so I thought I would join you!
Pimp my ride recipient?
Hard to say. The fact that he owns two .50 cal rifles makes it questionable-- either it's on a country were laws are that free or he's just good at smuggling, or the photo is shopped, or those are actually toys.
These are what we had a while back. They're all legal and registered (ballistics profile and everything), of course.
These are what we had a while back. They're all legal and registered (ballistics profile and everything), of course.
Hard to say. The fact that he owns two .50 cal rifles makes it questionable-- either it's on a country were laws are that free or he's just good at smuggling, or the photo is shopped, or those are actually toys.
These are what we had a while back. They're all legal and registered (ballistics profile and everything), of course.
These are what we had a while back. They're all legal and registered (ballistics profile and everything), of course.
They are legal here as semi-auto.
Full auto even can be had legally with special paper work in many States.
The shotgun is no problem to get over here. I have a similar one.
Sorry I can't email it to you.
Full auto even can be had legally with special paper work in many States.
The shotgun is no problem to get over here. I have a similar one.
Sorry I can't email it to you.
Not that I'm supporting piracy in any way, but this was just funny...
Text for the picture above
JULY 10, 2011
A Letter from Rupert Murdoch
Where I Stand on the News Corporation Scandal
Dear Friends,
As details of the scandal surrounding my company, News Corporation, have emerged in recent days � including employees hacking into mobile phones and bribing the police � my defense has been consistent: I had no idea what was going on.
Now, I�m sure many of you are wondering, how could I, Rupert Murdoch, one of the most powerful men in the world, have no idea what is going on? The answer, my friends, is simple: I get all of my information from my own newspapers. If you relied on News of the World, The Sun, and The New York Post for your information, I can assure you that you wouldn�t have a clue what was going on, either.
Some of you aren�t buying this argument. You maintain that a media titan like me would get his information from sources beyond newspapers � like TV, for example. Well, that�s true. But in my case, the only TV I watch is the Fox News Channel. So not only do I not know what is going on around me, I know nothing about the theory of evolution, global warming, or President Obama�s birthplace.
If you still don�t believe that I know nothing, here�s a final piece of evidence: I paid $500 million to acquire MySpace. Case closed.
Now that we�ve established that I know nothing, let me address some of the allegations about News Corp. that have come up in recent days: first and foremost, that our reporters have regularly bribed the police to obtain information. I am shocked and appalled by this charge. News Corporation has a longstanding zero tolerance policy regarding information, both the getting of it and the publishing of it. Going forward, we will be subjecting our employees to a series of random information tests. Any employees found to be possessing even trace amounts of facts will be immediately terminated.
Finally, it has come to my attention that several of my company�s tabloids have featured pictures of women with their shirts off. I am as shocked by this news as you are and I intend to launch a full investigation.
In closing, I want to assure you that I intend to make amends for any and all of the wrongdoing perpetrated by employees of News Corp. in recent years. And to that end, I have a plan: I implore the British government to let me own 100% of the satellite broadcasting giant B-Sky-B. I have made some grievous mistakes with the media properties I already control, and the only way I can think of to make things right is by controlling even more.
Your friend,
JULY 10, 2011
A Letter from Rupert Murdoch
Where I Stand on the News Corporation Scandal
Dear Friends,
As details of the scandal surrounding my company, News Corporation, have emerged in recent days � including employees hacking into mobile phones and bribing the police � my defense has been consistent: I had no idea what was going on.
Now, I�m sure many of you are wondering, how could I, Rupert Murdoch, one of the most powerful men in the world, have no idea what is going on? The answer, my friends, is simple: I get all of my information from my own newspapers. If you relied on News of the World, The Sun, and The New York Post for your information, I can assure you that you wouldn�t have a clue what was going on, either.
Some of you aren�t buying this argument. You maintain that a media titan like me would get his information from sources beyond newspapers � like TV, for example. Well, that�s true. But in my case, the only TV I watch is the Fox News Channel. So not only do I not know what is going on around me, I know nothing about the theory of evolution, global warming, or President Obama�s birthplace.
If you still don�t believe that I know nothing, here�s a final piece of evidence: I paid $500 million to acquire MySpace. Case closed.
Now that we�ve established that I know nothing, let me address some of the allegations about News Corp. that have come up in recent days: first and foremost, that our reporters have regularly bribed the police to obtain information. I am shocked and appalled by this charge. News Corporation has a longstanding zero tolerance policy regarding information, both the getting of it and the publishing of it. Going forward, we will be subjecting our employees to a series of random information tests. Any employees found to be possessing even trace amounts of facts will be immediately terminated.
Finally, it has come to my attention that several of my company�s tabloids have featured pictures of women with their shirts off. I am as shocked by this news as you are and I intend to launch a full investigation.
In closing, I want to assure you that I intend to make amends for any and all of the wrongdoing perpetrated by employees of News Corp. in recent years. And to that end, I have a plan: I implore the British government to let me own 100% of the satellite broadcasting giant B-Sky-B. I have made some grievous mistakes with the media properties I already control, and the only way I can think of to make things right is by controlling even more.
Your friend,
hahaha Just been reading through this. It is so funny .............. Keep it up
JULY 10, 2011
A Letter from Rupert Murdoch
Where I Stand on the News Corporation Scandal
Dear Friends,
As details of the scandal surrounding my company, News Corporation, have emerged in recent days � including employees hacking into mobile phones and bribing the police � my defense has been consistent: I had no idea what was going on.
Now, I�m sure many of you are wondering, how could I, Rupert Murdoch, one of the most powerful men in the world, have no idea what is going on? The answer, my friends, is simple: I get all of my information from my own newspapers. If you relied on News of the World, The Sun, and The New York Post for your information, I can assure you that you wouldn�t have a clue what was going on, either.
Some of you aren�t buying this argument. You maintain that a media titan like me would get his information from sources beyond newspapers � like TV, for example. Well, that�s true. But in my case, the only TV I watch is the Fox News Channel. So not only do I not know what is going on around me, I know nothing about the theory of evolution, global warming, or President Obama�s birthplace.
If you still don�t believe that I know nothing, here�s a final piece of evidence: I paid $500 million to acquire MySpace. Case closed.
Now that we�ve established that I know nothing, let me address some of the allegations about News Corp. that have come up in recent days: first and foremost, that our reporters have regularly bribed the police to obtain information. I am shocked and appalled by this charge. News Corporation has a longstanding zero tolerance policy regarding information, both the getting of it and the publishing of it. Going forward, we will be subjecting our employees to a series of random information tests. Any employees found to be possessing even trace amounts of facts will be immediately terminated.
Finally, it has come to my attention that several of my company�s tabloids have featured pictures of women with their shirts off. I am as shocked by this news as you are and I intend to launch a full investigation.
In closing, I want to assure you that I intend to make amends for any and all of the wrongdoing perpetrated by employees of News Corp. in recent years. And to that end, I have a plan: I implore the British government to let me own 100% of the satellite broadcasting giant B-Sky-B. I have made some grievous mistakes with the media properties I already control, and the only way I can think of to make things right is by controlling even more.
Your friend,
Perhaps his lack of knowledge can be attributed to some kind of diminished capacity or depression, so we should let him off the hook, utilizing the Twinkie Defense. If it worked for the accused murderer of San Francisco's Harvey Milk and Mayor George Moscone --- why shouldn't it work for Rupert Murdock?
Twinkie defense??????
Saddam defense. "I love everyone."
Qaddafi defense. "I love everyone".
Wall Street defense. "We love everyone".
Never mind.
Twinkie defense sounds good after all.
Saddam defense. "I love everyone."
Qaddafi defense. "I love everyone".
Wall Street defense. "We love everyone".
Never mind.
Twinkie defense sounds good after all.
How about Bernie Madman Madoff?
Siri fail
A Guy
A Guy
Steves reincarnation could have gone like this.
Who designed this bathroom?
Borg 386,
Same person that designed this bathroom suite.....
Those that live together ..........Go together!
Same person that designed this bathroom suite.....
Those that live together ..........Go together!
My armoury is slowly growing...
So far got a 1911, HiCapa, M4A1 SOPMOD (just because ), G36C, CXP.08
All airsoft though.
Good games. Good times.
Things are not what they seem.
With the ads for the new twilight movie on tv I thought this one both appropriate and spew coffee out of my mouth funny...
I found a better title "You can run but you can't hide"
Not so funny...
A Guy
A Guy
This also is wrong.
The censorship has gotten insane.
The censorship has gotten insane.
They redacted Mickey Mouse or was that Goofy?
Exactly! That's one of the reasons the Occupy Wall Street movement is gaining tremendous momentum all across the country.
It was ron paul actually.
A Guy
Take your pick.....
I seriously don't get this at all. @_@ I know jokes are funny unexplained, but can someone enlighten me please? XD
I am sure that people have got divorced who were fighting over whether the toilet paper goes "over" or "under".
People need jobs, security. Politicians argue whether the solution goes "over" or "under", while nothing gets done.
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