ok first I am using win7 build 6956 on a laptop with t3200 2.ghz cpu and intel 4500 gma with 4gigs of ram.
Now my problem is that on random cases the desktop would go black more specifically the wallpaper disappears. The taskbar is there working OK, when I click the show desktop button on the taskbar the wallpaper re-appears. When I browse the windows by hovering over the windows all seems fine but when I click on the window the wallpaper disappear again. So far it can be resolved by a simple login/logout but still annoying.
I know its hard to imagine but I failed to take a screenshot before, I am trying to replicate the problem and will post some screens afterwards.
The only instances I remember this happening was when I was trying out the slideshow and after playing dota (GARENA).
I am totally lost as to what the cause is, any info on the matter is greatly appreciated.
6956 is almost perfect substitute fr my vista rig, well almost because of the desktop problem I am having...
so guys please help...
Now my problem is that on random cases the desktop would go black more specifically the wallpaper disappears. The taskbar is there working OK, when I click the show desktop button on the taskbar the wallpaper re-appears. When I browse the windows by hovering over the windows all seems fine but when I click on the window the wallpaper disappear again. So far it can be resolved by a simple login/logout but still annoying.
I know its hard to imagine but I failed to take a screenshot before, I am trying to replicate the problem and will post some screens afterwards.
The only instances I remember this happening was when I was trying out the slideshow and after playing dota (GARENA).
I am totally lost as to what the cause is, any info on the matter is greatly appreciated.
6956 is almost perfect substitute fr my vista rig, well almost because of the desktop problem I am having...
so guys please help...

the only time i had this happen was when i had desktop picture changing enabled, i'd selected the pictures from a library and some of the files in the selected library were on offline storage and not available at the time the picture changed.
May also be the result of activation hacks if you have applied any.
No activation software or similar was installed, although I have a copy of a time Timernuke I have not used it yet since I still have more than 20 days till I need to activate.
just an update on the problem, I dunno if its gone but I have not encountered it again since yesterday and I have been using the notebook for all sorts of things for more than 5 hours straight today.
ok, so now its back again...
This time only playing dota offline...

Ok so at least i know that warcraft in W7 is causing the problem. Any ideas on how to prevent this problem from happening?
This time only playing dota offline...
Ok so at least i know that warcraft in W7 is causing the problem. Any ideas on how to prevent this problem from happening?
I cant recall really...
I'll give it a try then see what happens, I really hope this is it. thanks!

Yes; be sure to keep us informed!

Honestly, it looks like what happens during remote desktop - are you running an AV program? If not, grab Avast! and Malwarebytes.org and scan your system....
Happens to me to on occasion

Then it means something ain't working right somewhere....
Perhaps all your memory gets used forcing the WDDM to drop off the background to conserve memory?
Perhaps all your memory gets used forcing the WDDM to drop off the background to conserve memory?
ok tried re-installing and got the same result.
with regards to memory I have 4gb although only 3 is being used(32bit). At boot W7 only uses only 27%... Yeah but the background is not gone actually since if you click the show desktop then the background will show but if a window is opened then it disappears may it be maximized or in window mode.
I am using avast by the way... I will try malwarebytes. Thanks/
with regards to memory I have 4gb although only 3 is being used(32bit). At boot W7 only uses only 27%... Yeah but the background is not gone actually since if you click the show desktop then the background will show but if a window is opened then it disappears may it be maximized or in window mode.
I am using avast by the way... I will try malwarebytes. Thanks/
I ma using Avast! as well, and also have run MBAM (it reports a FP, It may be becuase of DisplayFusion and a registry key I created, so you may not get the same FP) and my wallpaper never disappears.
In fact, with dual monitors, neither disappears - so something on your end has to be cause the wallpaper to disappear when you open a window - which does not make any sort of sense....
In fact, with dual monitors, neither disappears - so something on your end has to be cause the wallpaper to disappear when you open a window - which does not make any sort of sense....
Okay, so, I've had the same problem too, with the desktop disappearing, and I discovered two things...
1. I made the icons on the taskbar reappear by expanding the taskbar upwards with my mouse.
2. I fixed the black desktop problem by enabling CrossfireX on my two ATI graphics cards.
I don't know if this helps any, but maybe if you mess around with your screen resolution, or graphics card it will do something.
I just remembered something. First time I had the problem was when I unplugged the monitor cable from the graphics card. When I plugged it back in, my desktop was gone.
Hope this helps some.
1. I made the icons on the taskbar reappear by expanding the taskbar upwards with my mouse.
2. I fixed the black desktop problem by enabling CrossfireX on my two ATI graphics cards.
I don't know if this helps any, but maybe if you mess around with your screen resolution, or graphics card it will do something.
I just remembered something. First time I had the problem was when I unplugged the monitor cable from the graphics card. When I plugged it back in, my desktop was gone.
Hope this helps some.
Got the same problem once i exited Rise Of Nations. May it has to do with screen resolution changing?
There are other people (myself included) encountering this:
I have the same problem occasionally. It only seems to happen when exiting out of a Valve game (CS, L4D) for me, so maybe it is Steam related? However I simply right-click and hit next desktop background picture and it works fine with no need to log out, so maybe this is unrelated to your problem?
this happened to me after playing warcraft3... it got fixed when i used the vista nvidia 181.20 whql driver instead of the WDDM 1.1.
this can also be foreshadowed when playing warcraft3.. if you dont notice it.. before you get the black screen your warcraft3 seems to move in a little bit slower than it should be but not laggy... then when you exit warcraft3 you get the black wallpaper.
you also sometimes get artifacts on the wallpaper while running the slideshow when exiting COD:WAW.. havent experienced it on other games though.. was persistent on WAW until i changed drivers.
this can also be foreshadowed when playing warcraft3.. if you dont notice it.. before you get the black screen your warcraft3 seems to move in a little bit slower than it should be but not laggy... then when you exit warcraft3 you get the black wallpaper.
you also sometimes get artifacts on the wallpaper while running the slideshow when exiting COD:WAW.. havent experienced it on other games though.. was persistent on WAW until i changed drivers.
Mine just turned black too. I enabled the background shuffle and was enjoying watching my pictures. Then I went in and deselected a couple of them, and then I decided I wanted to remove the "shuffle" option so they would scroll in order. About 10 pictures later the desktop turned to black. When I went back in the wallpaper options it had 1 picture selected and the slide show was disabled. I opened a picture and clicked "set as wallpaper" but nothing happened. I went back in the background options, closed it, and the wallpaper i selected appeared all of a sudden. Next thing I know it scrolls past the wallpaper I selected and went through a couple more pictures and now it's back to plain black again...
The only thing I have running is windows media player.. no activation hacks here either.
I got the background to come back... it seems that (For me at least) the background will only turn to black if "Shuffle" is NOT enabled. As soon as I turned shuffle back on, the backgrounds came back and are scrolling through just fine.
The only thing I have running is windows media player.. no activation hacks here either.
I got the background to come back... it seems that (For me at least) the background will only turn to black if "Shuffle" is NOT enabled. As soon as I turned shuffle back on, the backgrounds came back and are scrolling through just fine.
its a bug of the beta version... hopefully it'll be fixed soon... but i got a fix so far by using the vista drivers... try vista drivers.. so far its been good..
Using the vista drivers for what? The graphics card?
No matter what settings I put, the background will eventually go to black if slide-show is enabled.
No matter what settings I put, the background will eventually go to black if slide-show is enabled.
yeah i used the vista64 drivers for nvidia cards on win7... fixed my blackscreen and artifact problems..
Didn't work for me, just changed over to Vista 64 drivers that were released TODAY by Nvidia. After putting the background on slide-show it didn't even take 5 minutes and it's back a black background.
I was messing around trying to solve the Black desktop problem and discovered that if I simply switch resolutions, it fixes the problem [until I reboot that is.] So far, the only solution I know of is to change resolutions each time one logs on.
Also, can anyone confirm if this is happening to those folks using WDDM 1.1 drivers as opposed to XPDM or WDDM 1.0? Especially with high resolutions these background images take a lot of vram that has to be mapped into the DWM address space. WDDM 1.1 is supposed to handle that kind of thing better.
There are a couple of reports of the Black screen issue on the Windows Ecosystem Feedback reports. I was just going thru them a few minutes ago and saw about 3 or 4 reports of this same thing so it is probably just a beta glitch.
Yeah, I have been experiencing the same thing as well. It is usually just when going from a full screen application like a game or something that requires a lot of ram. As stated by others above the best way is to change your screen resolution to force the video driver to reload. I'm sure there is just some information being lost when switching applications back to explorer or something like that.
I've found that by right-clicking on the problem game's .exe going to properties...compatibility mode, and then selecting "Disable desktop composition" I can pretty much never run into the problem again. So far I have not had to enable backwards-compatibility of any kind (e.g. run in vista mode or earlier, just the desktop composition).
not sure what causes that but have seen the same symptom once or twice, you can reload the desktop wallpaper, or it seems to appear without any corrective action on the next boot. legit minor bug i think.
This only seems to happen if you are using images that have symbols and non letters in the name, according to another member with the same problem. I have had this happen but only when quitting a game, because I have slideshow on I just right click the desktop and click on next desktop background picture.
This only seems to happen if you are using images that have symbols and non letters in the name, according to another member with the same problem. I have had this happen but only when quitting a game, because I have slideshow on I just right click the desktop and click on next desktop background picture.
Next desktop background picture doesn't always work for me. If it stopped, and I click that, nothing happens. Then I go back to the same menu, and "Next Desktop Background Picture" is gone from the menu, and my desktop is set to a solid black color.
Background changer issue
This is not only a windows 7 issue, the exact same thing happens to me on Vista, and now that you mentioned it, I had just played World of Warcraft before it happened.
Never happened here with Vista.
Happens to me all the time in Windows 7 and I'm not running any games or full-screen software. Minor annoyance really but no cause or fix in sight. Perhaps ATI will finally release a proper Windows 7 driver that does the trick. I haven't tried the Catalyst drivers available for Windows Vista, because I'm leery of using anything but native Windows 7 drivers right now.
I think perhaps there is an issue with the RealVNC software I'm running. One thing that always kills the desktop is connecting to another computer via RealVNC. The mirror driver is likely the culprit.
Happens to me all the time in Windows 7 and I'm not running any games or full-screen software. Minor annoyance really but no cause or fix in sight. Perhaps ATI will finally release a proper Windows 7 driver that does the trick. I haven't tried the Catalyst drivers available for Windows Vista, because I'm leery of using anything but native Windows 7 drivers right now.
I think perhaps there is an issue with the RealVNC software I'm running. One thing that always kills the desktop is connecting to another computer via RealVNC. The mirror driver is likely the culprit.
Never happened here with Vista.
Happens to me all the time in Windows 7 and I'm not running any games or full-screen software. Minor annoyance really but no cause or fix in sight. Perhaps ATI will finally release a proper Windows 7 driver that does the trick. I haven't tried the Catalyst drivers available for Windows Vista, because I'm leery of using anything but native Windows 7 drivers right now.
I think perhaps there is an issue with the RealVNC software I'm running. One thing that always kills the desktop is connecting to another computer via RealVNC. The mirror driver is likely the culprit.
Happens to me all the time in Windows 7 and I'm not running any games or full-screen software. Minor annoyance really but no cause or fix in sight. Perhaps ATI will finally release a proper Windows 7 driver that does the trick. I haven't tried the Catalyst drivers available for Windows Vista, because I'm leery of using anything but native Windows 7 drivers right now.
I think perhaps there is an issue with the RealVNC software I'm running. One thing that always kills the desktop is connecting to another computer via RealVNC. The mirror driver is likely the culprit.
I think this is the same problem I have had.
Blank deskop upon startup and an empty tool bar. My guess is that Desktop Window Manager is not getting along with the graphics driver and something is failing to startup.
A quick fix for me is to open the Taskmanager. Locate dwm.exe .... and end process JUST ONCE.
If you stop it once it seems to reload itself and everyone seems happy, problem kinda fixed.
IF YOU END PROCESS 2x it seems to screw up windows 7 somethin awful. I'm still in counseling.. ? jk
Hopes this helps cuz I was sick of restarting windows 3x to fix the glitch
Blank deskop upon startup and an empty tool bar. My guess is that Desktop Window Manager is not getting along with the graphics driver and something is failing to startup.
A quick fix for me is to open the Taskmanager. Locate dwm.exe .... and end process JUST ONCE.
If you stop it once it seems to reload itself and everyone seems happy, problem kinda fixed.
IF YOU END PROCESS 2x it seems to screw up windows 7 somethin awful. I'm still in counseling.. ? jk
Hopes this helps cuz I was sick of restarting windows 3x to fix the glitch
I had the same problem, desktop turning black, especially after closing games.
By co�ncidence I found a solution: Refreshing the windows experience index!
go to: Control panel - System and security - System - Check the windows experience index - and then click refresh or re-run the assesment, depending on how often you've updated this page.
It might not be the fastest solution, but it beats rebooting every time, plus you can just minimalize and keep all your active programs.
Hope it works for you too.
By co�ncidence I found a solution: Refreshing the windows experience index!
go to: Control panel - System and security - System - Check the windows experience index - and then click refresh or re-run the assesment, depending on how often you've updated this page.
It might not be the fastest solution, but it beats rebooting every time, plus you can just minimalize and keep all your active programs.
Hope it works for you too.
I heard that if you don't activate your copy of windows you will get a black wallpaper
Yes if your copy of windows is not genuine it will switch to a solid black background on startup and every hour (iirc). That is completely seperate, that is how it is supposed to work and it is not a problem. That should not be confused with the other solid black background problems/bugs in this thread.
I had the same problem, I found a temporary fix which is better than resetting the computer. Although its a pain in the... first get the trusty taskmgr and end the explorer.exe then file-run-explorer.exe just thought I'd share and this is my first post, hope I helped a little
Sorry for popping up the topic. I've encountered the same problem after switching to classic interface and back. I tried all the described methods. None worked. Using Process Monitor I found out that when trying to change wallpaper explorer.exe tries to rewrite file TranscodedWallpaper.jpg located in %profile_path%\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Themes\ and it results with ACCESS_DENIED event. I checked permissions but everything was OK. The only difference with other profile was that folder %profile_path%\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Themes\ itself and files in were hidden. Changing file attributes solved the problem. Maybe it can help someone.
For the record,
I updated to the latest Nvidia drivers and that brought on the non-stop black screen, regardless or reboots or other changes.
Majestic had it right. Once you update your user experience (faster to right click My Computer and choose Properties BTW) the problem is solved.
I updated to the latest Nvidia drivers and that brought on the non-stop black screen, regardless or reboots or other changes.
Majestic had it right. Once you update your user experience (faster to right click My Computer and choose Properties BTW) the problem is solved.
I have what appears to be the same problem on a brand-new install of W7 Pro - and it only happens to one particular username in an active directory domain. There are no games installed, and if I log on using a different user name, everything is normal. This is a weird one.
Also, FYI, we have discovered that programs and apps with either "setup" or "update" as part of the file name always require Administrative permissions to run, regardless of what they actually do.
Also, FYI, we have discovered that programs and apps with either "setup" or "update" as part of the file name always require Administrative permissions to run, regardless of what they actually do.
i have this prblem. whenever i launch one of my games such as gta4 or gmod.
its fine but when i return back to my desketop after exiting the game it is plain black.
i go back and check my properties and the background is on windows defult solid colors.
sorry for the punctuation not bieng put in it is 10 oclock at night and my fingers are getting lazy
its fine but when i return back to my desketop after exiting the game it is plain black.
i go back and check my properties and the background is on windows defult solid colors.

just happend to me i deleted VTUploader from my system then i did a restart and upon start up my desktop wallpaper changed to a black solid background why is dis happern???
I had the same problem and what had happened a box was checked in the ease of access saying "Remove background images (where availible)" it is a quick fix
Start Menu -> All Programs -> Accessories -> Ease of Access -> Ease of Access Center
Once the dialoge box opens click "Make the computer easier to see" Scroll down and uncheck the box by "Remove background images (where availible)" Hit "Apply" then "Ok" and then on your keyboard hit "Alt + F4" you may have to log out and log back in before it takes affect
Start Menu -> All Programs -> Accessories -> Ease of Access -> Ease of Access Center
Once the dialoge box opens click "Make the computer easier to see" Scroll down and uncheck the box by "Remove background images (where availible)" Hit "Apply" then "Ok" and then on your keyboard hit "Alt + F4" you may have to log out and log back in before it takes affect
Start Menu -> All Programs -> Accessories -> Ease of Access -> Ease of Access Center
Once the dialoge box opens click "Make the computer easier to see" Scroll down and uncheck the box by "Remove background images (where availible)" Hit "Apply" then "Ok" and then on your keyboard hit "Alt + F4" you may have to log out and log back in before it takes affect
My wallpaper is there until toolbar and desktop icons load and then its GONE!
It all started tonight, when I was on the internet & saw an image that I wanted on wallpaper, so I right-clicked on it and selected 'set as wallpaper'...then instead of my you-beaut image up on the screen, IT WAS TOTALLY WHITE!!!
The only thing I can put it down to is my recent installation of Firefox? Other than that, nothing has changed.
It all started tonight, when I was on the internet & saw an image that I wanted on wallpaper, so I right-clicked on it and selected 'set as wallpaper'...then instead of my you-beaut image up on the screen, IT WAS TOTALLY WHITE!!!
The only thing I can put it down to is my recent installation of Firefox? Other than that, nothing has changed.
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