I hope someone can provide me some help.
I have recently bought an HP DV-7 pre-loaded with 7x64 Home Premium, and since I have started it up, it has not been able to download a single update.
When I start windows update and check for updates, it gives me the error:
Windows Update cannot currently check for updates because the service is not running. You may need to restart your computer.
The service is however running according to services.msc
I have tried many things and searched for answers in many different places, and here are a couple of things I have tried without success:
1.) MS Fixit 50202 (yes, on aggressive and normal)
2.) MS Malicious software removal tool
3.)Micrsosoft update readiness tool wont install --> Installer encountered an error 0xc8000247
4.)sfc/scannow in cmd prmpt, It finds errors, but is unable to fix them
5.) Resetting the update service manually in cmd prmpt and in services.msc
6.)Full Malwarebytes scan in normal and safe modes
7.)Full super-anti-spyware scan in normal and safe modes
Among others
Any help would be much appreciated.
I hope someone can provide me some help.
I have recently bought an HP DV-7 pre-loaded with 7x64 Home Premium, and since I have started it up, it has not been able to download a single update.
When I start windows update and check for updates, it gives me the error:
Windows Update cannot currently check for updates because the service is not running. You may need to restart your computer.
The service is however running according to services.msc
I have tried many things and searched for answers in many different places, and here are a couple of things I have tried without success:
1.) MS Fixit 50202 (yes, on aggressive and normal)
2.) MS Malicious software removal tool
3.)Micrsosoft update readiness tool wont install --> Installer encountered an error 0xc8000247
4.)sfc/scannow in cmd prmpt, It finds errors, but is unable to fix them
5.) Resetting the update service manually in cmd prmpt and in services.msc
6.)Full Malwarebytes scan in normal and safe modes
7.)Full super-anti-spyware scan in normal and safe modes
Among others
Any help would be much appreciated.
have you checked the settings in update. go to updates then on the left look for change settings, see how updates are set to install!
When was your last successful update? Are you running x86 or x64 btw (I forgot to look)?
Try running this software called Fix WU.
Try running this software called Fix WU.
When was your last successful update? Are you running x86 or x64 btw (I forgot to look)?
Try running this software called Fix WU.
Try running this software called Fix WU.
1.)x 64
2.)Last update must have been a factory install - on the 05/2010 - Updates never worked for me
3.)I have run that application without success
Updates are set to install automatically
And your anti-virus program is?
Do you have a program:
Do you have a program:
1.) AVG Free (The sysytem came installed with Norton, but I changed it)
2.) Yes, there is such a file
If yes it doesn't relate to damaged Windows Modules Installer service (Trusted Installer) otherwise SFC tool does not work at all and it return error "Windows Resource Protection could not start the repair service".
1.Run command prompt and type:
findstr /c:"[SR]" %windir%\logs\cbs\cbs.log >%userprofile%\Desktop\sfcdetails.txt
on your desktop appear sfcdetails.txt
2.Run VistaSysInfoTool http://www.vistax64.com/attachments/...ms-sysinfo.exe,select all in this and make log
log from VistaSysInfoTool and sfdetails.txt attache to post
If yes it doesn't relate to damaged Windows Modules Installer service (Trusted Installer) otherwise SFC tool does not work at all and it return error "Windows Resource Protection could not start the repair service".
1.Run command prompt and type:
findstr /c:"[SR]" %windir%\logs\cbs\cbs.log >%userprofile%\Desktop\sfcdetails.txt
on your desktop appear sfcdetails.txt
2.Run VistaSysInfoTool http://www.vistax64.com/attachments/...ms-sysinfo.exe,select all in this and make log
log from VistaSysInfoTool and sfdetails.txt attache to post
Hi, and thanks for replying
I have attached the log from the sysinfo tool, but when I type the string you sent me in cmd prompt it returns the following error :
FINDSTR Cannot open Hugo
FINDSTR Cannot open Fourie\Desktop\sfcdetails.txt
My user name is Pieter Hugo Fourie
It thus does not create the sfcdetails.txt file
I have instead attached a compressed copy of the CBS.log
No errors in SFC report Attachment 90116 and in VistaSysInfo
First try reinstall Windows Update Agent http://download.windowsupdate.com/wi...gent30-x64.exe
if it doesn't work too:
Do you have this key:
Attachment 90117
permissions for this folder should be:
TrustedInstaller:full control (all checked)
I'm not sure WindowsUpdateAgent install affect on this key or not,for a precaution I attached this key too:Attachment 90118 -if you don't have this key import it to registry +restart
If this key is OK another possible issue would be in HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Svchost...but it will take some time create key appripriate for your system if it will be needed
Out of main point
I have attached the log from the sysinfo tool, but when I type the string you sent me in cmd prompt it returns the following error :
FINDSTR Cannot open Hugo
FINDSTR Cannot open Fourie\Desktop\sfcdetails.txt
My user name is Pieter Hugo Fourie
It thus does not create the sfcdetails.txt file
I have instead attached a compressed copy of the CBS.log Probably you replaced %userprofile% your truly account name it was neccessary move -%userprofile% or %windir% are special system variables and OS know exactly what does mean and you don't need type your real account name. You probably attempt to insert your real account name in this way
findstr /c:"[SR]" C:\Windows\logs\cbs\cbs.log > C:\Users\Pieter Hugo Fourie\Desktop\sfcdetails.txt
findstr /c:"[SR]" C:\Windows\logs\cbs\cbs.log > "C:\Users\Pieter Hugo Fourie\Desktop\sfcdetails.txt"
If any folder name contain few words like your account name you have to use " " symbol
First try reinstall Windows Update Agent http://download.windowsupdate.com/wi...gent30-x64.exe
if it doesn't work too:
Do you have this key:
Attachment 90117
permissions for this folder should be:
TrustedInstaller:full control (all checked)
I'm not sure WindowsUpdateAgent install affect on this key or not,for a precaution I attached this key too:Attachment 90118 -if you don't have this key import it to registry +restart
If this key is OK another possible issue would be in HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Svchost...but it will take some time create key appripriate for your system if it will be needed
OS Name: Microsoft Windows 7 Home Premium |C:\Windows|\Device\Harddisk0\Partition2
OS Version: 6.1.7600
System Type: x64-based PC
OS Version: 6.1.7600
System Type: x64-based PC
I have attached the log from the sysinfo tool, but when I type the string you sent me in cmd prompt it returns the following error :
FINDSTR Cannot open Hugo
FINDSTR Cannot open Fourie\Desktop\sfcdetails.txt
My user name is Pieter Hugo Fourie
It thus does not create the sfcdetails.txt file
I have instead attached a compressed copy of the CBS.log
findstr /c:"[SR]" C:\Windows\logs\cbs\cbs.log > C:\Users\Pieter Hugo Fourie\Desktop\sfcdetails.txt
findstr /c:"[SR]" C:\Windows\logs\cbs\cbs.log > "C:\Users\Pieter Hugo Fourie\Desktop\sfcdetails.txt"
If any folder name contain few words like your account name you have to use " " symbol
Hi, are you still having problems with windows update?
Hi, and thanks for replying,
I have tried to install the windows update agent, but it fails in both normal and safe mode(error code attached)
I am a novice, and not sure what the below means ...
if it doesn't work too:
Do you have this key:
Attachment 90117
permissions for this folder should be:
TrustedInstaller:full control (all checked)
I'm not sure WindowsUpdateAgent install affect on this key or not,for a precaution I attached this key too:Attachment 90118 -if you don't have this key import it to registry +restart
If this key is OK another possible issue would be in HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Svchost...but it will take some time create key appripriate for your system if it will be needed
... but I did try to add the file you attached to registry, but it fails in both normal and safe modes (error code attached)
Thanks for the lip on how to export the sfcdetails.txt, it worked, and I have also attached it to this post.
Thaks for your help so far ...
I have tried to install the windows update agent, but it fails in both normal and safe mode(error code attached)
I am a novice, and not sure what the below means ...
if it doesn't work too:
Do you have this key:
Attachment 90117
permissions for this folder should be:
TrustedInstaller:full control (all checked)
I'm not sure WindowsUpdateAgent install affect on this key or not,for a precaution I attached this key too:Attachment 90118 -if you don't have this key import it to registry +restart
If this key is OK another possible issue would be in HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Svchost...but it will take some time create key appripriate for your system if it will be needed
Thanks for the lip on how to export the sfcdetails.txt, it worked, and I have also attached it to this post.
Thaks for your help so far ...
Hi, and thanks for the reply
Unfortunately the original problem still remains.
I have even contacted microsoft support, but they stopped replying after numerous attempts at fixing the problem failed.
Unfortunately the original problem still remains.
I have even contacted microsoft support, but they stopped replying after numerous attempts at fixing the problem failed.

Registry Editing - Vista Forums
Take Ownership of file - Vista Forums
Folder Permissions - Vista Forums
.. but I did try to add the file you attached to registry, but it fails in both normal and safe modes (error code attached)
In my opinion there is something wrong with this
key HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Svchost
but there is many obstacles with permission to import anything to registry,your are completely novice
I could myself edit your registry and you will need only to replace registry files - it is much easier.
Make for me your registry copy - to do that use this soft Acelogix Software - Freeware (run this soft -when you create registry copy find in that files SOFTWARE and SYSTEM - pack both to *.RAR or *.7zip and upload on RapidShare: 1-CLICK Web hosting - Easy Filehosting ,and send me PM with pasted URL address to uploaded files.
Hi Fibo 
You said you had Symantec on the computer then changed it to AVG. How did you uninstall Symantec? If you didn't use the 'uninstall tool', there will be bits and pieces remaining. It may be stopping you from getting your updates.
This is the uninstall tool Download Norton Removal Tool 2011.0.0.15 Free - A program that can remove some Norton software from your computer - Softpedia
You may also want to make sure that AVG's LinkScanner is disabled in 'Services".
See if this helps.
You said you had Symantec on the computer then changed it to AVG. How did you uninstall Symantec? If you didn't use the 'uninstall tool', there will be bits and pieces remaining. It may be stopping you from getting your updates.
This is the uninstall tool Download Norton Removal Tool 2011.0.0.15 Free - A program that can remove some Norton software from your computer - Softpedia
You may also want to make sure that AVG's LinkScanner is disabled in 'Services".
See if this helps.
Hi Fibo 
You said you had Symantec on the computer then changed it to AVG. How did you uninstall Symantec? If you didn't use the 'uninstall tool', there will be bits and pieces remaining. It may be stopping you from getting your updates.
This is the uninstall tool Download Norton Removal Tool 2011.0.0.15 Free - A program that can remove some Norton software from your computer - Softpedia
You may also want to make sure that AVG's LinkScanner is disabled in 'Services".
See if this helps.
You said you had Symantec on the computer then changed it to AVG. How did you uninstall Symantec? If you didn't use the 'uninstall tool', there will be bits and pieces remaining. It may be stopping you from getting your updates.
This is the uninstall tool Download Norton Removal Tool 2011.0.0.15 Free - A program that can remove some Norton software from your computer - Softpedia
You may also want to make sure that AVG's LinkScanner is disabled in 'Services".
See if this helps.
1.)I have removed norton via the removal tool
2.)There is no AVG Linkscanner service visible in services

Registry Editing - Vista Forums
Take Ownership of file - Vista Forums
Folder Permissions - Vista Forums
.. but I did try to add the file you attached to registry, but it fails in both normal and safe modes (error code attached)
In my opinion there is something wrong with this
key HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Svchost
but there is many obstacles with permission to import anything to registry,your are completely novice
I could myself edit your registry and you will need only to replace registry files - it is much easier.
Make for me your registry copy - to do that use this soft Acelogix Software - Freeware (run this soft -when you create registry copy find in that files SOFTWARE and SYSTEM - pack both to *.RAR or *.7zip and upload on RapidShare: 1-CLICK Web hosting - Easy Filehosting ,and send me PM with pasted URL address to uploaded files.
Had an update issue like most ppl some months a go.. Been great since... Hope you get your issue resolved soon as MSN is one of my main AV Programs... GL
A lot of fine folks helping you out... GL
msn messenger is your av program??
sorry.. lol.. meant MSE
I can't install MSE...
It require WU working too...
Nothing more suspicious in your system -mybe this "MS Fix it" help you Error message when you check for updates on the Windows Update site: "0X800A138F: There are no updates available at this time"
is your Background Intelligent Transfer Service started and set to auto?
windows update and a few other software need this service for updates.
also check to see if your firewall is not blocking outbound svchost.exe.
windows update only needs these two to work correctly.
Is that thread still up to date?
Probably this error occur only on HP computers and it's caused by any HP drivers or software.
Pavilion dv7 4050ed - Windows Update Problems After First In... - HP Support Forum
First try install the newest IRRT drivers ftp://ftp.hp.com/pub/softpaq/sp47501-48000/sp47845.exe
It should help
Probably this error occur only on HP computers and it's caused by any HP drivers or software.
Pavilion dv7 4050ed - Windows Update Problems After First In... - HP Support Forum
First try install the newest IRRT drivers ftp://ftp.hp.com/pub/softpaq/sp47501-48000/sp47845.exe
It should help
Is that thread still up to date?
Probably this error occur only on HP computers and it's caused by any HP drivers or software.
Pavilion dv7 4050ed - Windows Update Problems After First In... - HP Support Forum
First try install the newest IRRT drivers ftp://ftp.hp.com/pub/softpaq/sp47501-48000/sp47845.exe
It should help
Probably this error occur only on HP computers and it's caused by any HP drivers or software.
Pavilion dv7 4050ed - Windows Update Problems After First In... - HP Support Forum
First try install the newest IRRT drivers ftp://ftp.hp.com/pub/softpaq/sp47501-48000/sp47845.exe
It should help
Sorry for the late reply, I was quite busy of late.
The above post fixed the problem 100% Update is now working, as well as MSSE - Hopefully this helps other DV7 owners.
Thank you very much for all your effort in this thread, as well as pm's, it is much appreciated!
I glad it is finally solved now
Hi all,
I have a HP Pavilion dv6-3054ca with this same problem, error message : Windows update cannot currently check for updates, because the service is not running. You may need to restart your computer.
installing sp47845.exe did not solve it for me.
Does anyone one have a clue on the next step i should take?
Thx in advance.
I have a HP Pavilion dv6-3054ca with this same problem, error message : Windows update cannot currently check for updates, because the service is not running. You may need to restart your computer.
installing sp47845.exe did not solve it for me.
Does anyone one have a clue on the next step i should take?
Thx in advance.
Go to Programs and Features and uninstall anything product belongs to HP.Uninstall one by one (not all at once) ,each time check the results.
thx for the quick reply, i'll try that and get back to you tomorrow.
An hp support tech. sent me this link http://go.microsoft.com/?linkid=9665683
It reinitialize windows update.
All i had to do was to run it in aggressive mode.
Flavius thx again for trying to help me out
It reinitialize windows update.
All i had to do was to run it in aggressive mode.
Flavius thx again for trying to help me out
An hp support tech. sent me this link http://go.microsoft.com/?linkid=9665683
It reinitialize windows update.
All i had to do was to run it in aggressive mode.
Flavius thx again for trying to help me out
It reinitialize windows update.
All i had to do was to run it in aggressive mode.
Flavius thx again for trying to help me out
Yes it did!
It worked like a charm.
It worked like a charm.
hello i'm new to these forums and i'm having the same problem with an Asus laptop, have tried everything that's posted on this thread and have tried reinstalling windows and i still get the same error message
After update my AHCI driver (Instead regular IDE) can't update also.
did everything.. but nothing
thanks all
did everything.. but nothing
thanks all
"Me too" questions are likely to be ignored (especially in year-dead threads) - please repost with much more detail in a NEW thread of your own, where you can receive proper attention.
hallo i have the same problem how FIBO and i have the same model HP DV7 please if has somebody solution reply.....thx
Please post back in your own thread giving as many details about your problem as possible, you may think you have the same problem as the other poster but there could be several differences and as this thread is old people will ignore it and you wont get the help you need.
Error Messages Appear During Windows Update, When Inserting Card or Using Live Mail - HP Customer Care (Australia - English)
for HP dv7
now i update working 100% ....buy
for HP dv7
now i update working 100% ....buy
there is a simple solution for this problem.
1. in your windows up date settings change it to never install windows update (not recommended)
2. then change it back to your previous setting
3. problem solved
1. in your windows up date settings change it to never install windows update (not recommended)
2. then change it back to your previous setting
3. problem solved
The solution in this thread pertains to the HP preinstall which is an inherently corrupt install to begin with, larded with sponsored bloatware and useless duplicate utilities which have much better versions built into Win7. This huge load of crapware throttles Win7 native performance, which is why most tech enthusiasts won't even consider running it but instead Clean Reinstall - Factory OEM Windows 7.
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