I attach a screenshot that is in fact the question. It shows that the speed of file copy operation between two different hard drives is about 20 MB/s. Same operation between different partitions on the same physical drive goes at twice the speed. This is way slower that the theoretical SATA speed of 3 Gb/s. Any suggestions of how to speed this up?
lots of small files transfer slower than large files.
Are both drives internal SATA?
Are both drives internal SATA?
try use teracopy...free edition
Copy your files faster with TeraCopy
Copy your files faster with TeraCopy
The 3GB/s Sata speed is irrelevant in this issue. It is all about your particular drives Read/Write speeds. Teracopy may speed it up some, but your drives are limited. If it is the same drive just different partitions, several things can cause it to copy slower from one partition to the other like fragmentation, partition size, file size. If you want top speeds when copying and moving files SSD's have the fastest Read/Write, Random Access times and depending on which SSD you get, some are faster than others. There are many factors when it comes to hard drive speed. Hard drives have always been the bottleneck to fast system until SSD's came out. Now the hard drive doesn't hold back the system as much and the technology in this field is expanding rapidly.
Here's what I find on Samsung's web site regarding my drive :
Performance Specifications
Performance Specifications Average Seek time(typical) 8.9 ms
Data Transfer Rate / Media to/from Buffer(Max.) 175 MB/sec
Data Transfer Rate / Buffer to/from Host(Max.) 300 MB/sec
Average Latency 4.17 ms
Drive Ready Time(typical) 12 sec
How would that limit the possible file copy/move speeds and to what?
I heard using the DOS command robocopy is good
I don't know how to use it cause I would love to.
I don't know how to use it cause I would love to.
Robocopy or xcopy would be faster than using the shell, but not by much. If you're seeing drive-to-drive copy speeds of only 20MB a second, either you've got really poorly partitioned drives or one of them is just slow (or has a problem). Also make note that many vendors will quote transfer speeds from the disk *to or from cache*, which is not going to make much difference if there are lots of small files being copied (it might make a difference for one large sequential read or write, but smaller reads and writes aren't going to benefit much from larger disk caches).
It would be interesting for you to run a benchmarking utility against the drives, like HDTach or SiSoft Sandra, and see if one vastly outperforms the other, or if one falls down reading or writing a specific file pattern (size, location on disk, etc).
It would be interesting for you to run a benchmarking utility against the drives, like HDTach or SiSoft Sandra, and see if one vastly outperforms the other, or if one falls down reading or writing a specific file pattern (size, location on disk, etc).
OK, I was on vacation, but now I have downloaded Sandra Lite and HD Tune and got some benchmarking results.
I have two drives, the original system drive Samsung HD501LJ and the second drive added later Samsung HD103UJ.
Here are the Sandra results:
Read speeds: 95.42 MB/s (103UJ) vs 65 MB/s (501LJ)
Write speeds: no answer, error message - "remove all partitions and try again", not that I would actually do that.
The HD Tune results for transfer rate:
103UJ: Max. 119.8 MB/s, Min. 54.4 MB/s, Av. 93.7 MB/s
501LJ: Max. 80.7 MB/s, Min. 38.5 MB/s, Av. 64.3 MB/s
So I guess you were right, the two disks are rather different in their performance. However, still much better than 20MB/s, right?
I have two drives, the original system drive Samsung HD501LJ and the second drive added later Samsung HD103UJ.
Here are the Sandra results:
Read speeds: 95.42 MB/s (103UJ) vs 65 MB/s (501LJ)
Write speeds: no answer, error message - "remove all partitions and try again", not that I would actually do that.
The HD Tune results for transfer rate:
103UJ: Max. 119.8 MB/s, Min. 54.4 MB/s, Av. 93.7 MB/s
501LJ: Max. 80.7 MB/s, Min. 38.5 MB/s, Av. 64.3 MB/s
So I guess you were right, the two disks are rather different in their performance. However, still much better than 20MB/s, right?
Now, I have just moved a large (4.3 GB) file between two partitions on the same disk (Samsung HD 103UJ). The speed was around 31 MB/s, then towards the end became 35 MB/s.
You mentioned bad partitioning of disks. What did you mean exactly?
You mentioned bad partitioning of disks. What did you mean exactly?
Drives that contain partitions not aligned to storage track boundaries (on most disks, this is diskpart using align=64), and/or are formatted using incorrect (or poorly-chosen) cluster sizes based on the type of data to be stored (8-16K clusters for volumes storing lots of small files, 64K clusters for volumes storing large files or meant for large sequential file copy operations). Windows 7 by default formats NTFS with 4K clusters, and aligned at 1024K, which is fine for OS disks (relatively speaking), but is likely not going to be fine for storage volumes (or heavily-used disks).
Robocopy is excellent, very solid, very fast, used by many network administrators.
Robocopy has more power and features than the earlier versions thereof.
Robocopy is excellent, very solid, very fast, used by many network administrators.
Robocopy has more power and features than the earlier versions thereof.
I think that when I bought the second disk I simply used the Windows 7 tools to partition and format. I looked now briefly at how to re-partition, but the Shrink tool does not seem to have options that advanced. Any suggestions on a (hopefully free) good disk management app? And while we are at that, I think I can take all the data away from a drive, re-format and put the data back in, but can I do the same with the OS without re-installing?
Right now i copy about 6 GB from the HDD - WD 6400 AAKS, to USB stick.
The copy speed is 4.42 MS/second
Isn't that to slow ??!! Can i improve the speed ?
The files are small, about 30 MB, each.
When i copy some bigger files from onn HDD to another ( i have 2 HDD WD 6400 AAKS ) is much faster.
The copy speed is 4.42 MS/second
Isn't that to slow ??!! Can i improve the speed ?
The files are small, about 30 MB, each.
When i copy some bigger files from onn HDD to another ( i have 2 HDD WD 6400 AAKS ) is much faster.
First, it's good to keep in mind that USB is a "bursty" bus, it's not meant for sustained file transfer - if you want external transfer speeds that are consistently high, you use Firewire. Of course, I don't know of many fireware memory keys
With that said, USB keys have their own speed limits based on the type of memory inside, and how it's ordered. Back to your numbers, 4.42MB/sec is ~35.5Mb/sec, so you need to know what the maximum transfer speed of that USB stick is. I'm betting it's probably between 35 - 40Mb/sec, as most non-HDD USB devices I've seen are not rated much faster than that.
With that said, USB keys have their own speed limits based on the type of memory inside, and how it's ordered. Back to your numbers, 4.42MB/sec is ~35.5Mb/sec, so you need to know what the maximum transfer speed of that USB stick is. I'm betting it's probably between 35 - 40Mb/sec, as most non-HDD USB devices I've seen are not rated much faster than that.
Right now i copy about 6 GB from the HDD - WD 6400 AAKS, to USB stick.
The copy speed is 4.42 MS/second
Isn't that to slow ??!! Can i improve the speed ?
The files are small, about 30 MB, each.
When i copy some bigger files from onn HDD to another ( i have 2 HDD WD 6400 AAKS ) is much faster.
The copy speed is 4.42 MS/second
Isn't that to slow ??!! Can i improve the speed ?
The files are small, about 30 MB, each.
When i copy some bigger files from onn HDD to another ( i have 2 HDD WD 6400 AAKS ) is much faster.
4.42Mb/s is likely due to the USB stick, lots of them only reach that sort of speed. You have to pay a bit more for decent speeds of 20Mb/s+.
Your HD speeds being a bit low is probably mainly due to copying lots of small files, this really hits HD performance just about always. I would run ATTO disk benchmark (|MG| ATTO Disk Benchmark 2.46 Download) as it does read&write benchmarks at small to large file sizes.
I think that when I bought the second disk I simply used the Windows 7 tools to partition and format. I looked now briefly at how to re-partition, but the Shrink tool does not seem to have options that advanced. Any suggestions on a (hopefully free) good disk management app? And while we are at that, I think I can take all the data away from a drive, re-format and put the data back in, but can I do the same with the OS without re-installing?
You will not need to re-format your drive.
Free Download Magic Partition Manager Software – Partition Wizard Online
I'd like to add, that these problem seem to be confined to internal disks, strangely enough. I have an external hard drive connected via eSATA, and transfer rates to and from this device are way higher that between internal disks. This does not make sense at all. We are talking about same internal disks - with or without their formatting problems, but why would a transfer rate from the external drive be higher then between different partitions on the same internal drive?
can't wait to read
I'd like to add, that these problem seem to be confined to internal disks, strangely enough. I have an external hard drive connected via eSATA, and transfer rates to and from this device are way higher that between internal disks. This does not make sense at all. We are talking about same internal disks - with or without their formatting problems, but why would a transfer rate from the external drive be higher then between different partitions on the same internal drive?
My computer used to also suffer from low 2 digit transfer rates the highest of which was 38.3 MBps over 400 Firewire. That was until I hooked up a LaCie 2TB eSATA Raid 0 drive and now file transfers go more than 10X as fast...

I hate to burst your bubble maxxwire, but there is no way that your internal Hitachi disk drive can read fast enough to supply data to that Lacie drive at 430MB/s. If you were actually copying that fast, your 3GB file copy would have been done in about 6 seconds.
@The original poster....20MB/s seems pretty slow between 2 physical drives. But with some drive fragmentation and such...and a drive that only gets around 60MB/s anyway...if you have lots of little files.....20MB/s might be right
For those interested in robocopy, the syntax is easy
robocopy C:\sourceFolder X:\destinationFolder /mir /dst
The /mir means to mirror everything...even deletions. So, when you delete from C:\sourceFolder, it would also remove the file from X:\destinationFolder.
@The original poster....20MB/s seems pretty slow between 2 physical drives. But with some drive fragmentation and such...and a drive that only gets around 60MB/s anyway...if you have lots of little files.....20MB/s might be right
For those interested in robocopy, the syntax is easy
robocopy C:\sourceFolder X:\destinationFolder /mir /dst
The /mir means to mirror everything...even deletions. So, when you delete from C:\sourceFolder, it would also remove the file from X:\destinationFolder.
During these high speed transfers Win 7 employs over 1 GB of 1333 Mhz DDR3 RAM which as we all know is much faster than any HDD. Here is a second music file transfer as well as a Win 7 video file transfer to further demonstrate how fast this 1+ GB of DDR 3 RAM works...
.........Before............During Transfer.............After..........
As you can see by the screenshots above that I took before, during and after a high speed file transfer there's only a total of 3% of the Core i7 930 CPU being used with only one of the 8 logical cores making even a modest 12% effort which leaves Win 7 speeding the file transfer along by cleverly implementing 1.04 GB of 1.333 GHz DDR 3 RAM. In other words Win 7 employs enough RAM to run several XP computers in order to be able to transfer files at these high speeds.
As far as the Mobo goes the specs on the Intel ICH10 Southbridge benchmark it at 650 MBps which is more than fast enough for these transfer speeds which Win 7 has recorded time and time again...
Let me ask...when you copied the 1.5GB of music...did the copy complete in less than 4 seconds?
As you can see by the screenshots above that I took before, during and after a high speed file transfer there's only a total of 3% of the Core i7 930 CPU being used with only one of the 8 logical cores making even a modest 12% effort which leaves Win 7 speeding the file transfer along by cleverly implementing 1.04 GB of 1.333 GHz DDR 3 RAM.
So, are these 1.5GB file copies finishing in 3-4 seconds? That's all I really want to know.
Let me ask...when you copied the 1.5GB of music...did the copy complete in less than 4 seconds?
Yes, RAM is much faster than the hard drive. However, unless you are actually storing these music files somehow in your RAM...they would have to be accessed via your hard drive first to get them into RAM. And you are limited by the physical speed of your hard drive making that 1st process happen.
A file copy procedure is not CPU intensive in any way at all....never has been.
So, are these 1.5GB file copies finishing in 3-4 seconds? That's all I really want to know.
Yes, RAM is much faster than the hard drive. However, unless you are actually storing these music files somehow in your RAM...they would have to be accessed via your hard drive first to get them into RAM. And you are limited by the physical speed of your hard drive making that 1st process happen.
A file copy procedure is not CPU intensive in any way at all....never has been.
So, are these 1.5GB file copies finishing in 3-4 seconds? That's all I really want to know.
Here Mark Russinovich describes the inner complexities of Windows file transfer...
"Copying a file seems like a relatively straightforward operation: open the source file, create the destination, and then read from the source and write to the destination. In reality, however, the performance of copying files is measured along the dimensions of accurate progress indication, CPU usage, memory usage, and throughput".
This puts your over simplified assumptions about how file copying works into proper prespective and reveals Mark Russinovich's knowledge that RAM does play a part in Windows OS file transfer which is quite accurately and adequately shown in the screenshot which clearly shows 1.04 GB of RAM (which is just slightly less than the total amount of RAM that the entire OS is using) being used on a temporary basis in order to accomplish the Win 7 file transfers just as it was designed to and here's the documented proof of the truth that just as Mark Russinovich pointed out file transfer involves both CPU usage and RAM usage...
I'm sure that you are aware that any value shown in the dialog box during a file transfer is representative of the speed at the moment it was taken. Most of these file transfer screenshots were taken about 1/2 way through simply because that is as fast as I could possibly move the mouse to operate the fscapture tool. As far as the total elapsed time of the Win 7 file transfers goes as you know the dialog box does not give this information and I apologize but the file transfers had completely finished long before I was able to store the screen captures in an effort to prove how amazingly fast the file transfers were going thus creating an unfortunate Catch 22 situation.
When I first saw these Win 7 file transfer benchmarks and wondered how they could be so fast I remembered an article I had read by Mark Russinovich, Technical Fellow in the Platform and Services Division at Microsoft, and previously of Winternals and Sysinternals.com. in which he explained that people who compared the file copy speed of XP to that of Vista using a stopwatch and supposing XP to be much faster than Vista because they stopped timing when the dialog box in disappeared were getting inaccurate results because XP was not faster, but rather when the dialog box dissapeared XP just committed the remaining files to RAM to finish the file transfer.
Thanks, you posted a picture. I'm assuming that you meant to attach a youtube video or something that I could watch
Don't worry about screenshots, just time the overall file copy operation. If you copy 3GB of data from your C drive to your LACIE drive and the file copy is done in under 7 seconds...then I will concede that you are getting over 400MB/s. I'd be willing to bet the file copy takes closer to 35 seconds however putting you legitimately around 85MB/s
You are severely underestimating the considerable load that it takes to require the Intel Core i7 930 to work at 3% during a file transfer which means you have yet to prove Mark Russinovich and myself wrong that file transfers are not both CPU and RAM intensive in light of the Win 7 file transfers. Is it your contention that a sudden 77% increase in RAM use during a Win 7 file transfer doesn't qualify as intensive? I think that the vast majority of users would agree that it is quite an intensive increase on an order of magnitude...

I've offered a set of proof in the form of file transfer benchmarks that are legitimately represented and a corroborating opinion from the creator of some of Window's most reliable testing programs aka the comprehensive Sysinternals Suite. I would expect a senior member such as yourself would reciprocate with an equally legitimate proof of your conjecture involving benchmarks and stats of your own and not continue to simply making wildly underestimated, undocumented and unsubstantiated assumptions in the face of not only the legitimately created and submitted documentation, but the word of a Microsoft insider who many say knows more about the inner workings of the Windows OS than anyone else and who wholly contradicts your assumptions concerning the nature of resource consumption during file transfer in Windows that you have yet to refute.
I've offered a set of proof in the form of file transfer benchmarks that are legitimately represented and a corroborating opinion from the creator of some of Window's most reliable testing programs aka the comprehensive Sysinternals Suite. I would expect a senior member such as yourself would reciprocate with an equally legitimate proof of your conjecture involving benchmarks and stats of your own and not continue to simply making wildly underestimated, undocumented and unsubstantiated assumptions in the face of not only the legitimately created and submitted documentation, but the word of a Microsoft insider who many say knows more about the inner workings of the Windows OS than anyone else and who wholly contradicts your assumptions concerning the nature of resource consumption during file transfer in Windows that you have yet to refute.
All I am asking is a time frame of how long those file copies took to happen. I'm not saying that you aren't representing the facts, but your screenshots make it appear that you are getting well over 400MB/s and I don't think this is accurate. I wouldn't want somebody else on this forum to buy one of these drives and assume they will get similar results.
But I've asked numerous times for the amount of time involved, but you keep talking about CPU and RAM usage. Which I comment on the CPU side...but it isn't the main point that I am trying to make.
Clearly it uses CPU and RAM...I don't argue this fact. And I don't want to quantify how much 3% of a particular CPU equates to. Generally speaking, when I see my CPU at 5% or less...it's doing next to nothing. All I want to know is the speed of the transfer. The amount of CPU, core temps and RAM usage doesn't concern me.
Regardless of how fast your CPU and ram might be, or how heavily it is being used....to transfer a file from your C drive to your external Lacie drive means the files must be read from your C drive. And I don't think, in spite of the pictures showing otherwise, that this could possible occur at 430MB/s. I've got an SSD drive in my box and it can only read at about 220MB/s.
Perhaps I've missed the fact that you have a RAID 0 array for your C drive. This could give you a huge bump in speed.
But I've asked numerous times for the amount of time involved, but you keep talking about CPU and RAM usage. Which I comment on the CPU side...but it isn't the main point that I am trying to make.
Clearly it uses CPU and RAM...I don't argue this fact. And I don't want to quantify how much 3% of a particular CPU equates to. Generally speaking, when I see my CPU at 5% or less...it's doing next to nothing. All I want to know is the speed of the transfer. The amount of CPU, core temps and RAM usage doesn't concern me.
Regardless of how fast your CPU and ram might be, or how heavily it is being used....to transfer a file from your C drive to your external Lacie drive means the files must be read from your C drive. And I don't think, in spite of the pictures showing otherwise, that this could possible occur at 430MB/s. I've got an SSD drive in my box and it can only read at about 220MB/s.
Perhaps I've missed the fact that you have a RAID 0 array for your C drive. This could give you a huge bump in speed.
All I am asking is a time frame of how long those file copies took to happen. I'm not saying that you aren't representing the facts, but your screenshots make it appear that you are getting well over 400MB/s and I don't think this is accurate. I wouldn't want somebody else on this forum to buy one of these drives and assume they will get similar results.
I'm sad that you are not able to understand what Mark Russinovich is talking about I'm sure that what he is saying is not over your head, but you rather prefer to cast dispersions on the truth of how fast my new Win 7 x64 computer transfers files because you are unwilling to accept his simple truth.
I'm sad that you are not able to understand what Mark Russinovich is talking about I'm sure that what he is saying is not over your head, but you rather prefer to cast dispersions on the truth of how fast my new Win 7 x64 computer transfers files because you are unwilling to accept his simple truth.
Here Mark Russinovich describes the inner complexities of Windows file transfer...
"Copying a file seems like a relatively straightforward operation: open the source file, create the destination, and then read from the source and write to the destination. In reality, however, the performance of copying files is measured along the dimensions of accurate progress indication, CPU usage, memory usage, and throughput".
I have already spent dozens of hours testing and recording the file transfer rates in my new Win 7 x64 computer some of which I have shared here and you have flatly rejected them as unacceptable proof even though I presented you with very credible and authoritative evidence that justifies and shows those results to be credible. So as to prevent both of us from wasting each others precious time here are my conditions for discussing this subject with you any further...
1) Do you accept Mark Russinovich's simple explanation about the real truth of how file transfer actually works in Windows in part that it requires and involves both CPU usage and memory usage in excess of 1 GB RAM? (Also please remember that my computer is quite different from yours in that its core i7 930 processor always idles at flat zeros for all 4 cores)
2) What I've already done and shown proof that Win 7 applies high amounts of RAM to obtain these accelerated file transfer rates and the average speed over the duration of the file transfer would do nothing to invalidate the fact that the peak recorded speed of 430 MBps did occur. Do you agree?
3) Are you willing to accept the results of highly fallible stopwatch tests over the unimpeachable screencaptures you have already dismissed as flawed?
This isn't a link to anything. Mark isn't describing anything. You have posted a picture. AGAIN.
This isn't telling me anything. It just says that you need to weight and evaluate the progress bars, system usage and throughput to get the overall picture.
Before I agree to what you have paraphrased, I would like to actually see the story that you are referring to.
With regards to my computer, yeah we are a bit different...however my Q9500 Quad Core Intel CPU idles at 0, is overclocked as well, is also running 8GB of RAM with 4-4-4-12 timings at a 1:1 FSB/CPU ratio, and has an SSD drive for the OS.
Yes, I agree an average would not highlight the peak.
Yes, I always trust the stopwatch. If you copy 200MB and it takes 10 seconds, you were copying at 20MB/s. Perhaps you momentarily went faster or slower...but the average copy is 20MB/s.
I guess if we have to set ground rules to continue our conversation, I want
1). To know how long, in seconds, it takes you to copy a few GB worth of data
2). Can you accept the fact that your file copies cannot honestly go any faster than your hard drives can supply that data?
3). Can you please post a link to the article that you keep discussing. I feel it's being misinterpreted, but my attempts to get to the source keep failing.
Here Mark Russinovich describes the inner complexities of Windows file transfer...
"Copying a file seems like a relatively straightforward operation: open the source file, create the destination, and then read from the source and write to the destination. In reality, however, the performance of copying files is measured along the dimensions of accurate progress indication, CPU usage, memory usage, and throughput".
"Copying a file seems like a relatively straightforward operation: open the source file, create the destination, and then read from the source and write to the destination. In reality, however, the performance of copying files is measured along the dimensions of accurate progress indication, CPU usage, memory usage, and throughput".
1) Do you accept Mark Russinovich's simple explanation about the real truth of how file transfer actually works in Windows in part that it requires and involves both CPU usage and memory usage in excess of 1 GB RAM? (Also please remember that my computer is quite different from yours in that its core i7 930 processor always idles at flat zeros for all 4 cores)
With regards to my computer, yeah we are a bit different...however my Q9500 Quad Core Intel CPU idles at 0, is overclocked as well, is also running 8GB of RAM with 4-4-4-12 timings at a 1:1 FSB/CPU ratio, and has an SSD drive for the OS.
2) What I've already done and shown proof that Win 7 applies high amounts of RAM to obtain these accelerated file transfer rates and the average speed over the duration of the file transfer would do nothing to invalidate the fact that the peak recorded speed of 430 MBps did occur. Do you agree?
I guess if we have to set ground rules to continue our conversation, I want
1). To know how long, in seconds, it takes you to copy a few GB worth of data
2). Can you accept the fact that your file copies cannot honestly go any faster than your hard drives can supply that data?
3). Can you please post a link to the article that you keep discussing. I feel it's being misinterpreted, but my attempts to get to the source keep failing.
Edit: actually I'm done discussing this. Sometimes you reach a point where you realize that no matter what you say or do, both parties are incapable of following what each other is saying. I'm sure in many regards, we are both right and both wrong...but we are clearly talking about 2 different things. Rather than resort to name calling and getting nasty, I'm just bowing out as I'm 100% comfortable in my assertions. I don't think anybody on this board has seen a mechanical spinning hard drive capable of supplying data at over 400 MB/s.
I apologize to the rest of the members of this board, for dragging this out so long and derailing the conversation. What can I say, I'm passionate.
I apologize to the rest of the members of this board, for dragging this out so long and derailing the conversation. What can I say, I'm passionate.

Hmm, an illuminating discussion? no doubt 
Now, I have another piece of intelligence. I have moved my page file on a separate partition on my second hard drive. It made things a bit faster. But a much bigger difference is between copy and move operations. Copy is way faster, about two or three times faster. So now I copy and subsequently delete, rather than move, since that takes less time - if we are talking about large files.
At the same time, transferring files to my USB flash drive is now way slower than before. So this moving of the page file seems to be a double-edged sword.
Now, I have another piece of intelligence. I have moved my page file on a separate partition on my second hard drive. It made things a bit faster. But a much bigger difference is between copy and move operations. Copy is way faster, about two or three times faster. So now I copy and subsequently delete, rather than move, since that takes less time - if we are talking about large files.
At the same time, transferring files to my USB flash drive is now way slower than before. So this moving of the page file seems to be a double-edged sword.
Found this on the net:
Go to
Once the services program loads find the services called Background intelligent transfer service and stop it
also right click on the same service and click properties then change the start value to manual or disabled this should also fix the network problem and USB copy and paste problem
- Control panel
- System and Maintenance
- Administrative tools
- Run services shortcut
Once the services program loads find the services called Background intelligent transfer service and stop it
also right click on the same service and click properties then change the start value to manual or disabled this should also fix the network problem and USB copy and paste problem
Thanks Lomai, but I have this service on manual start already, it's not running.
The USB transfer rate must be related to the page file since it became slow after I moved the page file to another disc. And what is it with the "discovering items" nonsense when I am copying a single file by dragging it in Explorer?
The USB transfer rate must be related to the page file since it became slow after I moved the page file to another disc. And what is it with the "discovering items" nonsense when I am copying a single file by dragging it in Explorer?
Does the speed increase again when you move the paging file back?
Well, I did recover my USB transfer rate by enabling write caching in Windows, so now it's much better although the pop-up copy Window freezes at the end while it waits for the remainder of the stuff to be written from RAM onto the USB drive.
It's still unclear for me why copy is so much faster than move between different partitions of the same drive though.
It's still unclear for me why copy is so much faster than move between different partitions of the same drive though.
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