Haven't run a backup with Backup and Restore for a while as I've been using Geniesoft Timeline, but I like to keep 2 backups and run B&R occasionally to an external drive M:.
Today, I have the problem shown in screenshot attached. Not sure what it means. The external drive is accessible as I can read/write to it no problem.
Any ideas?
Today, I have the problem shown in screenshot attached. Not sure what it means. The external drive is accessible as I can read/write to it no problem.
Any ideas?
Hello imacken.
I've heard some, I have no first-hand experience with it; some have problems with Windows backup and I would not count on it to perform in a pinch.
I've heard some, I have no first-hand experience with it; some have problems with Windows backup and I would not count on it to perform in a pinch.
I use Windows 7 backup (Windows 7 Pro in a domain) every week. More fool me.. After applying the latest patches this morning I cannot backup. When I click BACK UP NOW, I get 'Windows could not launch the automatic backup job for the following reason: Access is Denied (0x80070005) Try again...' IF I try the manage space option, I get 'Windows Backup requires administrator privileges'. Furthermore, I get the 'Windows cannot find the disk or network location where your backups are being saved' message, even though the USB disk is plugged in, shows in Explorer with the same drive letter, and can be explored.
Oh dear!... Is this connected to your error??
Oh dear!... Is this connected to your error??
Free, but good backup software
Free Backup Software: Paragon Backup & Recovery Free Edition - Overview
Free Backup Software: Paragon Backup & Recovery Free Edition - Overview
Haven't run a backup with Backup and Restore for a while as I've been using Geniesoft Timeline, but I like to keep 2 backups and run B&R occasionally to an external drive M:.
Today, I have the problem shown in screenshot attached. Not sure what it means. The external drive is accessible as I can read/write to it no problem.
Any ideas?
Today, I have the problem shown in screenshot attached. Not sure what it means. The external drive is accessible as I can read/write to it no problem.
Any ideas?
Hope This Helps,
Thanks guys. I appreciate the comments, but I haven't had a problem with Windows backup at all until today. It has always seemed like a good 'backup' Backup program to supplement my Timeline backups.
So, no thoughts on solving the error except for changing programs?
So, no thoughts on solving the error except for changing programs?
Try this, if errors are found run several time. If it does not work. We can do a repair install.
SFC /SCANNOW Command - System File Checker
SFC /SCANNOW Command - System File Checker
Just tried the same on a Windows 7 Pro machine which is not in a Domain... works OK. IMAcken.. is your machine in a domain??
I was a Local Admin yesterday.. today I am not.. I wonder what changed that setting...
I was a Local Admin yesterday.. today I am not.. I wonder what changed that setting...
also check if Volume shadow copy and windows backup services are running and set to automatic in Services Console.
1. Click on Start, type Services in Start Search. When the Services page is open, scroll the page to find Volume Shadow Copy and Backup service.
2. Right click on them and check if they are started.
3. If the services are disabled, start the services and set it to Automatic and check if the issue gets resolved.
Hope This Helps,
1. Click on Start, type Services in Start Search. When the Services page is open, scroll the page to find Volume Shadow Copy and Backup service.
2. Right click on them and check if they are started.
3. If the services are disabled, start the services and set it to Automatic and check if the issue gets resolved.
Hope This Helps,
Thanks again guys.
1) I tried Paragon Backup but couldn't see how to select files and not whole drives/partitions
2) set Volume Shadow Copy and Windows Backup services to Start and Automatic
3) formatted the external drive
4) sfc /scannow was 100% OK.
None of the above has made any difference!
1) I tried Paragon Backup but couldn't see how to select files and not whole drives/partitions
2) set Volume Shadow Copy and Windows Backup services to Start and Automatic
3) formatted the external drive
4) sfc /scannow was 100% OK.
None of the above has made any difference!
Yes, the drive is empty as I reformatted it (300Gb), the backup is around 100Gb and I've been using it with incremental backups for over a year now with Windows Backup and Restore.
Yes, the drive is empty as I reformatted it (300Gb), the backup is around 100Gb and I've been using it with incremental backups for over a year now with Windows Backup and Restore.
Have you always formatted it before you ran the backup utility?
No, I don't reformat every time! I only did that as it was one of the suggestions earlier in the thread.
OK, there is obviously something bad going on. I ran setup.exe from the DVD, clicked on Install Now and got the error below.
OK, there is obviously something bad going on. I ran setup.exe from the DVD, clicked on Install Now and got the error below.
Try a repair install. I gave instructions up above
Sorry Richard, I got the error after I hit Install Now from the DVD setup.exe. It won't go any further.
to do Start the Repair install you need to boot into the Disk don't run the Setup.exe
Not according to Richards post further up.
There it says it must be done from within Windows.
There it says it must be done from within Windows.
Are you the Administrator?
And that you are booted Normally without the Little tweaks
Don't know what the Little Tweaks are, so I guess the answer is Yes!
i use Macrium reflect to back up entire C partition and works well, i shrunk my WinRe Vista partition which ment the C partition was bigger, from the Macrium recovery disk i reinstalled the partition no problems, as it asks if i want to extend the recovery partition to fit Volume C,easy to use and back up i frequently, just reboot and its like nothing had happened (defragging the drive 1st seems to help speed up the process)
Thanks for that.
The thing is, I don't want to back up whole partitions, just selected files and folders across several partitions.
As I said earlier, I already use Geniesoft Timeline 2.1 for my main backup. It is excellent. Very similar to Time Machine on OS X.
Has no-one got any further thoughts on the original problem?
The thing is, I don't want to back up whole partitions, just selected files and folders across several partitions.
As I said earlier, I already use Geniesoft Timeline 2.1 for my main backup. It is excellent. Very similar to Time Machine on OS X.
Has no-one got any further thoughts on the original problem?
Step 1:
Run Disk Management and make a snapshot of output thereof.
Be sure to maximize the output before making the snapshot.
You can use the Snipping Tool which comes with Win 7 or use MS Paint to make the snapshot.
Include the snapshot in your next post.
Be sure that the external drive is connected when you run Disk Management.
To run Disk Management:
To run Snipping Tool:
WIN is that key with the wavy flag on it.
How to Post a Screenshot
Run Disk Management and make a snapshot of output thereof.
Be sure to maximize the output before making the snapshot.
You can use the Snipping Tool which comes with Win 7 or use MS Paint to make the snapshot.
Include the snapshot in your next post.
Be sure that the external drive is connected when you run Disk Management.
To run Disk Management:
To run Snipping Tool:
WIN is that key with the wavy flag on it.
How to Post a Screenshot
You have more serious issues than the backup if Repair Install is erroring out.
Backup your files externally by click n drag, Disable your AV, unplug any USB devices, try again.
Next do a Clean Boot Procedure to try install: How to Troubleshoot a Problem by Performing a Clean Startup in Windows 7 or Vista
Next test your memory using memtest86 for 5-6 passes, reseat your RAM, swap sticks.
Next test your HD using maker's full diag/repair CD scan: Hard Drive Diagnostics Tools and Utilities (Storage) - TACKtech Corp.
Update your SATA controller driver, reset the CMOS: Clear CMOS - 3 Ways to Clear the CMOS - Reset BIOS
If you are still unable to do a Repair Install, wipe your HD before clean reinstalling from booted DVD: http://www.sevenforums.com/tutorials...tallation.html
Backup your files externally by click n drag, Disable your AV, unplug any USB devices, try again.
Next do a Clean Boot Procedure to try install: How to Troubleshoot a Problem by Performing a Clean Startup in Windows 7 or Vista
Next test your memory using memtest86 for 5-6 passes, reseat your RAM, swap sticks.
Next test your HD using maker's full diag/repair CD scan: Hard Drive Diagnostics Tools and Utilities (Storage) - TACKtech Corp.
Update your SATA controller driver, reset the CMOS: Clear CMOS - 3 Ways to Clear the CMOS - Reset BIOS
If you are still unable to do a Repair Install, wipe your HD before clean reinstalling from booted DVD: http://www.sevenforums.com/tutorials...tallation.html
External M: is the drive I'm trying to backup to.
gregrocker, thanks for your input. I'll look into what you suggest. However, I don't have any problems at all with my system except for Windows Backup not working. For many months, I've had no crashes or problems at all.
I use Timeline as my main backup which does selected files from c: and d: and continually backs them up to Backup (f
Also, since the Windows Backup issue, I've gone back to my old Acronis True Image 2009 to perform the secondary backups to the External m: drive with no problem at all.
Although I find some inconsistencies in some of the posts and your disk management snapshot,
I agree with Greg: if Repair Install is failing, you have more serious problems.
I recommend following his advice.
Although I find some inconsistencies in some of the posts and your disk management snapshot,
I agree with Greg: if Repair Install is failing, you have more serious problems.
I recommend following his advice.
If you're happy with performance then monitor it closely for further problems.
Check Event Viewer>Admin View to google repeat errors to eventual resolution.
Click through WEI score link at Computer>Properties to choose Advanced Tools, look for cued issues, check Performance log, Generate a System Health Report.
Run sfc /scannow to see if System Files have been corrupted which could explain why backup fails only on built-in backup.
If further problems arise work through the checklist given to absolve hardware, then Repair Install which is the next best thing to clean reinstall and keeps all your programs, files and settings in place.
Check Event Viewer>Admin View to google repeat errors to eventual resolution.
Click through WEI score link at Computer>Properties to choose Advanced Tools, look for cued issues, check Performance log, Generate a System Health Report.
Run sfc /scannow to see if System Files have been corrupted which could explain why backup fails only on built-in backup.
If further problems arise work through the checklist given to absolve hardware, then Repair Install which is the next best thing to clean reinstall and keeps all your programs, files and settings in place.
Thanks guys.
karlsnooks: Can you explain what you mean by inconsistencies in my posts and screenshots?
gregrocker: I've done the WDigital diagnostic on all drives (including the external usb) and they are all OK. I did a MEMTEST yesterday and it was absolutely fine.
The DVD setup error. I'm wondering if it has to do with some stuff I did months ago to get rid of the annoying 'System Reserved' partition that W7 put on. What do you think?
karlsnooks: Can you explain what you mean by inconsistencies in my posts and screenshots?
gregrocker: I've done the WDigital diagnostic on all drives (including the external usb) and they are all OK. I did a MEMTEST yesterday and it was absolutely fine.
The DVD setup error. I'm wondering if it has to do with some stuff I did months ago to get rid of the annoying 'System Reserved' partition that W7 put on. What do you think?
The inconsistency I see is that the 200mb EFI System partition is highlighted as the booted partition (by diagonal lines) while it is not denoted as System Active Boot - the Win7 partition (correctly) is.
Confirm DISK2 is set as first HD to boot in BIOS setup to be sure.
I would want to work through the error blocking Repair Install to run it as it should solve all problems unless one is related to settings which it reimports (rare).
Google the exact text and number of the error to read all about it and work through to solution.
Confirm DISK2 is set as first HD to boot in BIOS setup to be sure.
I would want to work through the error blocking Repair Install to run it as it should solve all problems unless one is related to settings which it reimports (rare).
Google the exact text and number of the error to read all about it and work through to solution.
The info is correct.
I have a boot partition that allows me to select whether I boot into Windows or other OSs.
I did a system diagnostics report and it was fine.
See attached an Event Viewer error report. Those VSS errors are similar to what I was getting from Windows backup.
I have a boot partition that allows me to select whether I boot into Windows or other OSs.
I did a system diagnostics report and it was fine.
See attached an Event Viewer error report. Those VSS errors are similar to what I was getting from Windows backup.
It would have been nice to know all along that you are multi-booting as it suddenly becomes clear that you likely have creeping corruption from your bootloader.
The procedure is to google the error text and identifying numbers to read how others have resolved the issue. The VSS errors are likely related to your backup failure and especially need to be resolved. Do you even have System Restore points now and do they work?
The procedure is to google the error text and identifying numbers to read how others have resolved the issue. The VSS errors are likely related to your backup failure and especially need to be resolved. Do you even have System Restore points now and do they work?
Thanks again.
Sorry, I didn't think that the multi-boot thing was relevant to having problems with Windows Backup.
I did Google the error code and message before posting here and couldn't find anything useful to my case.
I think the setup.exe error is to do with the boot partition issue and isn't anything to worry about. (Agree?)
The Windows Backup problem - subject of the post! - is more odd. I haven't changed anything on my system at all, and it had worked without a problem for many months. Only in the last few days has it become an issue.
Sorry, I didn't think that the multi-boot thing was relevant to having problems with Windows Backup.
I did Google the error code and message before posting here and couldn't find anything useful to my case.
I think the setup.exe error is to do with the boot partition issue and isn't anything to worry about. (Agree?)
The Windows Backup problem - subject of the post! - is more odd. I haven't changed anything on my system at all, and it had worked without a problem for many months. Only in the last few days has it become an issue.
What I would do is boot your OS's on separate HD's via the BIOS boot order and one-time BIOS Boot Menu key, which makes them independent and avoids GRUB or other boot loader corruption of WIn7.
By all appearances Win7 is already independent to be booted via BIOS and removing it from GRUB or whatever is messing it up should help a lot.
Even better, Reinstalling it to wiped HD with all other HD's unplugged would give you a fresh start free from the previous corruption.
By all appearances Win7 is already independent to be booted via BIOS and removing it from GRUB or whatever is messing it up should help a lot.
Even better, Reinstalling it to wiped HD with all other HD's unplugged would give you a fresh start free from the previous corruption.
Booting from the Windows drive has solved the 1) Repair Install problem and 2) the Windows Backup problem.
I guess Windows was trying to write to the boot partition in 1) and couldn't.
I can't quite understand the Windows Backup thing though.
Any ideas?
Also, any ideas on how to get it working with Chameleon boot partition? I do seem to remember that all my drives got re-ordered in BIOS for some reason a few weeks ago.
Booting from the Windows drive has solved the 1) Repair Install problem and 2) the Windows Backup problem.
I guess Windows was trying to write to the boot partition in 1) and couldn't.
I can't quite understand the Windows Backup thing though.
Any ideas?
Also, any ideas on how to get it working with Chameleon boot partition? I do seem to remember that all my drives got re-ordered in BIOS for some reason a few weeks ago.
Glad to hear that all problems are solved.
Greg is without equal when it comes to diagnosing boot-related problems.
Greg is without equal when it comes to diagnosing boot-related problems.
The backup was likely hamstrung by VSS corruption from the 3rd party boot manager, as was the Repair Install.
I do not recommend you boot Win7 from the manager again, as it is unnecessary since you have separate HD's and can boot much cleaner via the BIOS boot order and BIOS one-time Boot Menu key, which keeps the HD's independent.
You would probably do better to boot your other OS's via BIOS as well and drop the boot manager. But at the very least I wouldn't involve Win7 in that mess again.
Good catch on the Disk Mgmt screenie, Karl.
I do not recommend you boot Win7 from the manager again, as it is unnecessary since you have separate HD's and can boot much cleaner via the BIOS boot order and BIOS one-time Boot Menu key, which keeps the HD's independent.
You would probably do better to boot your other OS's via BIOS as well and drop the boot manager. But at the very least I wouldn't involve Win7 in that mess again.
Good catch on the Disk Mgmt screenie, Karl.
Thanks a lot guys.
I'm still confused however by why Windows Backup used to work OK, and also why other backup applications (True Image and Timeline) work OK booting from Chameleon. Do they not use VSS?
I'm still confused however by why Windows Backup used to work OK, and also why other backup applications (True Image and Timeline) work OK booting from Chameleon. Do they not use VSS?
No further thoughts on that, guys?
Last week we had a case where Win7 Backup Imaging wouldn't save the image because the Sys Reserved (boot) partition didn't have enough unused space for VSS to create a file. Research on the Backup error led to this discovery, which was solved by recovering the Sys Reserved MBR into the Win7 partition.
There are other complications which Boot Managers can cause to crop up which are entirely unnecessary if you have separate HD's since they can be much more cleanly booted via the BIOS.
There are other complications which Boot Managers can cause to crop up which are entirely unnecessary if you have separate HD's since they can be much more cleanly booted via the BIOS.
Thanks again, Greg. I dumped the Sys Reserved partition a long time ago.
Any thoughts on why other backup applications like Timeline and Acronis True Image work and Windows Backup doesn't?
Also, why did it work for almost a year, and just stop working with no changes to the system?
Any thoughts on why other backup applications like Timeline and Acronis True Image work and Windows Backup doesn't?
Also, why did it work for almost a year, and just stop working with no changes to the system?
My point is that if something as obscure as not having enough unused space on the boot partition could cause Backup to fail, then the perils of using a third party boot manager partition ought to be obvious.
We have nothing but problems with GRUB and Win7 which is relatively stable compared to most of these.
As to why it could fail after a year, there is no easy answer to that as it could be almost anything. You may be lucky it ran for a year without problems.
Maybe if you Google or post a thread in General with the exact boot manager name in title it will attract someone who has had this problem and sussed it out more exactly.
We have nothing but problems with GRUB and Win7 which is relatively stable compared to most of these.
As to why it could fail after a year, there is no easy answer to that as it could be almost anything. You may be lucky it ran for a year without problems.
Maybe if you Google or post a thread in General with the exact boot manager name in title it will attract someone who has had this problem and sussed it out more exactly.
Greg, I completely understand what you are saying, and I'm not trying to be awkward - honest!
I just wondered what possible reason could there be for it to work OK for many months, and then stop working.
I also just wondered why True Image and Timeline also work under the boot manager. Do they not use the VSS service?
I'm not questioning how unwise it is to use a boot manager, I'm only curious.
Thanks again.
I just wondered what possible reason could there be for it to work OK for many months, and then stop working.
I also just wondered why True Image and Timeline also work under the boot manager. Do they not use the VSS service?
I'm not questioning how unwise it is to use a boot manager, I'm only curious.
Thanks again.
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