ripped this idea off a site i stumbled upon today,
its simple, guess the movie from this object.
correct answer gets the next turn and so on ,
i start with an easy one

its simple, guess the movie from this object.
correct answer gets the next turn and so on ,
i start with an easy one
Forrest Gump?
yes ,your turn
The Rock
we have a winner, sorry for absence been busy with family.
I hope this one is not to hard...
gonna bump this thread as it s slow grower.
what film is this then.
what film is this then.
Zombie Plumber?
no john ,no zombies involved.
or plumbers
or plumbers
The Adjustment Bureau?
The Mechanic?
A Guy
A Guy
correct ,sorry for the delay ,i forgot about this thread hahahaha!
Tin Cup?
Lol, yeah, sorry, was 1st thing I thought of, lol. You're up. A Guy
Nope. More recent.
Blue's Brothers II
Nope. Current movie.
The Company Men?
Nope. Currently playing Matt Damon movie.
The Adjustment Bureau?
Yup! Your turn.
(I guess not many of the people reading this thread have seen the movie.)
(I guess not many of the people reading this thread have seen the movie.)
OK Thank You strollin. I'm not going to give any clue's right away. 
Sorry, but no. Hint: this is an older movie (80's or 90's) and this guy would have a 10 year old daughter.
oh, commando
You got it Zepher, congrats.
Here you go,
I figured that it was either Paul or Alien's.

Social Network?
Nope. Older movie. Rumored to be remade with Will Smith in starring role.
Was gonna say Colossus, had to confirm the movie title. The Forbin Project?
A Guy
A Guy
Close enough, Colossus: The Forbin Project.
Your turn.
Your turn.
I knew that would be the 1st guess. No, sorry. Try again. A Guy
Closer to the target
But, no. A Guy
Broken Arrow?
Broken Arrow it is. I specifically picked the image knowing people would say Robin Hood. And a picture of a broken arrow, well...
A Guy
A Guy
The Red Coat?
A Guy
A Guy
The Patriot?
Nope. Nope. And nope.
Nope. This is an older movie, probably made before most on this forum were born (mid 50's).
No, I meant the new movie about the CIA with Bruce Willis, Morgan Freeman, John Malkovich and Helen Mirren, but if it's wrong it doesn't matter so why am I writing all this? 
Edit: Oh, I see you mean your movie. Sometimes I'm so stewpid.
Edit: Oh, I see you mean your movie. Sometimes I'm so stewpid.
Is it a Marilyn Monroe movie? (am I allowed to ask, can I ask, will I be banned if I ask?)
No Marilyn Monroe is not in it.
Not only the color (red) is a clue but the object itself is a clue as well.
Not only the color (red) is a clue but the object itself is a clue as well.
Full Metal Jacket
The Redcoats are Comimg ?
The Thin Red Anorak?
the smokin fleece?
Is it to match "The Red Shoes"?
Nope. Nope. Nope. Nope and nope.
The Eagles did a song about the actor that played the lead role and wore the red jacket in the movie.
The Eagles did a song about the actor that played the lead role and wore the red jacket in the movie.
Rebel without a cause.
the betrayed
That's the clue I was looking for. James Dean in "Rebel Without A Cause". Always loved that song too.
James Dean's character wore the red jacket in the movie.
Eagle's lyrics: ...too fast to live, too young to die. Bye-bye.
Your turn.
James Dean's character wore the red jacket in the movie.
Eagle's lyrics: ...too fast to live, too young to die. Bye-bye.
Your turn.
Your Attention Please: Would Mr. p5bdkw please report to guess the movie. Your contribution is requested.
Here easy one.....
Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull?
Close, but no.
Raiders of the lost ark
That's the one!
In the latter movie, Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull, Indy and the Germans did return to the warehouse, but the pic I posted was from Raiders of the Lost Ark. Lordbob was on the right track.
Your turn!!
In the latter movie, Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull, Indy and the Germans did return to the warehouse, but the pic I posted was from Raiders of the Lost Ark. Lordbob was on the right track.
Your turn!!
Here is one of my favorites.
Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind? And congrats Zepher on your next post being your 900!
thanks, and no, that isn't the answer.
Any chance of a hint Zepher? This one's really gettin' under my skin. No pun intended with the hypodermic.
It's a comedy about a doctor who finds his soul mate in a glass jar.
It's a movie from the early 80's.
In Austria they have a very hard drunk test, walk a straight line on your hands and then Juggle balls DO A TAP DANCE, AND SING THE CATALINA MAGDALENA LUPENSTEINER WALLABEINER SONG
In Austria they have a very hard drunk test, walk a straight line on your hands and then Juggle balls DO A TAP DANCE, AND SING THE CATALINA MAGDALENA LUPENSTEINER WALLABEINER SONG
I haven't got a clue.
Anyone else?
Here are a few clues that are not about the movie itself, but the actors in them and other roles they played.
A romance writer who goes to south america to find her kidnapped sister and finds herself in the middle of a dangerous adventure.
He is one of a Trio of actors that go down to mexico to replay their bandit fighter roles, unaware that it is the real thing.
A romance writer who goes to south america to find her kidnapped sister and finds herself in the middle of a dangerous adventure.
He is one of a Trio of actors that go down to mexico to replay their bandit fighter roles, unaware that it is the real thing.
The Man With Two Brains?
OK. See, if you lead me to the answer I'll get it. Here's one for you I think will be easy.
looks like Predator.
Nope, sorry.
The people in this movie would fit in well with The Blue Man Group.
Avatar? (Duh! You used your own avatar as the clue!)
You got it strollin. Well done. You're up!
green mile?
Nailed it. You're up.
this is probably too easy, but i didn't want to make it too difficult either...
Terminator 2
of course
Here you go,
hmm, it reminds me of something...
Is something your final answer?
i thingk so
here's another:
I would guess Matchbox Men
i purposely made it a bit tougher - but it is from a very famous film that nearly all geeks would have watched at least once.
i purposely made it a bit tougher - but it is from a very famous film that nearly all geeks would have watched at least once.
Bambi ?!? (only going by the name you've given to your image)
here's a bambi-ish clue though, from the same movie:
here's a bambi-ish clue though, from the same movie:
The Matchstick Men?
i'll give another clue after a few more wrong answers.
i'll give another clue after a few more wrong answers.
The thing
The Crying Game?
another clue
I know this isn't correct but what the heck, Revenge of the Nerds?
Blade Runner
thruppeny bits
Mr. Soze, that has to be it, I think you're absolutely right. By the way, can I play the Stephen Baldwin part in the sequel "The Unusual Suspects" 
nah its cockiney rhyming slang
The Last Airbender?
Here is an easy one,
Damn, was hoping it would be harder than that. Yup.
Dances With Wolves?
Quigley Down Under?
Winchester '73
A Guy
A Guy
Nope, think literal
A Guy
A Guy
Red Like the Sky?
Getting warmer 
A Guy
A Guy
Red Sky at Night?
Oh, Vanilla Sky?
Red Dawn?
Red Dawn is it. Very good strollin. Your turn. A Guy
Black night/Knight.?
Thanks strollin! Here's a thinker for ya!
Shawshank Redemption
The Sound of music?
Very good Jim, the lesser known version where Morgan Freeman played Julie Andrews part.
That's the one that was showing over on this side of the pond when I went to the movies, am I right ?
I figured that would be the first answer, that's why I said it was a thinker!
You mean the Morgan Freeman version of Sound of Music, I think you're absolutely correct!
OK, a hint: Think of when they rolled the credits for the cast in The Shawshank Redemption.
Ok I'm thinking,
now what?
Keep thinking until the smoke gets too thick
Think nicknames!
Morgan Freeman's nickname in The Shawshank Redemption was........
Red his nickname was Red..........
Correct fishnbanjo, so the name of the movie I'm looking for is.........
Oil see ye on the beach in mexico?
Red Sails in the Sunset
I'll give it to you fishnbanjo. The movie is Red with Bruce Willis, Morgan Freeman, John Malkovich and Hellen Mirren.
Ah... I thought Red first but went with a second choice ...
This is not easy
Good Luck
This is not easy

Please tell me you were trying to give fishnbanjo hints or I may have to hang myself, but I will send pictures.
Nope, figured that would be one of the early replies, much newer but not very new
Actually, I never thought but Reds works too, and yes fish, this can be a tough game. Sometimes the clue's are so obscure, or maybe it's just me.
How 'bout Good Mornin' Vietnam? Ya, MASH would have been to easy. 
Look out, strollin's in the house, he's good at this.
Look out, strollin's in the house, he's good at this.
Nope.... Don't think of the item, think of its name......
That's the word.... now, what's the movie?
fishnbanjo can I ask how recent the movie is?
About 10 years ago..........
Pearl Harbor?
Nope, I'll give a hint or two shortly....

War of the Worlds?
Nope, sorry...
I think you've caught on to this game quickly fishnbanjo: how about Independence Day?
P.S. Congrats on your 1000th post!
P.S. Congrats on your 1000th post!
Gosh, didn't even notice! Thank you.... Not even close, another hint....
The Simpson's Movie?
Miracle at St. Anna
LOL!! No and No....... this ought to give it away
Not for this slow, dim-witted rube. I give up. I'm going to take my mother's advice and go for a walk on the highway.
That is the image of Ellis "Red" Redding who befriends Andy Dupree
Notice his inmate number?
O Brother Where art thou?
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