Thứ Ba, 26 tháng 7, 2016

*** Dinesh & Kavita's wedding present *** part 1


OK geeks, here's an update regarding Dinesh & Kavita's wedding present:

We faced two problems. First, PayPal is currently not accepting any payments for private persons in India, which is very strange but something we can do nothing for. More information here.

Secondly, service has had problems to accept donations in general, problem has something to do with the way the site handles PayPal payments. In their technical blog they say the problem was solved two days ago but this seems not to be true.

I've spent a few hours now trying to solve this, calling PayPal, Western Union and so on. Long story short, the donations for wedding present for Dinesh & Kavita are now accepted in this site: Wedding blog of Dinesh & Kavita. You can donate in Euros or US Dollars. All donations are posted, so if you do not want to publish your name and / or the amount, please PM me here or use contact information found on the site before the donation, so I know not to publish the information you don't want to publish. I administrate the site, sending collected funds to Dinesh using Western Union Money Transfer, who has guaranteed that money transfers to India are 100% sure possible.




Copied post to it's own thread and stickied




Thanks John.

The PayPal payment site seems to in German, I'm going to check what I can do to change it to English.

Patience, geeks... Working on it.



Quote�� Quote: Originally Posted by Kari View Post
Thanks John.

The PayPal payment site seems to in German, I'm going to check what I can do to change it to English.

Patience, geeks... Working on it.

I'll keep following this Kari, I tried to donate but said I was putting an invalid amount (in german) can I just send from my paypal to yours?


I had no problems once I figured it out. I guessed that it would be in either Finnish or German, since those are your main languages.

Anyhow, here are the instructions.

Donate � Wedding present for Dinesh & Kavita (now displays in English)

Click on one of the Donate buttons. (now also including GBP)

Name:  Capture.PNG  Views: 501  Size:  45.6 KB Name:  Capture3.PNG  Views: 496  Size:  51.9 KB

Enter an amount in the box and click Summe neu berechnen or Update Totals.

-capture1.png -capture4.png

Finally, enter your email address in the E-Mail_Adresse: or Email: box and your password in the Passwort: or Password: box and click Einloggen or Log In to continue.

Name:  Capture2.PNG  Views: 41  Size:  12.0 KB Name:  Capture5.PNG  Views: 45  Size:  10.6 KB

Follow the instructions on your PayPal page.


The site is now updated and should appear in English.

You can choose to donate in USD, GBP and EUR. The payment page should now appear in English. Please notice that to get this working, the system assumes you are from USA if choosing USD, in UK if choosing GBP and in Ireland if choosing EUR (only English speaking Euro country I could think of).

Pay attention to change the actual country from drop down list on page.



It's working in english, and USD now. Congratulations Dinesh and Kavita!

Hopalong X

Donated Kari so verify Eileen R. payment.
You also have to enter amount then click Update total. Then log in.

Follow Steps circled in yellow below. 1-2-3.


Name:  Paypal.PNG  Views: 485  Size:  72.9 KB


Mike, it's verified and received.

For all who want to check the current situation, here's direct link to Who's donated page.

I think it's not right to list who has donated how much because we all have different life situations and means. A $10 donation from one person can be relatively as big as a $100 donation from some other. Publishing the exact amount from each donor would therefore be wrong in my opinion. Instead, the page shows the total amount collected and the names of the donors.

If the majority wants it, I'm going to publish individual sums, too, but at least at the moment I'm personally against it.

I've also checked the Western Union Money Transfer costs. To save some money in costs, I'm going to send the money collected by Sunday March 20th to Dinesh on Tuesday 22nd (it takes a day or two to transfer the money first to my account), and thereafter every second Tuesday until the big day. As a small pre-wedding present I am going to pay the money transfer costs. I'm going to attend the wedding, being invited , so before I then fly back on May 9th I'm going together with Dinesh to check to final amount transferring it to him.


Hopalong X

I agree. No amounts showing sounds good.

Payment schedule sounds good to me also.



Looks good to me. I agree with not showing individual amounts and only showing the accumulated total.


I tried early this morning to donate via the godonate and was out of luck on our card so i will try later when lois comes back with the bankcard, we have one between us in her name . im a pennypacker you see but i gladly donate to a good cause , i have a wedding of my own to save for so i have to take care of my spends .
congrats Dinesh and Kavita
edit . done now i also agree about keeping the discretion ,not evryone is finacialy sound,
any amount is welcome.


BTW I will also give a supporters badge to anybody who makes a donation that hasn't already got one (remember there is a 3 badge maximum).

As this isn't an automated process just LMK after you have donated and I will add the badge to your account.


Nice move, John Currently all donors already are SF supporters, only our dear moderator Dwarf is not showing Supporter badge but I suspect that's because of there's no more room for badges

Over 100 individual visitors in past 3 hours, almost �600 donated. It's a nice start; Dinesh does not need the money as much as a present than really to pay the costs already before the wedding, plus the reception on the big day, so the sooner he gets the money and certainty it gives him, the better.

This is going to be one really fun project! I am astonished and happy to see how well liked and popular Dinesh is among us. The wedding party is going to Guinness Book of Records as the most international wedding party in history, considering that people from almost every country and continent are there if not in person but in spirit



I did have the Supporter badge at one time, although as you correctly state there is only room for a maximum of 3 badges to be displayed.

Hopalong X

Sevenforums version of a "Royal Wedding"


Don't forget to stop with that charter jumbo jet on this side of the pond to pick up all the "Yanks".


Thank you for all the support guys. Me n Kavita dont have words to thank you all for this great favour.


Dinesh, I just realized I need to rethink the bachelor party plans I had. I mean, it's fun to party together, doing "Mumbai by Night" with you but the goal must be that Kavita still answers "I do" the following day... And that my Mrs. will fly back on same plane than me

Quote�� Quote: Originally Posted by Hopalong X View Post
Don't forget to stop with that charter jumbo jet on this side of the pond to pick up all the "Yanks".
Flying Swissair coach from Zurich, only luxury being possible upgrade with points due to that I have recently traveled so little I'm risking some points expiring if I'm not using them

Joan Archer

I'm another that thinks its a good idea to not put the actual amount down for each person. I'll be donating in the next couple of days, as someone said earlier Dinesh is well liked by us all and I think this is just a small way of showing him how much we do like him.

To Dinesh and Kavita on their special day.

A Guy

So tell me, I didn't have a paypal account, and tried to donate with a CC. It seemed to work, until the page that said this card can't be accepted (it's a Mastercard). So it asked me to use bank info. Not my choice, but ok, check routing number and account. Next page, verify the account is mine by giving my online account# and password. Errr, no, sorry, I don't think so, not giving that to anyone.

Can't the donation be made with just the CC?

A Guy


No idea. I guess John or Kari would be able to answer your query.


I didn't even know you were engaged Dinesh.



Quote�� Quote: Originally Posted by A Guy View Post
So tell me, I didn't have a paypal account, and tried to donate with a CC. It seemed to work, until the page that said this card can't be accepted (it's a Mastercard). So it asked me to use bank info. Not my choice, but ok, check routing number and account. Next page, verify the account is mine by giving my online account# and password. Errr, no, sorry, I don't think so, not giving that to anyone.

Can't the donation be made with just the CC?

A Guy
Strange. It should accept credit cards. I'll check with PayPal.



OK, after waiting almost half an hour on phone, I finally spoke with someone from PayPal. Credit card should not be a problem, in USA the accepted cards are Visa and Master Card (both credit and debit), American Express and Discover.

Because of how PayPal works, when paying with cc instead of from PayPal account, you need to create a PayPal account first. This process is automatic, costs you nothing and brings no further obligations. It's just how PayPal is designed. to start, click the link marked in the image below:

Name:  PayPal_01.png  Views: 12  Size:  4.7 KB

Then just add your cc information as in any webshop or donation site. As a "bi-product", you'll get a PayPal account which you can close immediately afterwards if you want to, although PayPal is quite practical to have if you do occasional online shopping.

It should work. I'm sorry you had problems.



Is it possible to have a totalizer bar at the top of each page to show the target achievements just like when some one creates a survey i.e like the what age range do you come under thread, i would like to check into this thread and see the bar moving toward the required sum. it would be nice if we could exceed the required amount .




ah well, just a thought


But here's a link to the page which is continuously updated: Who�s donated? � Wedding blog of Dinesh & Kavita

The goal is set to INR 125,000, approximately �2,000 or $2,780 or �1,700. At the moment we are in INR 48,880 (�775 or $1,080 or �670).

I'll update the page as often as possible. I do not want to update it after every single donation because it would then easily reveal how much the last name added to donors list gave; the idea is not to reveal individual amounts due to different resources of different people as told here.


(INR = Indian Rupee)


Kari your USD amount is way off compared the the Euro & Pound conversions.

The Howling Wolves

After spending some time talking to PayPal and e-bay I finally got everything straightened out and I was able
to donate to Dinesh and Kavita. Whew! But they are worth the effort.
Just happy to be part of this great event.
Thanks Kari for setting it up and to all who have contributed.

Hopalong X

Euros are trading 1E = $1.3897

E775 = $1078


For current exchange rates, see here: XE - Universal Currency Converter

At the time of writing, the rates are as follows (based on 10GBP):

USD 16.1474, EUR 11.6319, INR 728.042


Quote�� Quote: Originally Posted by z3r010 View Post
Kari your USD amount is way off compared the the Euro & Pound conversions.
Quote�� Quote: Originally Posted by Hopalong X View Post
Euros are trading 1E = $1.3897
The goal amount in USD was calculated yesterdays exchange rate. I have now corrected it using the latest available rate.

The current amount in USD was a typo . It's also corrected now.

Please notice that only the EUR amounts mentioned are accurate (only rounded to next full Euro), all other's converted using the rates I get from the European Central Bank's website, and then rounded.

For Boohbah's pleasure , here's the situation as of 3:30 PM today CET:

Name:  Dinesh_Kavita_MAR82011_0330PM.png  Views: 14  Size:  5.0 KB

We have reached 39% of the goal. Ongoing updated situation can also be found here as mentioned before.


Hopalong X

No problem Kari.

Seems like you might have been busy building a web page and dealing with Paypal etc. yesterday so we forgive you.


I apologize - I am not in a financial position to donate. I freely offer my good wishes however!

The Howling Wolves

Quote�� Quote: Originally Posted by Jonathan_King View Post
I apologize - I am not in a financial position to donate. I freely offer my good wishes however!

Your good wishes are just important as those who have donated.


Quote�� Quote: Originally Posted by Hopalong X View Post
No problem Kari.

Seems like you might have been busy building a web page and dealing with Paypal etc. yesterday so we forgive you.

I do not know how to say this but let's try.

I have grown to like Dinesh in a way I can not fully understand. I mean, I have for instance never met him in real life. But we have had quite intensive contact, also outside SF. We have talked on phone and Skype, sent text messages and so on. From the beginning of his wedding plans it was quite clear I'm going to attend.

I am especially grateful to him because of how he maintained the contact with me when I had difficult to talk, type, use computer and so on in August through October. He was there with his messages, encouraging me all the time.

When it was finally clear he's going to marry Kavita, I suggested he sets up a donation site. He is the sole breadwinner of his family, taking care of a lot of people, and I understood it could be very difficult for him to go through everything. I was quite sure, and told it to him, that not only me but also other members of this community would like to participate. What's a lot to him and Kavita, a lot in India, is not so much for us living in the western world.

At the time I was not aware of PayPal restrictions regarding private payments to India. When it was clear he could not manage it, not because of himself but because of these restrictions, I knew we his friends had to find something. John PM'd me in about the same time I was thinking of alternatives, asking if I could be the one, and suddenly it was clear. I felt I was a bit responsible of this, first telling him he could collect our donations legally using a website, then telling him sorry it's not possible.

I am happy I can do this for Dinesh, and proud of his friendship. Next two months of my life are going to be funny and happy because of this and doing travel plans, planning Dinesh' bachelor party and so on. I'm retired with all the time I need, I have the means to go to wedding and finally meet the Wonder Boy from Mumbai, Sheik Dinesh al Camel whom Angie already calls half joking as my adopted son .

Life is good.


Joan Archer

And don't forget Kari we are going to want to see lots of photo's of the happy event for all those unable to attend.


Quote�� Quote: Originally Posted by Joan Archer View Post
And don't forget Kari we are going to want to see lots of photo's of the happy event for all those unable to attend.

My doctors don't like the idea of me sitting so many hours in a plane but I'm going to do it anyway. Trying to live healthy until that, take my medicine and generally obey both Angie and doctors.

Angie got the idea of first driving to Zurich, Switzerland and fly from there, taking one hour away from flight time, but in my opinion it's meaningless. I mean, what's the difference if I fly 8 hours or 9 hours? Anyway, Zurich it is. Flight LX154 on 2nd of May, back exactly a week later.

Out of personal nterest I first checked the trains . You know, over the Balkan states to Turkey, from there to Iran, Pakistan and finally to India. Only two problems: first, Iranian government has a tendency to arrest western tourists as spies which might mean missing the party in Mumbai. Secondly, it takes minimum two weeks one way. Possible, even doable but nothing for me Same with P&O, going by boat, or ferries from west coast of Africa.

I have traveled a lot in my life, from backpacking to luxury cruises. Never before have I felt such a "travel fever", counting days. Still 54 days to go, 4 days more to the wedding


Hopalong X

Quote�� Quote: Originally Posted by Jonathan_King View Post
I apologize - I am not in a financial position to donate. I freely offer my good wishes however!
You just made your donation Johnathan.

Mine was not big but I consider it from all of us.

I'm paying it forward this time.
Next time it may be you.

In fact you pay it forward on the BSOD squad everyday.



By the way guys, I have not yet spoken with Dinesh about this silly thought of mine but please if you have any ideas, let me hear them.

I'm going to take both my laptop and mobile phone with me, of course. Ever heard of a geek travelling without these? I've checked Vodafone India website and it seems I can buy a prepaid mobile SIM card there and use it in my 3G USB stick modem. If I take an external webcam with me, too, would the mobile broadband (seems to be there about 1Mbps) be enough to send live video over the net? If so, are there any good sites to be used to broadcast?



i had a similar thought today about sending live feeds to seven forums from the wedding kari , a bit like a street cam kind of thing ,great minds thinkl alike kari. hope you can make it happen


Quote�� Quote: Originally Posted by Kari View Post
By the way guys, I have not yet spoken with Dinesh about this silly thought of mine but please if you have any ideas, let me hear them.

I'm going to take both my laptop and mobile phone with me, of course. Ever heard of a geek travelling without these? I've checked Vodafone India website and it seems I can buy a prepaid mobile SIM card there and use it in my 3G USB stick modem. If I take an external webcam with me, too, would the mobile broadband (seems to be there about 1Mbps) be enough to send live video over the net? If so, are there any good sites to be used to broadcast?

Hi Kari, you have some misconception here. First of all, you won't get just a prepay sim card from vodafone for your 3G modem. They do not have such option. But I'd say not to bring your 3G modem. My MTS modem works with speeds upto 3 MBPS but you will always get around 1.5MBPS - 2 MBPS anytime so you can use that modem as I wont be able to use the internet at all during that time.

The Live Streaming idea is great. Qik | Record and share video live from your mobile phone lets you share live video recording from your phone but we dont have a great internet speed on mobiles in India.


We have to have a long chat about this later. I'm starting to look different options. It's a shame if we can not just buy a prepaid there, I remember from my own experience how expensive roaming can be there.



Sorry to post a new post just after my own post, but this love story is too beautiful not to share: How I met her? � Wedding blog of Dinesh & Kavita

Dinesh posted it a few hours ago, about how he met Kavita. I suddenly had sweat or some other liquid in my eyes while reading it (no, I was not crying. Men don't cry ).




Quote�� Quote: Originally Posted by Kari View Post
Sorry to post a new post just after my own post, but this love story is too beautiful not to share: How I met her? � Wedding blog of Dinesh & Kavita

Dinesh posted it a few hours ago, about how he met Kavita. I suddenly had sweat or some other liquid in my eyes while reading it (no, I was not crying. Men don't cry ).


Thanks mate. Yes, men don't cry. It must be due to a dust particle in your eye.

Hopalong X

I'm glad Dinesh wasn't shy around women or anything like that.
We would still be waiting on them to meet!!!!
Great story. I read it right after you posted.

A Guy

OK, it worked today. I guess the Paypal account had to have time to be set up? Aish Karo! Dinesh and Kavita



Quote�� Quote: Originally Posted by A Guy View Post
OK, it worked today. I guess the Paypal account had to have time to be set up? Aish Karo! Dinesh and Kavita

Thanks Bill.

Just wanted to inform you guys that I received the money sent by John in my bank account right now. The PayPal website says it takes 5-7 working days but I got it in just 2-3 days.

Thanks John.



Are there any restrictions to sending any actual packages to India from the USA ?

Just sorta thinking out loud for an idea


Quote�� Quote: Originally Posted by DocBrown View Post

Are there any restrictions to sending any actual packages to India from the USA ?

Just sorta thinking out loud for an idea
Packages? If its a gift, it should not exceed more than 5000 Indian Rupees. That is around $100. (Acc. to India Custom Rules).


After fruitlessly trying to remember my PayPal account details, it seemed easier to create a new one....donated

Oh, and hats off to you Kari for organising this : a noble gesture we don't see enough of that these days. As a reward I give you permission to drink my allocation of beer at the wedding, and I trust Dinesh will look after you


Quote�� Quote: Originally Posted by Dinesh View Post
Thanks Bill.

Just wanted to inform you guys that I received the money sent by John in my bank account right now. The PayPal website says it takes 5-7 working days but I got it in just 2-3 days.

Thanks John.
That is great!

I wonder what's going on with Indian PayPal? Everyone had problems to donate on that site you set up, getting the message �We�re sorry. We�re not able to complete personal payments to account holders in India at this time.�

After that, I called several times to PayPal to be able to tell you what you have to do. PayPal pointed me to this link visible at least on European PayPal account pages:

Name:  PP_1.png  Views: 19  Size:  5.8 KB

Clicking that, you'll find this new policy (effective from November 2010):


PayPal customer services tell now that for instance transferring existing donations from my PayPal to your PayPal are prohibited because of this. That's why I trust Western Union more, also that you don't get any problems with tax and other authorities there when you receive more money than normally to your bank account. Western Union works to India without restrictions and you get money cash in your hand.

Quote�� Quote: Originally Posted by DocBrown View Post

Are there any restrictions to sending any actual packages to India from the USA ?

Just sorta thinking out loud for an idea
The declared value may not exceed INR 5,000 ($111 using current exchange rate). Be sure you tell the exact contents in customs declaration, this from my own experience.

Quote�� Quote: Originally Posted by Golden View Post
After fruitlessly trying to remember my PayPal account details, it seemed easier to create a new one....donated

Oh, and hats off to you Kari for organising this : a noble gesture we don't see enough of that these days. As a reward I give you permission to drink my allocation of beer at the wedding, and I trust Dinesh will look after you
Thanks, Golden. reasons can be found here.


P.S. I have to brag a little Check this out: LiveCam from Mumbai � Wedding blog of Dinesh & Kavita
Also donations page is updated about 20 minutes ago:


Oh Kari...I also expect you, upon your return, to be able to tell us all about leg breaks, googlies, and off-breaks.....Dinesh will explain all I'm sure


Although they were good sports about this, I wish you both a much better experience than this...


Quote�� Quote: Originally Posted by Golden View Post
Oh Kari...I also expect you, upon your return, to be able to tell us all about leg breaks, googlies, and off-breaks.....Dinesh will explain all I'm sure
I hope I'll learn what those things mean...

Dinesh do not read following!

My main purpose on trip is to give Dinesh a bachelor party he remembers! I just wish it does not effect his honeymoon as my party before marrying my first wife did. In my first honeymoon she went to Stocholm, Sweden, with her friends and I went to Malaga, Spain alone. What a honeymoon!

Three years later we were divorced with two kids.


Hopalong X

What happened to the pretty web site?


Hoppy, that must be your browser or connection causing problems. The site works fine.



It's working fine for me also.


BTW, dear friends of Dinesh: he and I had a Skype chat just a few minutes ago and we agreed to test live broadcast on Sunday, so those interested can then check to cam page of the site and see us two on a video chat. That's just a test and when it works, then the following week we are going to take a bit more "journalistic" approach and organize a live interview with Dinesh and Kavita, where I acting as interviewer talk with them so they can tell about their lives and plans.

We have great plans for "Mumbai Live", for the wedding week. I just don't know how do I survive this waiting, still over 50 days to go... Angie has a lot of fun, she says she's not seen me so impatient never before


Hopalong X

It worked fine yesterday. Using IE9RC. Oh well.



Cindy wants to know if she can be the Star attraction at the bachelor party?

Name:  Cindy_7.jpg  Views: 77  Size:  22.4 KB

Old Flames never Die


Quote�� Quote: Originally Posted by Kari View Post
BTW, dear friends of Dinesh: he and I had a Skype chat just a few minutes ago and we agreed to test live broadcast on Sunday, so those interested can then check to cam page of the site and see us two on a video chat. That's just a test and when it works, then the following week we are going to take a bit more "journalistic" approach and organize a live interview with Dinesh and Kavita, where I acting as interviewer talk with them so they can tell about their lives and plans.

We have great plans for "Mumbai Live", for the wedding week. I just don't know how do I survive this waiting, still over 50 days to go... Angie has a lot of fun, she says she's not seen me so impatient never before

This is becoming quite an event, sounds like good therapy Kari.

Hopalong X

Did a reset on IE9 and all is well!


Hopalong X

Quote�� Quote: Originally Posted by DocBrown View Post

Cindy wants to know if she can be the Star attraction at the bachelor party?

Old Flames never Die
You know you were always my favorite Doc


Quote�� Quote: Originally Posted by Kari View Post
BTW, dear friends of Dinesh: he and I had a Skype chat just a few minutes ago and we agreed to test live broadcast on Sunday, so those interested can then check to cam page of the site and see us two on a video chat. That's just a test and when it works, then the following week we are going to take a bit more "journalistic" approach and organize a live interview with Dinesh and Kavita, where I acting as interviewer talk with them so they can tell about their lives and plans.

We have great plans for "Mumbai Live", for the wedding week. I just don't know how do I survive this waiting, still over 50 days to go... Angie has a lot of fun, she says she's not seen me so impatient never before

I wonder if we have the set up to run the event on sevenforums?
Not the test but live for the wedding- if possible.

John? Oh John?

Might be too much for the servers or not possible with their set up for the forum.


I think we may be able to sort that out


@Derek: I'm 52 in about three weeks and I'm acting like a child. I feel I'm full with energy, just waiting the trip to start and see Dinesh getting married with my own eyes, in this first official Seven Forums wedding As an experienced traveler I do not recognize this feeling of anticipation in me; it's always been like "OK, let's go", simple and fast.

@Hoppy: Good to hear!

@Doc: last time I checked I preferred women with no man made female parts, and so do Dinesh, so no thanks! No Cindy!

BTW, anyone else coming to Mumbai on May 6th? Our Indian friends perhaps, at least?



Quote�� Quote: Originally Posted by Cindy View Post
Quote�� Quote: Originally Posted by DocBrown View Post

Cindy wants to know if she can be the Star attraction at the bachelor party?

Old Flames never Die
You know you were always my favorite Doc


Quote�� Quote: Originally Posted by Cindy View Post
You know you were always my favorite Doc

This post takes home the Seven Forums Chillout Award 2011!

Hopalong X


Just a thought.

I went to the live feed and it is of course off now. Showing still pics.
Is there a way to record the live feeds for future viewing?
Especially the wedding etc.

Maybe John knows if they get a live feed up here on sevenforums.

That way it is recorded for those who might be in bed or at work as invents happen.

Like I said just wondering.


Hoppy, I've set the system up so that all live streams are automatically recorded so I just have to upload them later to YouTube, which can then be embedded and posted here.

This service I found, Ustream, is free, easy to set up and seems to work well. Integrating it to a website or blog takes just a few clicks so I really recommend this. Testing it last night I had only four viewers so I do not know how well it works when theres more audience, but judging from the amount of for instance celebs like Charlie Sheen
using Ustream for their podcasts it should be OK.



I've had a quick look and we should be able to embed a live feed

Hopalong X

Kari and John

Excellent on both counts!



We'll test that first on the wedding blog on Sunday. If everything works, let's then talk more about how to go further.



OMG! Kari and John, I can't imagine what else you guys gonna do to make the event so BIG.

P.S.: I hope I dont sound stupid in front of the live cam on Sunday. LOL


It's gonna be big when the Elelphants we've ordered get there


Oh, that reminds me: Dinesh, if they call you from the port of Mumbai that there's problems with a container waiting in the customs area, it's just because until I arrive I gave the port authority your phone as a contact number.

If this happens, just go to the port and feed the reindeers, port authority has the key to the container. I'll take care of the rest when I arrive. Be sure to lock the container when you're done, don't give Rudolf any candy or chocolate. Prankster likes whisky.

Can't tell you more, wedding present should be a surprise.



Quote�� Quote: Originally Posted by Kari View Post
Oh, that reminds me: Dinesh, if they call you from the port of Mumbai that there's problems with a container waiting in the customs area, it's just because until I arrive I gave the port authority your phone as a contact number.

If this happens, just go to the port and feed the reindeers, port authority has the key to the container. I'll take care of the rest when I arrive. Be sure to lock the container when you're done, don't give Rudolf any candy or chocolate. Prankster likes whisky.

Can't tell you more, wedding present should be a surprise.



Wait. Reindeers in the container?? Elephants ordered?? That sounds weird. Isn't it?

Hopalong X

Quote�� Quote: Originally Posted by Dinesh View Post
Wait. Reindeers in the container?? Elephants ordered?? That sounds weird. Isn't it?
Seems a bit odd to me also.
If you have Rudolph why fly Swiss Air!

That would be like Brink taking a plane ride when he has his UFO sitting in the back yard.

Brink should really pick me and Dennis up and go over for the wedding.
Wouldn't take but a half hour at most including stopping and picking us up.

Dinesh I have to agree the elephant order is a bit odd.
Of course they could be dancing purple ones which would explain it.


Quote�� Quote: Originally Posted by Hopalong X View Post
Quote�� Quote: Originally Posted by Dinesh View Post
Wait. Reindeers in the container?? Elephants ordered?? That sounds weird. Isn't it?
Seems a bit odd to me also.
If you have Rudolph why fly Swiss Air!
Indian quarantine regulations...Had to ship him & his mates early


Hey Dinish, congratulations. I donated a small amount on the website, hope it helps!
Hope you enjoy the wedding!



Quote�� Quote: Originally Posted by Lordbob75 View Post
Hey Dinish, congratulations. I donated a small amount on the website, hope it helps!
Hope you enjoy the wedding!

Thank you David.
its not just the amount, its the thought that matters.


Quote�� Quote: Originally Posted by Dinesh View Post
Quote�� Quote: Originally Posted by Lordbob75 View Post
Hey Dinish, congratulations. I donated a small amount on the website, hope it helps!
Hope you enjoy the wedding!

Thank you David.
its not just the amount, its the thought that matters.
Glad I could help mate.

Good luck with the wedding planning and all those guests.



For those who might be interested in this: Dinesh and I are testing the live broadcast in about 8:30 PM CET (7:30 PM GMT, 11:30 AM PST, 2:30 PM EST), that is in about 15 minutes from now. We are going to send our Skype Video chat live on air.

Please notice this is one of the first tests, so be patient is the entertainment value is not so big



Hi Kari,

I've got the live broadcast up. There seemed to be quite a lot of background audio interference initially, it sounded like bubbling water or a running tap.

Kari, your voice is distorted in places and Dinesh, your volume is low and I can't quite catch what you're saying.

That said, it's good to see and hear both of you. I'm sure that the technical issues will be ironed out in due course.


Thanks for feedback, Dwarf. Going to check those audio issues.



The video wasn't good because I was using my in built webcam which is very weak. Plus, my voice was low because my own headphone mic was not working so I used the inbuilt mic. Tomorrow, I'll get a good headphone and webcam so it'll definitely be better in our next conversation.

Thanks for the feedback Dwarf.


Embed test



John, does this mean that when on air, it's going be shown here?


I've ripped that straight from your blog page so it should show whatever is showing on the blog.


OK. We are going to try once more tonight, in just a few moments. Please, any feedback from audio quality would be nice.


Quote�� Quote: Originally Posted by z3r010 View Post
I've ripped that straight from your blog page so it should show whatever is showing on the blog.
That looks cool. This way, many ppl would be able too see it without leaving SF.

Hopalong X

Kari broke it already!!!



As any starting broadcasting corporation, DKWTV has had it's share of technical problems. The management would like to thank our audience, and ascertain that our technical staff is working 27 hours a day to fix these issues

On behalf of DKWTV,



I've tweaked the player to make it a decent size and also added it to the first post


Thanks, John. I did not know it's possible to embed it here. Appreciated.



If something has an embed code I can always find a way to get it to show


I think I'm going to go with that Ustream no-ads plan, although it costs a little. These ads on bottom of the video disturb me, only way to get no ads is to pay.


I'd leave that until your very sure that Ustream is definately the way to do it.


I've not found any other free services with such a clear and easy to use UI. Ustream is really easy.

Joan Archer

Quote�� Quote: Originally Posted by z3r010 View Post
Embed test

All I see here is a black box


I'm seeing a slide show, which is what is displayed when the channel is off-air. I was able to watch the live feed earlier (7:30 PM GMT), although it wasn't embedded here at the time.


Joan, do you have Flash player installed? That's the only thing I can think of why you do not see it.


Joan Archer

Yes Kari I have the latest flash installed, I'm running IE9 RC and even going to Dinesh's site doesn't make a difference and I've tried refreshing the page and putting it in compatibility and both places I only see a black box.


Very strange. Look, when you posted a screenshot telling you can see only a black box, even on that post of yours I can see the slide show and live stream when on air:


I really have no idea what could cause this.


Joan Archer

That is very strange, I'm baffled


Can you see YouTube or Vimeo videos?

Joan Archer

Yes I can mostly see YouTube don't know about Vimeo videos although I do know there are time when I go to the news from my home page and quite often I can't play the videos that are shown.
I don't usually bother about it and just move on to do something else.

Just discovered I can watch Vimeo ones, I've just watched the one boo posted in the thread Beautiful Art.

A Guy

Works great in Opera. Joan, do you have Firefox, or Opera? Might be worth trying. A Guy


Yeah I use firefox and never had any troubles watching flash vids.

@Kari: You might wanna try firefox or chrome with adblock plus extension. I see no ads in the video using the adblock plus extension.
P.S.: If you are a hard core fan of Mac OS X and wanna use Safari browser to watch the live stream vids, adblock plus is also available for Safari.


hi guys

I dont want to be rude but what is this all about???

anyway a heart wishes and congrats to dinesh and kavita

A Guy

Dinesh is a long time, valued and beloved member of this community. And he is getting married. We all are celebrating with him

A Guy


Pardon my ignorance.. I just discovered this thread.

I haven't missed the wedding yet have I? When I get back from my trip I'd like to throw a few in the pot.


Quote�� Quote: Originally Posted by Dinesh View Post
P.S.: If you are a hard core fan of Mac OS X and wanna use Safari browser to watch the live stream vids, adblock plus is also available for Safari.
Yeah, you know me and my opinion...

Joan Archer

Quote�� Quote: Originally Posted by A Guy View Post
Works great in Opera. Joan, do you have Firefox, or Opera? Might be worth trying. A Guy
No Bill only have IE9 RC, never had the need to clutter up the hard drive with other browsers when the one I have meets my needs, well it has until now


We are currently online on a video chat, so if you are interested in helping us, check that out and give feedback of the quality.



5:15 PM GMT

I see that we've managed to get the twin video image showing, with both Kari and Dinesh (and Kavita) on screen at the same time. Unfortunately, still issues with the audio (currently none, although I can clearly see that you are saying something, I just can't hear it). Can you hear each other though?


I'm with Dwarf. I can see (just a bit jerky), but no audio is coming through.


I registered for an account, and now the audio is playing.


5:25 PM GMT

Your audio returned briefly, Kari. Still no audio from Dinesh's end though. Now no audio from either end. Picture still clear and good.


I was getting video , but only Kari's audio ?


Quote�� Quote: Originally Posted by Jonathan_King View Post
I registered for an account, and now the audio is playing.
Are you getting audio from both sides?

I can go to the main UStream site, and I'm getting audio/video without problems (currently showing news on the Japenese Earthquake). Just no/little/poor audio with Kari and Dinesh's stream.


Thanks, geeks. I will continue to check this audio issue.



Are the settings correct, as shown here: audio | Ustream Help Center

I'm thinking about the audio level, and whether or not you are inadvertently catching the Audio Broadcast checkbox and toggling it off (unchecked) instead of on (checked/ticked).


All settings were correct, as far as I can understand. I think the problem is / was how I am doing it; I use different devices to receive Dinesh audio and video signal to Skype, then other devices to send it to Ustream.

I will continue testing, until I know what the problem is.

One thing worth to notice is that instead of using a better rig, one with better specs, I want to use the same laptop in these tests which I'm taking with me to India. IMO it would be useless to test now with an i7 desktop, and then in India notice that Core2 Duo laptop is not capable to do what the test rig home did.



Understood. It makes sense to use the equipment that you will be taking with you. Just out of curiosity and interest, though, is it working better on your desktop using the same settings as on your laptop?

Is Dinesh using a laptop as well?

The question remains, though: Are you able to hear each other, even though we can't (and when we can, it seems to be only from Kari's end)?


Dinesh is also using a laptop. We could here each other without problems, except some occasional heavy background noise. And yes, I've had no problems recording / broadcasting audio with my desktop.



Are you using a wired or wireless Internet connection on the laptops? Although, I think that it would be the video content that would suffer if this was an issue, not the audio.


I think I found it. I'm currently on air, sending my desktop. Please tell me if audio comes through, it should work now, playing Manhattan Transfer's Lazy River now...


I heard it...


Audio loud and clear.


Yes! It was settings on my laptop, not in Ustream. My fault, my bad

BTW, half an hour broadcasting, laptop's temps are up at 90 degrees Celsius!



Glad you found out the solution.
Next broadcast is going to be even more better.


Would that affect Dinesh's audio as well?

90 degrees? That is hot, and in itself could explain the audio issue (although video was not affected). I just hope you weren't actually using it on your lap. Do you have it on a table? Is there anything you can place underneath it at each corner to lift it up slightly and allow air to circulate underneath it?


Yes. I'm still learning this, never done anything like this before, so please have some patience with me...

I just got a delivery report of a text message I sent you, Dinesh. Ignore the message, it was already sent hours ago but apparently you got it first now.

Thanks geeks for feedback.



Quote�� Quote: Originally Posted by Dinesh View Post
Glad you found out the solution.
Next broadcast is going to be even more better.
How about a quick test to see if that was, in fact, the issue?


Quote�� Quote: Originally Posted by Dwarf View Post
Would that affect Dinesh's audio as well?

90 degrees? That is hot, and in itself could explain the audio issue (although video was not affected). I just hope you weren't actually using it on your lap. Do you have it on a table? Is there anything you can place underneath it at each corner to lift it up slightly and allow air to circulate underneath it?
Yes, I agree with Dwarf. If you laptop continues to run at such temp, it will shutdown (hard shut down - direct power off).

That's why I always use the cooling pad below my laptop. Its fans are no more working but it at least gives a good height to the laptop and gives way to the vents.


It would be better if the fans were working though, but the important thing is to ensure that all vents are clear and not obstructed in any way.


Quote�� Quote: Originally Posted by Dwarf View Post
Would that affect Dinesh's audio as well?

90 degrees? That is hot, and in itself could explain the audio issue (although video was not affected). I just hope you weren't actually using it on your lap. Do you have it on a table? Is there anything you can place underneath it at each corner to lift it up slightly and allow air to circulate underneath it?
I have it on a cooling pad, normal temps between 40 and 50 Celsius. The thing is, this whole thing with broadcasting live with Ustream is really eating resources, both cores working constantly at over 90%. I have to think something before I'm in Mumbai; in May it's going to be really hot and humid there. Might be I need to get a better cooling pad and take it with me.

Good thing is, I've noticed, that although temps go high when I start, the laptop cools down to normal pretty fast when I finish. At the moment I think it's going to be OK in Mumbai, too, as long as we keep live streams short, let's say 5 to 10 minutes, and do it mainly from for instance my hotel or caf�'s and such where there's air conditioning.

Honestly geeks, this is fun! Completely new for me, I'm amazed how much I can do with simple tools, basic laptop and webcam. I'm a happy man, having this opportunity to play with my toys!


The Howling Wolves

Just tuned in and watched the live performance in Cloudy California..
Viewing was not an issue...Could only hear Kari.
No Audio on Dinesh and Kavita was the problem for me.
When I expanded the viewing it went real blurry so I hit esc and went back to smaller viewing in black box.

What a pretty couple they are! Kavita is beautiful!
Kari you need a bath and a shave. hehehehe


Going to sauna later tonight, Dennis, but shaving have to wait. One bet to win first...


How was the sauna, Kari?

Hopalong X


Have you updated the donation page or is there nothing new to update?
Just curious.



There's nothing to update. Waiting till Friday, then transferring money, Dinesh receives it Tuesday next week as originally planned.



Updated the page now, correcting the date and changing the amounts in INR and GBP due to changed exchange rates. Dinesh got INR 500 for free, for the rate is better now than it was three days ago .
Amount in USD is still the same due to only minor changes in EUR / USD rate.

Hopalong X

Thanks Kari.


No probs, Hoppy.

I have to admit I also have decided not to try to boost our collection now with this aftermath of Japanese earthquake and tsunami, having bad feelings about us collecting donations for a wedding when tens of thousands of people are suffering so much that also our members want to donate there, to help people in need, as can clearly be seen in both our Today and Earthquake threads.

I have therefore decided, rather than boost our thing, to personally fill in the missing amount when the wedding finally takes place so Dinesh & Kavita get the announced goal amount in any case even when we could not raise any more.


The Howling Wolves

Felt the same way.
Fortunately I was able to support and donate to both.
We are all going through some troubled times but nothing even close to those in Japan.

Joan Archer

Kari I can now see the video, it appears it was the Global settings to do with Flash, I didn't allow anything to get in once I'd made the necessary changes a short while ago came here and the first post of this thread now shows me the slideshow instead of just a black box

I knew we'd figure it out in the end


Nice to hear that, Joan. We are back live, Dinesh telling about life and love later tonight (I think?). I'll post here when I know for sure what time.



ATM testing how audio signal is broadcasted, after some tweaks I just made. Someone online and seeing the stream, please tell how you receive the audio?

Hopalong X

As you intended this is for for those who wish to donate.

I was just reminding you if you had forgot to update that was all. Not that you would ever forget anything.

Those that can do both will.



Hoppy, it was correct to remind me. The page states "updated at least daily", and my last update was three days old so it was clearly a lack of concentration from my side. Even if the situation was not changed, I should remember to update at least that information

My only defense is this on Monday, which led also to a nice full day together yesterday, doing nothing else than enjoying each other's company

Hopalong X


Your forgiven.


We are live at the moment, talking about life, love and plans of Dinesh. If interested, you can watch the stream in first post of this thread or directly at LiveCam from Mumbai � Wedding blog of Dinesh & Kavita

EDIT: Wrong alarm! Dinesh has currently so bad connection it simply did not work. Trying again later...


My internet connection is working extremely bad tonight. That's the reason Kari is having trouble listening to my voice and the video quality is a joke. We'll try once again. Sorry about that.


Small but important update: First money to Dinesh on its way � Wedding blog of Dinesh & Kavita



Thanks Kari.
BTW, we're trying to do a video chat right now. Lets see if it works this time.


DKWTV is on air just now, loud and clear. If interested, come to see us. Tonight's theme: Sheik Dinesh al Camel: The Man behind The Myth!


I can't hear anything. It looks as though you can hear each other, though.


Thanks for the feedback Dwarf. Kari is fixing this ATM. The voice quality is amazing and it was never been like this. Its amazing.


This getting the audio signal broadcasted too is making me crazy! trying to fix it all the time, we are soon back online.


OK, we are back live now. Audio should be working now...

The Howling Wolves

Quote�� Quote: Originally Posted by Kari View Post
OK, we are back live now. Audio should be working now...
Where do I jump in and view?
Will give you feedback from US soil!


Hey guys can you now hear us both? I guess it should work fine now.


Although Kari sounds clearer than Dinesh, I can hear audio from both sides now.

Video-wise, you're clear and moving smoothly, Kari. Dinesh, on the other hand, you appear out of focus and when you move, it's a bit like stop-start animation.


That was the best video chat we've ever had so far. The audio quality was crisp. However, the video was not good at all. But I m happy that we at least got it working.

Good night ppl.


Thanks for the feedback, Dwarf. Strange, when I finally got audio working the video quality dropped

Dennis, you can watch it here: LiveCam from Mumbai � Wedding blog of Dinesh & Kavita. Scroll down the page to see instructions on one of the comments.

If you already know how to use the player, you can watch it on first post of this thread.

DKWTV next time live on Wednesday 23rd.



I know. Now all we need to do is to find a way to have good audio together with video. I wonder if this is a bandwidth problem at Dinesh's end, since he says in his Specs that his Internet Speed 'sucks'.


Quote�� Quote: Originally Posted by Dwarf View Post
I know. Now all we need to do is to find a way to have good audio together with video. I wonder if this is a bandwidth problem at Dinesh's end, since he says in his Specs that his Internet Speed 'sucks'.
Yeah, that's the main problem. I got a new DSL connection and hence it was possible to do a video chat. The speed is get is about 2.5 Mb/s. I guess thats the cause of this issue. The video quality wouldn't be any better.

Phone Man

Quote�� Quote: Originally Posted by Dwarf View Post
I know. Now all we need to do is to find a way to have good audio together with video. I wonder if this is a bandwidth problem at Dinesh's end, since he says in his Specs that his Internet Speed 'sucks'.
After working 40yrs in the phone business, this really amazes me. We have Dinesh in India on a video conference with Kari in Germany and Dwarf in the UK picking up the feed on this forum located in the USA and feels the feed is not up to par. We have come a long way. We use to run phone lines on barb wire fences when facilities were not available. Ask my grandma why she was shouting on the phone and she said it was a long distance call.

Looking forward to the wedding.



This modern technology has downsides, too... After my retirement almost a year ago, I've used spoken English very little. Stroke end of last summer did its own damage to my speech. Now, every time we are doing this with Dinesh I think all the time how terrible my lisping, word searching, Finnish and German infected English is.

As much as I like this project, counting days for my trip to Mumbai to begin, as much I feel ashamed listening myself speak

But, as Phone Man mentioned, we have come quite far. Internet is helping us to cross borders and boundaries as never before. Long live Internet!


A Guy

I'd think it would be good therapy though Kari, getting the english together in your head, and out your mouth Besides, no one is judging you here. A Guy


What audio/video settings are you using? If you have both of these set to maximum quality, you might need to back one or the other or probably both down to a lower setting in order to have both audio and video with the bandwidth available to you.


Wow! This is awesome! This really shows that this place is beyond a forum. Me likey

My best wishes to Dinesh & Kavita

I will try to donate soon...


Thanks HDM.


PayPal came through, sending money to Dinesh as soon as I have an opportunity to go to Western Union.



DKWTV is on air now. Tonight: The life and adventures of Sheik Dinesh al Camel!

Joan Archer

Well done I've just been watching it and enjoyed watching you both. Kari you were clear and in sync but Dinesh even though your speech was working fine and very clear it was not in sync with your actual face.

Kari I know exactly what Angie means about those ciggies, I used to roll my own and used to have the tell tale little holes


Quote�� Quote: Originally Posted by Joan Archer View Post
Well done I've just been watching it and enjoyed watching you both. Kari you were clear and in sync but Dinesh even though your speech was working fine and very clear it was not in sync with your actual face.

Kari I know exactly what Angie means about those ciggies, I used to roll my own and used to have the tell tale little holes


Quote�� Quote: Originally Posted by Dinesh View Post
Quote�� Quote: Originally Posted by Joan Archer View Post
Well done I've just been watching it and enjoyed watching you both. Kari you were clear and in sync but Dinesh even though your speech was working fine and very clear it was not in sync with your actual face.

Kari I know exactly what Angie means about those ciggies, I used to roll my own and used to have the tell tale little holes
I really like my tobacco but Angie hates the holes in my shirts

BTW, the whole chat is now posted on the wedding blog for those interested to watch it.



Looks like the caravan is starting to form for Dinesh & Kavita's wedding

The Howling Wolves

Doc we better start swimming now or we will be late.
Name:  Mochee1741452.jpg  Views: 9  Size:  46.2 KB


Dennis, no probs. Doc picks you up with DeLorean. He returns you home a second later but you had a week of festivities in Mumbai during that second!


I can only imagine how dirty their car is to wash it like this!


The Howling Wolves

Quote�� Quote: Originally Posted by Lordbob75 View Post
I can only imagine how dirty their car is to wash it like this!


Maybe they wanted a DEEP CLEANING!



I have just now sent money to Dinesh via Western Union, and a text message to him with code he needs to get it out.



Hi guys, here's the invitation card for you.
Wedding Invitation card � Wedding blog of Dinesh & Kavita

Joan Archer

Wonderful Dinesh, just posted a comment on the site.


Thanks Joan.


I got a nasty email some days ago, seems that at least one member is suspecting this is some kind of scam, that I make profit of this by keeping at least a part of the money you dear fellow geeks have donated to Dinesh & Kavita. According to this email, the sender is not alone thinking like this, the subject has been (again according to sender) discussed on PM's and chats.

Because of different economical possibilities of individual donors, we agreed that only the total amount and donors names are published. This is why I can not post the individual amounts, either here or on the wedding blog.

This is why I came up with an auditing system that might be OK with you guys, and am now asking your fellow geeks your opinion. My suggestion: If Joan Archer accepts my invitation to act as an auditor I'll give her a complete list of donors (the names are already for everybody to see here) with the amount of each donation. IMO we can agree that the list is complete; if a donor can not find his / her name on that list, I think we had heard of that already. I think that we can also agree that Joan is one in whom everybody trusts, in her integrity. She could then PM each and every donor to ask if the amount I told her is the actual amount donated, and calculate these together.

I really need to cut wings of this rumor now, not to wait until the wedding. Dinesh has already got about 20% more than all your dear fellow geeks have donated, this extra being a part of my donation. In addition, I have compensated the PayPal fees of each donated Euro / Dollar / Pound, so Dinesh has got the gross amount you donated, not the net after the fees.

More about transfers and actual situation in the blog section of the wedding site.

Very sincerely,



I agree. Joan can handle this situation efficiently.

Joan Archer

Kari I would be willing to accept the invite, but can I get back to you tomorrow as I'm shutting down shortly so don't have time right now to follow up.

Another thought, my husband is an accountant, OK retired now, but he's the one with a head for figures.


Quote�� Quote: Originally Posted by Dinesh View Post
I agree. Joan can handle this situation efficiently.
I know you trust me and hope you don't mind me telling this openly. I mentioned this email to you in one of our chats, talked it more with Angie, and found no more options than to make it public and let an outsider everybody trusts control the situation.

@Joan, OK.


Hopalong X


Well if the complaint didn't come from a contributor my answer is who cares what they think?

If they wish to send something to Dinesh direct and not send it to you they can use Western Union and pay the fee of doing so.

If you wish to be audited that is up to you.
I'm not worried about it.
If I didn't trust you I would not have sent you any money.

My three cents.


Yes, Hoppy, sender was not a donor. I just don't want any suspicions so I think that we let Joan (or hubby ) to check the figures.


The Howling Wolves

Like Hoppy said....If I didn't trust you I wouldn't not have sent it.
There is always some jerk who will do something like this.
All I care about is Dinesh and Kavita getting my donation and having a great wedding.
More importantly .....sharing the rest of there lives together.


Thanks, Dennis.

Aren't those invitation cards nice? Somehow seeing them made this whole wedding feel more real; it really is happening!

Well done, Dinesh.

The Howling Wolves

Great looking Invitations.....Nice job Kavita!
Kari, you don't think Dinesh designed those invitations do you? Not the Dinesh I know....hehehehee

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