I know 7 is still in beta but all well 
Sorry if there was a previous poll/thread already like this, just curious
Sorry if there was a previous poll/thread already like this, just curious
You actually put XP on the POLL? LOLOLOLOL XP SUCKS.
Hey before the 7 beta came along I used it for a long time and i think it deserves to be there for giving users an alternative when Vista failed miserably
Vista did not fail miserably. I can't believe your " XP > Vista "
Name one legit way XP was better... There are none, it was slower and less secure, and wow that should be enough, not to mention it looks like POOP. I just worked on an XP machine tonight, YUCK!
Name one legit way XP was better... There are none, it was slower and less secure, and wow that should be enough, not to mention it looks like POOP. I just worked on an XP machine tonight, YUCK!
Vista did not fail miserably. I can't believe your " XP > Vista "
Name one legit way XP was better... There are none, it was slower and less secure, and wow that should be enough, not to mention it looks like POOP. I just worked on an XP machine tonight, YUCK!
Name one legit way XP was better... There are none, it was slower and less secure, and wow that should be enough, not to mention it looks like POOP. I just worked on an XP machine tonight, YUCK!
EDIT: But, I do have to give Vista credit for looking much better
Vista has been great for me and I haven't had any real problems but I definitely prefer windows 7, XP whats that!!
Well I can't vote in the poll, because it only lets you pick one, Lol.

Seven FTW.
Seven FTW.
Am I in trouble if I like debian more?
Yes ... go to your room naughty boy.
LMAO, DiamondNRG, you just get right to the point, don't you.
what about SUSE???
sorry you guys....
its between 7 and SUSE (before it was SUSE ubuntu and Vista)
but yes 7 FTW
sorry you guys....
its between 7 and SUSE (before it was SUSE ubuntu and Vista)
but yes 7 FTW
Go seven! I find Vista SUCKS. none of my games worked for it and none of my mics, headsets, mice, keyboards, and tablets worked. Half the time it crashed on a totally new 3000$ computer. (Which of course was stolen.) Xp was not as good in built in security as vista, but you could just fortify it with a bunch of free antivirus programs. You can also make Xp look JUST LIKE VISTA and use ALL the new features of vista with only a little more cpu usage. Vista was a failure and MS is makeing up for that with seven.
Go seven! I find Vista SUCKS. none of my games worked for it and none of my mics, headsets, mice, keyboards, and tablets worked. Half the time it crashed on a totally new 3000$ computer. (Which of course was stolen.) Xp was not as good in built in security as vista, but you could just fortify it with a bunch of free antivirus programs. You can also make Xp look JUST LIKE VISTA and use ALL the new features of vista with only a little more cpu usage. Vista was a failure and MS is makeing up for that with seven.
a computer for that price should be at least be able to use vista....
it must have been malware or something but vista dosent reserve the bad rap it gets
(the story on the vista capable fiasco is another story as this is cleary MS at fault and wishfull thinking for some consumers...)
vista is wonderfull on a capable machine and is very usefull depending on the hardware you use....
(i have serviced a few computers and i see this all the time where the user thinks that their OEM computer running vista is just so slow while in fact it is all the things OEM's shove in their machines....
once their machines are cleaned of these apps and installed freeware apps they think they see a whole different computer...)
(i myself use many operating systems and the first mistake is to abide by one single company/OS....)
Oh you poor soul, Microsoft has brainwashed you... lol One of the reasons I like XP is because it is much faster than Vista in all my experiences (maybe not if you have a screaming fast machine but I cant just blow $1000 to run Vista decently
) and Vista always managed to have a problem with any device i connected to it like everyone else says about the driver problems.
EDIT: But, I do have to give Vista credit for looking much better
EDIT: But, I do have to give Vista credit for looking much better
i will put it as my sig....
"vista is marketed for everyone but vista is not for everyone"
"vista is not as bad as people think"
I voted Vista
LMAO the admin of the Windows 7 forum votes for Vista, priceless
Lmao i would have too if it werent that i could vote again...lol
The Admin of this site also run the Vista forums and most of the long term members of this site including myself are also members of that forum and beleive it or not most of us like Vista.
Nope - my first vote goes to Gentoo 2008.1 r2 AMD64.....
Sadist - wait, mini-sadist!
Pfft. Gentoo, baby, Gentoo 
(OK, I'll stop the *nix fanoboyism right here and right now - but I really *do* love Gentoo over other flavors....
Yup - I preferred Vista over XP because I had decent enough HW to run it, and it ran better on legacy hardware than XP did on legacy hardware - I ran XP on a Pentium 200 MHz machine amped up with 96 MB of RAM _ no go, it was slow as molasses.
I ran Vista on a P4 2.0 GHz CPU with an MX 440 video card and 1 GB of RAM - Other than aero it ran slower, but not as slow as XP on that Pentium 200.
Plus, Vista took out a need for major anti-intrusion software, the 17 layers of hell as I call it - you start adding all those in there and XP runs a lot slower. Finally, compare apples to oranges - I am pretty positive that this is probably only the second time that a newer OS version runs faster than its predecessor *on identical machines* _ newer OSs tend to have more code and thus tend to run slower, at least until we started introducing multiple core processors to the end user (think during the tail end of XP's shelf life). W7 takes all the good security and and features and tweaks them into better features and adds a good bit of speed - but it is a lot more rock solid than Vista x64 was when I was installing drivers and such....
Overall, I loved Vista - until I installed W7 and played with it the first time.
Sadist - wait, mini-sadist!
(OK, I'll stop the *nix fanoboyism right here and right now - but I really *do* love Gentoo over other flavors....
I ran Vista on a P4 2.0 GHz CPU with an MX 440 video card and 1 GB of RAM - Other than aero it ran slower, but not as slow as XP on that Pentium 200.
Plus, Vista took out a need for major anti-intrusion software, the 17 layers of hell as I call it - you start adding all those in there and XP runs a lot slower. Finally, compare apples to oranges - I am pretty positive that this is probably only the second time that a newer OS version runs faster than its predecessor *on identical machines* _ newer OSs tend to have more code and thus tend to run slower, at least until we started introducing multiple core processors to the end user (think during the tail end of XP's shelf life). W7 takes all the good security and and features and tweaks them into better features and adds a good bit of speed - but it is a lot more rock solid than Vista x64 was when I was installing drivers and such....
Overall, I loved Vista - until I installed W7 and played with it the first time.
Our resident Renaissance Man.
Our resident Renaissance Man.
I'd rather be l'umo universale
Go seven! I find Vista SUCKS. none of my games worked for it and none of my mics, headsets, mice, keyboards, and tablets worked. Half the time it crashed on a totally new 3000$ computer. (Which of course was stolen.) Xp was not as good in built in security as vista, but you could just fortify it with a bunch of free antivirus programs. You can also make Xp look JUST LIKE VISTA and use ALL the new features of vista with only a little more cpu usage. Vista was a failure and MS is makeing up for that with seven.
What is this crap? I would think non-english posts would be against the rules around here!
Lighten up DiamondNRG. 
I voted for Windows 7 for now.
I voted for Windows 7 for now.
you took my line....
but yes i havent tried opensolaris or gentoo yet though...
ill look into that those....
have tried red hat, slackware (slax and backtrack..
singularity is gaining my love though....lol
Seven is heaven.
I'm very pleased with Se7en, though I'll always have a soft spot in my heart for Vista.
I second that!...
I voted for Seven cause its better than Vista home basic.
lmao mansrm
wait you are trying 7 home basic right???
because then that wouldnt be fair...
Hahahah your funny
You tell him mansrm!
Ultimate is nice, isn't it?
Yes it is Ted a whole lot better.
LoL 7 Home Basic. I wonder who would have installed that one. Anyways I am using Windows 7 fulltime now. Also with my new job at this computer store it should come in handy when people start servicing them.
Hello linuzo; how've you been?

i havent seen for sometime linuzo
how are you....
i was just thinking the same thing but remember the EULA.....
I haven't voted as you can only vote for one
I'm using Vista and like it, I passed my XP over to my husband but I still like that one as well, can't comment with regards Windows 7 as I haven't tried it yet but I expect I'll like that one as well.
Each time a new system comes out there will be people letting off steam about the predecessor saying what rubbish it was and the new one is the bees knees, each one has their own strenghts and weaknesses and everyone uses their machines in their own way so what works for one wont be the same as what works for another
OK that's my 2 pence worth
Each time a new system comes out there will be people letting off steam about the predecessor saying what rubbish it was and the new one is the bees knees, each one has their own strenghts and weaknesses and everyone uses their machines in their own way so what works for one wont be the same as what works for another
OK that's my 2 pence worth
Try W7 - 9 out of 10 Vista lovers agree W7 is better.
(The 10th is usually some stuffy admin who thinks he knows it all and likes renaming people's machines)
(The 10th is usually some stuffy admin who thinks he knows it all and likes renaming people's machines)
I started a similar poll over at Vista Forums just before I posted this one, so far nobody has voted to stay with Vista lol
Ooh you're living dangerously aren't you John
I started a similar poll over at Vista Forums just before I posted this one, so far nobody has voted to stay with Vista lol
I would have had to start dividing up my disc so it had it's own partition then it would only be valid until August and as I only bought this machine in July it will be a few years before I'm in a position to be able to buy another or even an upgrade OS so I'll do what I usually do and carry on with what I have and read all I can about the new one so when the time comes I'm better able to understand it
well, running 7(Build 7000) and i having some troubles with somethings... so... Vista for now :P
Hello slipee, welcome to Se7en Forums!
If you're having a problem with your Windows 7; post a new topic, at the link below and someone may have some answers for you.
General Discussion - Windows 7 Forums Just click the yellow "New Thread" button.
If you're having a problem with your Windows 7; post a new topic, at the link below and someone may have some answers for you.
General Discussion - Windows 7 Forums Just click the yellow "New Thread" button.

Ooh you're living dangerously aren't you John 
I will be, I did start the download but it was going to take more time than I was prepared to allow and it got stuck after it had downloaded a couple of hundred MBs so I decided not to bother.
I would have had to start dividing up my disc so it had it's own partition then it would only be valid until August and as I only bought this machine in July it will be a few years before I'm in a position to be able to buy another or even an upgrade OS so I'll do what I usually do and carry on with what I have and read all I can about the new one so when the time comes I'm better able to understand it
I will be, I did start the download but it was going to take more time than I was prepared to allow and it got stuck after it had downloaded a couple of hundred MBs so I decided not to bother.
I would have had to start dividing up my disc so it had it's own partition then it would only be valid until August and as I only bought this machine in July it will be a few years before I'm in a position to be able to buy another or even an upgrade OS so I'll do what I usually do and carry on with what I have and read all I can about the new one so when the time comes I'm better able to understand it
I feel like the poll results will be biased for some reason.......
That said, I voted for: Seven ha
That said, I voted for: Seven ha
lol yeah, i figured that out a little while after posting it. if i were to post a poll on the vistax64 forums, the winner would no doubt be vista
I voted 7, although I am (was) a Vista advocate.
Even with the few problems I'm having with 7, (such as trying to get VirtualBox to run, and for some reason Everest won't start and run in the sidebar) this OS shines.
I think this has been a brilliant move on MS's behalf, I'm looking forward to the official release.
Even with the few problems I'm having with 7, (such as trying to get VirtualBox to run, and for some reason Everest won't start and run in the sidebar) this OS shines.
I think this has been a brilliant move on MS's behalf, I'm looking forward to the official release.
I voted 7, although I am (was) a Vista advocate.
Even with the few problems I'm having with 7, (such as trying to get VirtualBox to run, and for some reason Everest won't start and run in the sidebar) this OS shines.
I think this has been a brilliant move on MS's behalf, I'm looking forward to the official release.
Even with the few problems I'm having with 7, (such as trying to get VirtualBox to run, and for some reason Everest won't start and run in the sidebar) this OS shines.
I think this has been a brilliant move on MS's behalf, I'm looking forward to the official release.
Paid Software that is Windows 7 Compatible
Definitely 7! Certainly wouldnt go back to XP.
After installing windows 7 on my desktop a few days ago I had more problems with my vista machine than I did on the windows 7 machine over the same period of time with the same programs installed etc and so I upgraded my laptop up to windows 7 (very brave for me being as its my main machine and I will be using it for all my university work!!) and so far everything has been great! Had a couple of probs installing visual studio 2008 but I don't think its a windows 7 problem. Fair play my WEI went from a 4.9 on vista to a 5.2 on 7!!
Win 7 all the way. I will never use Vista again.
I dunno which one to choose.
Windows 7 seems great and I can't wait for it to be out of beta.
Windows Vista has been great for me, runs everthing fine and I love it.
Windows XP was fine for me. As I won't be using it again any time soom at home, Windows XP with the Zune theme will certainly hold a place in my heart in terms of appearance.
Windows 7 seems great and I can't wait for it to be out of beta.
Windows Vista has been great for me, runs everthing fine and I love it.
Windows XP was fine for me. As I won't be using it again any time soom at home, Windows XP with the Zune theme will certainly hold a place in my heart in terms of appearance.
I have the same picture u have as ur avater
They are all good operating systems, but the best by far is 7. It is very fast and it makes up for all of what Vista lacks (which is already very little). It as well has amazing graphics and has some really, really useful and 'cool' features.
Vista has been very good, and I have had no problems with it. I did delete loads of unwanted software they shove in it! Now win 7 is running on the same PC, I see an even bigger speed improvement with lower memory and resources being used. The whole gui looks great too!
Currently I am testing Windows 7 7000 x86 on one of my laptops (fairly new . Lenovo 3000 n100) and am very Impressed with it so far. But It is still in beta mode and I have found quite a few bugs that need work on, or Modifications from MS to smooth it out.
As far as Vista, forget it. I have run it
and tested
it and repaired it
for a few people (and companies) that I do Computer Consulting and Network setup's for.
I Own a copy of Windows Vista x64 and x86 Ultimate and have no
reason yet to install it on any of my computers.
I have 8 computers that I use constantly
and right now I have Windows XPP x64 on my big box (Gigabyte GA-965P-DS3, Intel Core 2 Quad Q6600, 8192 MB, NVIDIA GeForce 8600 GTS & NVIDIA GeForce FX 5200, 3TB's of HDD's). And Windows XPP x86 on 4 others (2 laptops 2 desktops) Windows XP home on my wife's (minitoy) AcerOne and Windows CE 5 on my iPAQ 5555.
I have had computers since 1977 (the first I'll bet you never heard of TRASH80 {Radio Shack TRS-80}), and have used MS OS's since 1987-89 and still have the original copies of Win1.1 - now Win7, I also have servers OS NT3.5-2003.
I Got impressed with Windows when I met Bill and Paul, (the 2 who started Microsoft), back in 1985 and have been a fan since then.
I like Linux but it is not that compatible with the work I like to do, and no matter what Linux fans claim, you still have to work out buggs
constantly. The only MS O.S. that was like the buggy Linux was Windows ME. I believe that was a glitch forced by the marketing group at MS.
As far as Vista, forget it. I have run it

I Own a copy of Windows Vista x64 and x86 Ultimate and have no

I have 8 computers that I use constantly

I have had computers since 1977 (the first I'll bet you never heard of TRASH80 {Radio Shack TRS-80}), and have used MS OS's since 1987-89 and still have the original copies of Win1.1 - now Win7, I also have servers OS NT3.5-2003.
I Got impressed with Windows when I met Bill and Paul, (the 2 who started Microsoft), back in 1985 and have been a fan since then.
I like Linux but it is not that compatible with the work I like to do, and no matter what Linux fans claim, you still have to work out buggs
Vista did not fail miserably. I can't believe your " XP > Vista "
Name one legit way XP was better... There are none, it was slower and less secure, and wow that should be enough, not to mention it looks like POOP. I just worked on an XP machine tonight, YUCK!
Name one legit way XP was better... There are none, it was slower and less secure, and wow that should be enough, not to mention it looks like POOP. I just worked on an XP machine tonight, YUCK!
Vista was horribly buggy and slow and couldn't run on three quarters of the machines that were supposed to be capable of doing so.
I moved straight from XP to 7!
Vista has been very good, and I have had no problems with it. I did delete loads of unwanted software they shove in it! Now win 7 is running on the same PC, I see an even bigger speed improvement with lower memory and resources being used. The whole gui looks great too!
Care to clarify that? Or are you talking about the unwanted software that an OEM installs bundled on their computers when they sell them to consumers in order to save the consumers money? If so that doesn't come with Vista, that comes because your OEM decided to put it on there....
Unwanted software the comes with Vista...
Care to clarify that? Or are you talking about the unwanted software that an OEM installs bundled on their computers when they sell them to consumers in order to save the consumers money? If so that doesn't come with Vista, that comes because your OEM decided to put it on there....
Care to clarify that? Or are you talking about the unwanted software that an OEM installs bundled on their computers when they sell them to consumers in order to save the consumers money? If so that doesn't come with Vista, that comes because your OEM decided to put it on there....
I always install my own software and build my own PC's. I wouldnt want anyone else build my PC...lol.
Unwanted software the comes with Vista...
Care to clarify that? Or are you talking about the unwanted software that an OEM installs bundled on their computers when they sell them to consumers in order to save the consumers money? If so that doesn't come with Vista, that comes because your OEM decided to put it on there....
Care to clarify that? Or are you talking about the unwanted software that an OEM installs bundled on their computers when they sell them to consumers in order to save the consumers money? If so that doesn't come with Vista, that comes because your OEM decided to put it on there....
I have had computers since 1977 (the first I'll bet you never heard of TRASH80 {Radio Shack TRS-80})
And that has contributed hugely, I think, to the current conception of Vista. Don't get me wrong, Vista has its share of legitimate problems, but a lot of people don't understand that their PC's manufacturer has added a lot of bloat to their systems, and that's not Vista's fault.
Yep, I used to have one of those..
Yep, I used to have one of those..
There were a couple before then but I forget the names?
Currently I am testing Windows 7 7000 x86 on one of my laptops (fairly new . Lenovo 3000 n100) and am very Impressed with it so far. But It is still in beta mode and I have found quite a few bugs that need work on, or Modifications from MS to smooth it out.
As far as Vista, forget it. I have run it
and tested
it and repaired it
for a few people (and companies) that I do Computer Consulting and Network setup's for.
I Own a copy of Windows Vista x64 and x86 Ultimate and have no
reason yet to install it on any of my computers.
I have 8 computers that I use constantly
and right now I have Windows XPP x64 on my big box (Gigabyte GA-965P-DS3, Intel Core 2 Quad Q6600, 8192 MB, NVIDIA GeForce 8600 GTS & NVIDIA GeForce FX 5200, 3TB's of HDD's). And Windows XPP x86 on 4 others (2 laptops 2 desktops) Windows XP home on my wife's (minitoy) AcerOne and Windows CE 5 on my iPAQ 5555.
I have had computers since 1977 (the first I'll bet you never heard of TRASH80 {Radio Shack TRS-80}), and have used MS OS's since 1987-89 and still have the original copies of Win1.1 - now Win7, I also have servers OS NT3.5-2003.
I Got impressed with Windows when I met Bill and Paul, (the 2 who started Microsoft), back in 1985 and have been a fan since then.
I like Linux but it is not that compatible with the work I like to do, and no matter what Linux fans claim, you still have to work out buggs
constantly. The only MS O.S. that was like the buggy Linux was Windows ME. I believe that was a glitch forced by the marketing group at MS.
As far as Vista, forget it. I have run it

I Own a copy of Windows Vista x64 and x86 Ultimate and have no

I have 8 computers that I use constantly

I have had computers since 1977 (the first I'll bet you never heard of TRASH80 {Radio Shack TRS-80}), and have used MS OS's since 1987-89 and still have the original copies of Win1.1 - now Win7, I also have servers OS NT3.5-2003.
I Got impressed with Windows when I met Bill and Paul, (the 2 who started Microsoft), back in 1985 and have been a fan since then.
I like Linux but it is not that compatible with the work I like to do, and no matter what Linux fans claim, you still have to work out buggs
And I knew and grew up with several CoCo users who were in the local CoCo Users Group....
Then again, I was born in '71, older than most people realize....
Every time I install Vista only Vista is running until I start installing other apps.
And that has contributed hugely, I think, to the current conception of Vista. Don't get me wrong, Vista has its share of legitimate problems, but a lot of people don't understand that their PC's manufacturer has added a lot of bloat to their systems, and that's not Vista's fault.
Yep, I used to have one of those..
Yep, I used to have one of those..
I cant remember all the files/programes. Mostly microsoft games and add-ons like paint, msn messenger, to reduce space used. Also those tsr's that eat memory like themes, cardspace, ethernet, and some logging programs. Sorry I dont have a list but I look inside windows and see what I am able to turn off safely to increase performance.
I cant remember all the files/programes. Mostly microsoft games and add-ons like paint, msn messenger, to reduce space used. Also those tsr's that eat memory like themes, cardspace, ethernet, and some logging programs. Sorry I dont have a list but I look inside windows and see what I am able to turn off safely to increase performance.
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