I'm using the WUSB600N as my only means of connecting my desktop to the internet at the moment. Can't run cables for a number of reasons, but the wireless works fine on Vista. After installing the Win 7 beta on a second hard drive, I insert the driver disc for the adapter, follow the prompts, but then Windows says the driver was not installed properly. Back on Vista now to try to figure this out. Google isn't coming up with anything. Anyone run into any problems like this? Any suggestions?
Did you run the setup with vista compatibility.
I have the same usb stick.
Insert the cd, go to device manager and update driver and point to the cd\drivers\vista32 (or vista64).
Works just as good if not better than vista.
Good Luck
OS: 6936 and 7000 both are x64
Insert the cd, go to device manager and update driver and point to the cd\drivers\vista32 (or vista64).
Works just as good if not better than vista.
Good Luck
OS: 6936 and 7000 both are x64
Windows 7 provides a generic Wireless USB LAN driver.
Select "Locate and install a driver manually" from the "Update Driver" button from the Driver Properties in Device Manager
This worked for my Linksys USB wireless Adapter in Windows 7 64bit.
Select "Locate and install a driver manually" from the "Update Driver" button from the Driver Properties in Device Manager
This worked for my Linksys USB wireless Adapter in Windows 7 64bit.
Problem is it just connect at 54mbs
I have recently upgraded to windows 7 and what a nightmare i am having. The netgear wireless receiver that I had built into my pc worked fine with vista. Once i installed windows 7 the drivers no longer worked (i tried installing new ones and searching for an alternative with no result) and I was forced to buy the linksys wusb600n.
Im now having issues with this adapter aswel. The adapter detects my network, and even from the houses near me, however when attempting to connect to the network it says "it is taking longer than usual to connect to the network" after about 10 minutes of this, it then says it has not been possible to connect to the network, run troubleshooter. which i then do. Which then suggests to restart the adapter which takes another 10 minuites.... I can EVENTUALLY after several times doing this and say 40 minutes of fiddling, restarting and unplugging get the internet to work. Once connected i have a fantastic internet connection with no problem. However i dont have the time to mess around for 40 minutes everytime i want to use the internet. Is anyone else having this problem or is it just me? And more importantly! does anyone know how to fix it
Im now having issues with this adapter aswel. The adapter detects my network, and even from the houses near me, however when attempting to connect to the network it says "it is taking longer than usual to connect to the network" after about 10 minutes of this, it then says it has not been possible to connect to the network, run troubleshooter. which i then do. Which then suggests to restart the adapter which takes another 10 minuites.... I can EVENTUALLY after several times doing this and say 40 minutes of fiddling, restarting and unplugging get the internet to work. Once connected i have a fantastic internet connection with no problem. However i dont have the time to mess around for 40 minutes everytime i want to use the internet. Is anyone else having this problem or is it just me? And more importantly! does anyone know how to fix it

I have the same Linksys USB wireless adapter and Windows 7 installs the drivers automatically and it works just fine.
Yeah... but that doesnt help my problem... realy.
Linksys has drivers for Windows 7 64-bit but only for version 2. Unfortunately I am using version 1.
Using vista, or an upgrade version from windows update the most I can achieve is 54mbs.
Using vista, or an upgrade version from windows update the most I can achieve is 54mbs.
Anyone know why it only runs at 54MBPS? Is there a way to fix this?
Windows 7 provides a generic Wireless USB LAN driver.
Select "Locate and install a driver manually" from the "Update Driver" button from the Driver Properties in Device Manager
This worked for my Linksys USB wireless Adapter in Windows 7 64bit.
Select "Locate and install a driver manually" from the "Update Driver" button from the Driver Properties in Device Manager
This worked for my Linksys USB wireless Adapter in Windows 7 64bit.
I selected away from "ver. 2" and all my problems were solved.
Hope this helps.
I'm using the WUSB600N as my only means of connecting my desktop to the internet at the moment. Can't run cables for a number of reasons, but the wireless works fine on Vista. After installing the Win 7 beta on a second hard drive, I insert the driver disc for the adapter, follow the prompts, but then Windows says the driver was not installed properly. Back on Vista now to try to figure this out. Google isn't coming up with anything. Anyone run into any problems like this? Any suggestions?
I have a link for you from Cisco, a couple of questions:
Are you setting up for X86 or X64? Its not clear as you have posted no system specs. Which router/access point will you be connecting to?
Cisco is slow rollong out wireless adapter drivers.
If you have your install disk I suggest in Windows 7 to mouse over to the install/setup.exe file and right click on it and check for compatability mode and see if you have Vista then set it up as administartor and launch install. Here is the link: Linksys by Cisco - WUSB600N Support
Unfortunately I have ver. 1 and tried all the solutions. Linksys even said they dont have a driver for ver.1 and could not say whether they would make a driver for it.. Probably going to get an Ethernet bridge so dont have to worry about driver problems..
My chat with linksys for WUSB600N, V1
1:32am: Dave requested session.
1:32am: Eva V. (17936) started session.
1:37am: Eva V. (17936) ended session.
[2009-11-23 01:32:35] Please wait... Your number in the queue: 31
[2009-11-23 01:32:41] Eva V. (17936) has joined this session.
[2009-11-23 01:32:43] Eva V. (17936): Hello Dave! Welcome to Linksys Live Chat. How may I help you?
[2009-11-23 01:33:10] Dave: Hi, wondering when there will be a windows 7 driver for V 1.0
[2009-11-23 01:33:31] Eva V. (17936): We only have drivers for v2, Dave.
[2009-11-23 01:34:29] Dave: is there plan for V.1. It`s still on store shelves.
[2009-11-23 01:34:48] Eva V. (17936): We don't have an idea for it, Dave.
[2009-11-23 01:35:54] Dave: OK, i guess there won`t ever be one
[2009-11-23 01:36:24] Eva V. (17936): I really do apologize for the inconvenience this may have caused you, Dave.
[2009-11-23 01:36:59] Dave: I`ll check back in a while and see.
[2009-11-23 01:37:34] Eva V. (17936): Okay.
1:32am: Dave requested session.
1:32am: Eva V. (17936) started session.
1:37am: Eva V. (17936) ended session.
[2009-11-23 01:32:35] Please wait... Your number in the queue: 31
[2009-11-23 01:32:41] Eva V. (17936) has joined this session.
[2009-11-23 01:32:43] Eva V. (17936): Hello Dave! Welcome to Linksys Live Chat. How may I help you?
[2009-11-23 01:33:10] Dave: Hi, wondering when there will be a windows 7 driver for V 1.0
[2009-11-23 01:33:31] Eva V. (17936): We only have drivers for v2, Dave.
[2009-11-23 01:34:29] Dave: is there plan for V.1. It`s still on store shelves.
[2009-11-23 01:34:48] Eva V. (17936): We don't have an idea for it, Dave.
[2009-11-23 01:35:54] Dave: OK, i guess there won`t ever be one

[2009-11-23 01:36:24] Eva V. (17936): I really do apologize for the inconvenience this may have caused you, Dave.
[2009-11-23 01:36:59] Dave: I`ll check back in a while and see.
[2009-11-23 01:37:34] Eva V. (17936): Okay.
I am having the same problem as noted in the very first posting. I've tried everything that's been mentioned so far, and it still doesn't work. Once again, wireless is my only way of accessing the network & internet. I bought the v.2 adapter and downloaded the Win 7 driver, but it won't install.
bg, have you resolved the problem? I have a Linksys WUSB600N ver 1 adapter. I got it working by plugging in the adapter after a fresh boot. Windows came up with a new hardware message and installed the Ver. 2 driver. I'm not sure if the driver came with Win 7 or if it found it because I had earlier tried to install the driver.
Anyway, after that the adapter would blink green every couple of minutes so I went into the Network wizard to set one up and the home networks were being recognized. It was just a matter of giving the password really and I was on.
Anyway, after that the adapter would blink green every couple of minutes so I went into the Network wizard to set one up and the home networks were being recognized. It was just a matter of giving the password really and I was on.
Lucky you, Wordsworth. Back when I had the v.1 adapter and it worked partially, it would recognize the network but not my password. I have a WPA2 network and a Roboform generated password. The adapter thought my network was WEP (it definitely isn't) and the password was not the right length/format for WEP so it always balked at that point. Since then Win 7 has gotten totally confused about the drivers and refuses to install any driver for the (now) v.2 adapter. I've talked to Linksys tech support and have been bumped up two levels; I'm waiting for a callback from their office in California.
Have you done a complete uninstall? Including deleting, if necessary, the entry in regedit (HKEY Current User>Software>Linksys? Then reboot and plug in the adapter.
OK, here's how I got V1.0 to work.
Downloaded driver from Ralink corp. site. Supposedly this USB adapter uses the RT2870 chipset.
I ran the install program for driver only.
Plugged it in and it worked fine. Previously it would not accept router passphrase, now it did and I got full speed.
Post your results if you try this.
Downloaded driver from Ralink corp. site. Supposedly this USB adapter uses the RT2870 chipset.
I ran the install program for driver only.
Plugged it in and it worked fine. Previously it would not accept router passphrase, now it did and I got full speed.
Post your results if you try this.
Running Windows 7 64bit Professional on Gateway FX7805u.
Adapter (ver.2) would not install from CD. Tried two times.
Called Linksys support and it was a waste of time
I had already downloaded the Vista 64 bit drivers from Linksys.
Followed the instructions and updated driver in Device manager.
Installed no problem.
Run Speedtest on the laptop without the adapter.
Download 6.29mbps Upload 0.84mbps
Run Speedtest with the adapter.
Download 8.60mbps Upload 0.88mbps
ISP is Cable - RoadRunner
Interesting thing is I than connect to my wired network.
Run speedtest.
Download 6.21mbps Upload 0.85
Adapter (ver.2) would not install from CD. Tried two times.
Called Linksys support and it was a waste of time
I had already downloaded the Vista 64 bit drivers from Linksys.
Followed the instructions and updated driver in Device manager.
Installed no problem.
Run Speedtest on the laptop without the adapter.
Download 6.29mbps Upload 0.84mbps
Run Speedtest with the adapter.
Download 8.60mbps Upload 0.88mbps
ISP is Cable - RoadRunner
Interesting thing is I than connect to my wired network.
Run speedtest.
Download 6.21mbps Upload 0.85
Its just not working for me. I've tried the CD and won't install - I've tried Ralink drivers and also the Linksys drivers but get access denied messages and have also got error 211 message as well so don't know what to try next!!
OK, here's how I got V1.0 to work.
Downloaded driver from Ralink corp. site. Supposedly this USB adapter uses the RT2870 chipset.
I ran the install program for driver only.
Plugged it in and it worked fine. Previously it would not accept router passphrase, now it did and I got full speed.
Post your results if you try this.
Downloaded driver from Ralink corp. site. Supposedly this USB adapter uses the RT2870 chipset.
I ran the install program for driver only.
Plugged it in and it worked fine. Previously it would not accept router passphrase, now it did and I got full speed.
Post your results if you try this.
I find it strange the way some folks can make it work and others can't. I downloaded the same driver to try and use it on my v2.0 and it won't. It installs fine but there are no networks available for it to see. I bought an ethernet cable so having trailing wires at the moment.
Any suggestions or things not mentioned in the threads that I'm supposed to do but haven't would be appreciated.
Any suggestions or things not mentioned in the threads that I'm supposed to do but haven't would be appreciated.
My success was with a fresh install of Windows 7 and was for V1. I use ghost imaging software and for evaluation purposes I restore my system to fresh install before trying a new driver.
Are the successes for the RALink driver for V1 only? Maybe that's it.
Are the successes for the RALink driver for V1 only? Maybe that's it.
I am using Win 7 64. I downloaded the RALink driver (as benzofree2002 suggested) and installed the driver Only. I plugged in my Version 1 WUSB600N adapter and confirmed that Windows 7 installed the RALink driver for it automatically. (Use Device Manager properties to confirm that RALink is the Driver Provider). It works fine. Transferring a file from my NAS over wireless was done at about 6.5 MB/sec so I assume this is an acceptable speed for 802.11n. No drops in the wireless over the last hour. It works so far. Will post otherwise if it doesn't. Don't buy new hardware.
I find it strange the way some folks can make it work and others can't. I downloaded the same driver to try and use it on my v2.0 and it won't. It installs fine but there are no networks available for it to see. I bought an ethernet cable so having trailing wires at the moment.
Any suggestions or things not mentioned in the threads that I'm supposed to do but haven't would be appreciated.
Any suggestions or things not mentioned in the threads that I'm supposed to do but haven't would be appreciated.
I find it strange the way some folks can make it work and others can't. I downloaded the same driver to try and use it on my v2.0 and it won't. It installs fine but there are no networks available for it to see. I bought an ethernet cable so having trailing wires at the moment.
Any suggestions or things not mentioned in the threads that I'm supposed to do but haven't would be appreciated.
Any suggestions or things not mentioned in the threads that I'm supposed to do but haven't would be appreciated.
For those who have their WUSB600N working with the version# 2 driver, you'll find in Device Manager that the driver provider is Ralink, even if you downloaded the driver from the Linksys site. For those who have version #1, as I do, working with this driver Device Manager calls it version #2.
I will reiterate what I posted earlier and maybe a second time through those who haven't gotten the version 2 driver to work (with either hardware version) will strike gold. I found that if you followed the instructions by Linksys to plug the adapter in only when prompted to do so by the software, I could not get the adapter to work. I instead uninstalled the software (also in Regedit), restarted the computer, plugged in the adapter, and Windows 7 came up with the message "installing device driver...blah blah." The adapter then blinked I think twice every couple of minutes showing that it had seeking activity occurring. At this point the notification area on the Taskbar turned orange and I went into the Network and Sharing Center and found that the home network was seen and needed to input the password, etc.
Try this again. I had an easier time actually getting this adapter to work in Win 7 than I did in XP.
I will reiterate what I posted earlier and maybe a second time through those who haven't gotten the version 2 driver to work (with either hardware version) will strike gold. I found that if you followed the instructions by Linksys to plug the adapter in only when prompted to do so by the software, I could not get the adapter to work. I instead uninstalled the software (also in Regedit), restarted the computer, plugged in the adapter, and Windows 7 came up with the message "installing device driver...blah blah." The adapter then blinked I think twice every couple of minutes showing that it had seeking activity occurring. At this point the notification area on the Taskbar turned orange and I went into the Network and Sharing Center and found that the home network was seen and needed to input the password, etc.
Try this again. I had an easier time actually getting this adapter to work in Win 7 than I did in XP.
For those using the ralink driver, does the ralink utility work?
Used ralink with previous dongle and the utility worked fine. Installed the linksys and it finds the ralink drivers fine, but the utility says card not detected.
Wireless Zero works ok
Used ralink with previous dongle and the utility worked fine. Installed the linksys and it finds the ralink drivers fine, but the utility says card not detected.
Wireless Zero works ok
I as well can't get the adapter to work.
I started out calling Linksys Technical Support and after going over the install they recommended purchasing another product. I looked at their forums and it appears some people have been able to get the adapter to work. I guess I'm just obsesive/compulsive so I haven't given up, yet.
I have tried installing from the CD, from the Ralink download, from the Linksys Vista 64 bit download and all I get is that I have the best driver already installed.
I have tried going to the Device Manager and un-installing; then going to the Control Panel and un-installing anything with Cisco in it. I then rebooted and tried again without success. I have been working on this for several days following the Forum on Linksys' website all with no luck.
When I install the driver and go to Devce Manager and click on Enable it starts to go but then goes back to (shadowed) un-enabled.
The only thing I haven't tried is going into Regedit and deleting because I'm not familiar with Regedit and I know you can screw things up in there and I don't know what I'm doing (in Regedit).
Thanks you in advance for any light you can shed on this topic.
I started out calling Linksys Technical Support and after going over the install they recommended purchasing another product. I looked at their forums and it appears some people have been able to get the adapter to work. I guess I'm just obsesive/compulsive so I haven't given up, yet.
I have tried installing from the CD, from the Ralink download, from the Linksys Vista 64 bit download and all I get is that I have the best driver already installed.
I have tried going to the Device Manager and un-installing; then going to the Control Panel and un-installing anything with Cisco in it. I then rebooted and tried again without success. I have been working on this for several days following the Forum on Linksys' website all with no luck.
When I install the driver and go to Devce Manager and click on Enable it starts to go but then goes back to (shadowed) un-enabled.
The only thing I haven't tried is going into Regedit and deleting because I'm not familiar with Regedit and I know you can screw things up in there and I don't know what I'm doing (in Regedit).
Thanks you in advance for any light you can shed on this topic.
I have Version 2 and am trying to get it to work on 7 x64 Ultimate.
I've just downloaded driver from ralink.
it installed fine(I only installed the driver, not the utility) then I restarted the machine. I looked in device manager and there was the device and the driver was showing in the properties. It also said 'device working properly' in properties.
I then opened Network and Sharing centre and it wasn't showing up. I unpluged my LAN and the wireless adaptor appeared but was disabled. I tried enabling it and the little box that popped up said enabled, but it remained grayed out with disabled written underneath it.
I then tried to do a restart and it got stuck on the 'shutting down' screen. I turned it off at the power button. Started it again. It then got stuck again before windows started. I restarted again and this time it said 'Launch Startup Repair' so I did and then I did 'restore system using system restore'
any ideas??
I've just downloaded driver from ralink.
it installed fine(I only installed the driver, not the utility) then I restarted the machine. I looked in device manager and there was the device and the driver was showing in the properties. It also said 'device working properly' in properties.
I then opened Network and Sharing centre and it wasn't showing up. I unpluged my LAN and the wireless adaptor appeared but was disabled. I tried enabling it and the little box that popped up said enabled, but it remained grayed out with disabled written underneath it.
I then tried to do a restart and it got stuck on the 'shutting down' screen. I turned it off at the power button. Started it again. It then got stuck again before windows started. I restarted again and this time it said 'Launch Startup Repair' so I did and then I did 'restore system using system restore'
any ideas??
Same thing here, I installed the vista drivers back in november and can get the adapter to work but it keeps the connections unreliably. We keep needing to unplug and replug the adapter. I thought by now linksys would have the new windows 7 64 bit drivers working?! Linksys customer service told me back in november 09 that I should check back for new drivers around christmas. No such lucK?!
I looked in device manager and there was the device and the driver was showing in the properties. It also said 'device working properly' in properties. I tried enabling it and the little box that popped up said enabled, but it remained grayed out with disabled written underneath it.
I then called Linksys support and paid for their techs to remotely control my computer and try to get it working and still same thing. Device working properly in Device Manager but disabled and wouldn't enable. They suggested getting the USB version.
I then took the PCI version back and got the WUSB600N v.2, plugged it into the USB slot and after manually installing the drivers, Device Manager showed the device working properly but disabled and wouldn't enable! I was really frustrated at this point.
I'm a tech of 12+ years and I consulted with other techs and with Linksys techs and everybody was saying things from the PCI slot on my mobo being bad to it being a Windows 7 problem to the adapter itself. But I saw other people using this adapter in Windows 7 and the only other option was to re-install Windows 7.
I decided to take one last look through Google before re-installing Windows 7 and I stumbled across a post at the Vista forums where somebody had the same problem as us and they said they uninstalled ZoneAlarm and their adapter just started working. Well I used ZoneAlarm also, so after uninstalling ZoneAlarm and restarting the computer the adapter automatically enabled itself and I was on the network!
I spent 3 days with 3 different adapters trying to figure out this problem and it ended up not being my PCI slot, not being a Windows 7 problem, and not being a driver problem. It was a third-party software problem. ZoneAlarm was taking over the network connections and for some reason not allowing new network adapters to be installed properly. Needless to say, I've since dumped ZoneAlarm. I don't need it anyway as my router has 2 firewalls, plus Windows firewall plus my wireless network is not broadcasting.
Duncan, if your device manager says the device and drivers are working properly, then it most likely is. What is causing the device to be disabled and not enable is some third-party software like ZoneAlarm or some other antivirus/firewall. Even disabling ZoneAlarm wouldn't work. It had to actually be uninstalled. I would uninstall your antivirus and firewall software (not Windows firewall) and try that. If your device still won't enable after a restart, then the only other option would be to reinstall Windows 7 and install the adapter before any other third-party software is installed. That is unless you can uninstall one third-party program at a time to determine which program is causing your adapter to be disabled.
Hope this info helps. Any further questions, feel free to ask.
I finally got my adapter to work. Sorry if this is a little incoherent but I got it working XMas Eve and left the next day for a week of Christmas on the East Coast.
I resolved the problem with disabling a filter in my antivirus suite. I am running Kaspersky Internet Suit 2010. I apologize for not being more scientific about this reply but I have been up since 5:00AM Eastern Time and we just flew in at 10:00PM Pacific time.
I found something in a properties tab through the Control Panel/Network And Internet/Network Connections:
Then I right clicked on my Linksys adapter and chose Properties. That brought up the Wireless Network Properties Connection Window. On mine because I have Kaspersky, I unchecked the box with Kaspersky Anti Virus NDIS 6 Filter.
I could then Enable the adapter and could get good Internet Wirelessly.
Hope this helps.
I resolved the problem with disabling a filter in my antivirus suite. I am running Kaspersky Internet Suit 2010. I apologize for not being more scientific about this reply but I have been up since 5:00AM Eastern Time and we just flew in at 10:00PM Pacific time.
I found something in a properties tab through the Control Panel/Network And Internet/Network Connections:
Then I right clicked on my Linksys adapter and chose Properties. That brought up the Wireless Network Properties Connection Window. On mine because I have Kaspersky, I unchecked the box with Kaspersky Anti Virus NDIS 6 Filter.
I could then Enable the adapter and could get good Internet Wirelessly.
Hope this helps.
I forgot to mention that I did this after I removed the Linksys WUSB 600N and reininstalled Windows 7 with a clean boot.
Now I wonder if the WUSB600N would have worked all along without the reformat if I would have known about unchecking the box with the Kaspersky Anti Virus NDIS 6 Filter?
Now I wonder if the WUSB600N would have worked all along without the reformat if I would have known about unchecking the box with the Kaspersky Anti Virus NDIS 6 Filter?
Someone else on the Linksys forums did just confirm that by unchecking the NDIS 6 filter, they were able to get their adapter working. In my case, I had to completely uninstall ZoneAlarm.
So, I've been instructing people that if they get the drivers installed and Device Manager says the device is working properly, but it shows disabled and they can't enable it, then uninstall any third-party antivirus or firewall software (not Windows firewall). The adapter should enable and work properly afterwords.
It does seem that there is still some other third-party software that might be keeping these adapters from enabling and working correctly, but without knowing which ones, all we can do at this point is trial and error by uninstalling a third-party program, rebooting and see if the adapter is working. If not, uninstall another third-party program, reboot, etc.
Does your adapter work after hibernate (overnight) ?
I'm not sure who you are asking this question of but my adapter works all the time. My wife never turns the computer off.
My adapter works every time I restart the computer. I've also tried hibernating and it still works.
I note you've got another USB adapter and its working - which one was it?
I note you've got another USB adapter and its working - which one was it?
The Edimax Ew-7711utn 11n 150Mbps works just fine with ralink drivers (hibernate)
Hi, I am also having the same problem with my Linksys 600N. I have win 7 ultimate 64bit. Using the Ralik 3.09 driver for it but it still hasn't fixed the problem. Here is what happens. The computer boots fine and the adapter is enabled and I can browse the web. After about 30 mins I get the limited connectivty icon on the task bar and no Internet. In the Network Manager the device is Disabled and cannot be enabled. I cannot disconnect the adpter. It doen't show up in the safely remove hardware section. All folders on my external hard drive say empty when I open them. EWindows slows down. I can't restart or turn off the computer, it freezes on the logging off screen. I have installed windows twice, the second time, I only installed Internet security ( Kasp, this time) and browsed internet with IExplorer 8. Still dropped and froze. I have tried Kaspersky 2010 30 day trial and Newest AVG, fully activated. Have tried all linksys and ralik drivers.
Still no luck
Still no luck
Also I forgot to mention that I left my computer on all night while Kasp did a deep virus scan and internet never dropped. Only sems to drop when I am using it, (browsing or downloading). Happened once so it might be a fluke.
Thanks again for your time
Thanks again for your time
Hey everybody, I too was having a problem connecting to the N band. I could connect to G, but when I switched my router to solely use N band, I couldn't connect. I tried using the various drivers mentioned earlier, no dice. Right now I'm on the V2 driver for windows 7, even though mine is a V1. It would actually acknowledge there was a network, but I ran into all of the aforementioned errors when trying to connect. I have a linksys WRT160N V2 wireless router. I finally looked at the firmware on it and realized I've not upgraded it, ever. However, the firmware upgrade out for it is only current as of 7/2009, but better than what I had. I started the firmware upgrade process, walked away, came back and noticed the wireless icon indicated it was connected! I don't really understand what that firmware upgrade did that affected the connectivity, but it worked. I'm doubting this will work for everybody (or anybody?) else, but hey, that's how I got mine up and running at max speed.
Finally, finally got myself sorted out. I've discounted using a USB adapter because I couldn't find one from any manufacturer that worked out of the box. My PC manufacturer has been working really hard to get something that works and I've gone for their recommendation of an Asus PCI-G31. They sent it yesterday in the post, it arrived 1/2 hour ago and is now working pertectamundo. They explained that the drivers would download automatically from the net (had to use my ethernet cable to download of course) and it was that quick I didn't even know it had done it.
What a relief. Thank you Chillblast!!
What a relief. Thank you Chillblast!!
Here is were you can get the Windows 7 Driver for the WUSB600N adapter - I do not know why the company only had it posted for a week, (maybe they want people to keep buying their new adapters (Ive bought 2 so far)) - Here is their working driver that was on their website for 1 week - works flawless with Windows 7 - I am getting 270 Mbps - Funny, the company actually told me to go back to Vista for it to work! hahaha
Get the driver here: www.ultratech-ne.com/wusb600n.win7.rar
Enjoy people!
Get the driver here: www.ultratech-ne.com/wusb600n.win7.rar
Enjoy people!
I had the same problem.
Try switch to WPA2 Personal & AES ( with the latest drivers from Linksys Win7 x64 )
I am now stable at 243MBit/s - but still on a signal strength of 2-3 bars...
I had the same problem.
Try switch to WPA2 Personal & AES ( with the latest drivers from Linksys Win7 x64 )
I am now stable at 243MBit/s - but still on a signal strength of 2-3 bars...
This link doesn't work??????

Here is were you can get the Windows 7 Driver for the WUSB600N adapter - I do not know why the company only had it posted for a week, (maybe they want people to keep buying their new adapters (Ive bought 2 so far)) - Here is their working driver that was on their website for 1 week - works flawless with Windows 7 - I am getting 270 Mbps - Funny, the company actually told me to go back to Vista for it to work! hahaha
Get the driver here: www.ultratech-ne.com/wusb600n.win7.rar
Enjoy people!
Get the driver here: www.ultratech-ne.com/wusb600n.win7.rar
Enjoy people!
I have Vista Home Premium 64bit on my desktop and Windows 7 on my laptop, I just came across this post and just wanted to confirm the fix for both OS. After almost a week at trying all sorts of stuff to fix this problem, and waiting for days for cisco techs to call me back, they finally told me zone alarm and a few other 3rd party firewalls (sorry dont remember the other 3 they mentioned) had issues with network adapters. They recommended uninstall zone alarm, uninstall adapter, restart. Reinstall adapter, connect to the internet and then reinstall zone alarm while connected to the internet. They said that works most of the time, if it didn't, they recommended using a different firewall. Hope this helps!
I talked to linksys and they updated the firmware with my router which still has not fixed the problem we are having with the Windows 7 machine. I can be on for awhile then the internet just drops. I pull out the adapter and plug it back in and we regain a connection. Our connection drops sometimes when we are in the middle of something and sometimes when we walk away from the computer and come back and find it has dropped. I thought I would call them again to try something else???
Which version are you using? My adapter, version 1, drops off intermittently because USB power from my computer isn't enough to power it (when it warms up the power demand seems to rise).
When I plug it in to an AC powered USB hub it stays up all the time.
Which version are you using? My adapter, version 1, drops off intermittently because USB power from my computer isn't enough to power it (when it warms up the power demand seems to rise).
When I plug it in to an AC powered USB hub it stays up all the time.
*****************I FINALLY HAVE MINE WORKING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!***************
I'm using an asus p7p55d motherboard.
I updated the chipset and the bios to the latest drivers
and hey presto!!! it's working!!
before i would click enable and it would just stay saying enabling for ages and i would have to enter task manager and end the process.
then I updated the chipset and it would say enabled but stay greyed out!
then I updated the bios and it works!!!
if you have the same motherboard as me and are having problems then maybe this will help you too!!
good luck!
I'm using an asus p7p55d motherboard.
I updated the chipset and the bios to the latest drivers
and hey presto!!! it's working!!
before i would click enable and it would just stay saying enabling for ages and i would have to enter task manager and end the process.
then I updated the chipset and it would say enabled but stay greyed out!
then I updated the bios and it works!!!
if you have the same motherboard as me and are having problems then maybe this will help you too!!
good luck!
I looked in device manager and there was the device and the driver was showing in the properties. It also said 'device working properly' in properties. I tried enabling it and the little box that popped up said enabled, but it remained grayed out with disabled written underneath it.
I then called Linksys support and paid for their techs to remotely control my computer and try to get it working and still same thing. Device working properly in Device Manager but disabled and wouldn't enable. They suggested getting the USB version.
I then took the PCI version back and got the WUSB600N v.2, plugged it into the USB slot and after manually installing the drivers, Device Manager showed the device working properly but disabled and wouldn't enable! I was really frustrated at this point.
I'm a tech of 12+ years and I consulted with other techs and with Linksys techs and everybody was saying things from the PCI slot on my mobo being bad to it being a Windows 7 problem to the adapter itself. But I saw other people using this adapter in Windows 7 and the only other option was to re-install Windows 7.
I decided to take one last look through Google before re-installing Windows 7 and I stumbled across a post at the Vista forums where somebody had the same problem as us and they said they uninstalled ZoneAlarm and their adapter just started working. Well I used ZoneAlarm also, so after uninstalling ZoneAlarm and restarting the computer the adapter automatically enabled itself and I was on the network!
I spent 3 days with 3 different adapters trying to figure out this problem and it ended up not being my PCI slot, not being a Windows 7 problem, and not being a driver problem. It was a third-party software problem. ZoneAlarm was taking over the network connections and for some reason not allowing new network adapters to be installed properly. Needless to say, I've since dumped ZoneAlarm. I don't need it anyway as my router has 2 firewalls, plus Windows firewall plus my wireless network is not broadcasting.
Duncan, if your device manager says the device and drivers are working properly, then it most likely is. What is causing the device to be disabled and not enable is some third-party software like ZoneAlarm or some other antivirus/firewall. Even disabling ZoneAlarm wouldn't work. It had to actually be uninstalled. I would uninstall your antivirus and firewall software (not Windows firewall) and try that. If your device still won't enable after a restart, then the only other option would be to reinstall Windows 7 and install the adapter before any other third-party software is installed. That is unless you can uninstall one third-party program at a time to determine which program is causing your adapter to be disabled.
Hope this info helps. Any further questions, feel free to ask.
Thank you ooBoneZoo !! Seriously, you sloved my problem. I tried call Linksys cisco tech support for help but they ended up offering me a package (cost $69.99USD) that garentee the problem is fixed and any other problems within a year. Such a rip off. anyways, Im appreciate your help. Thanks.
I replaced a TP-link usb wireless card with the wusb600n and while it only shows 54 megs, the actual through put and reliability is MUCH higher/better than the other USB.
I'm running windows 7 and ran the setup in vista compat mode - works flawless. it does take up to 25 or 30 seconds to connect but then runs great.
I'm running windows 7 and ran the setup in vista compat mode - works flawless. it does take up to 25 or 30 seconds to connect but then runs great.
Which version are you using? My adapter, version 1, drops off intermittently because USB power from my computer isn't enough to power it (when it warms up the power demand seems to rise).
When I plug it in to an AC powered USB hub it stays up all the time.
Which version are you using? My adapter, version 1, drops off intermittently because USB power from my computer isn't enough to power it (when it warms up the power demand seems to rise).
When I plug it in to an AC powered USB hub it stays up all the time.
Which version are you using? My adapter, version 1, drops off intermittently because USB power from my computer isn't enough to power it (when it warms up the power demand seems to rise).
When I plug it in to an AC powered USB hub it stays up all the time.
Which version are you using? My adapter, version 1, drops off intermittently because USB power from my computer isn't enough to power it (when it warms up the power demand seems to rise).
When I plug it in to an AC powered USB hub it stays up all the time.
I looked in device manager and there was the device and the driver was showing in the properties. It also said 'device working properly' in properties. I tried enabling it and the little box that popped up said enabled, but it remained grayed out with disabled written underneath it.
I then called Linksys support and paid for their techs to remotely control my computer and try to get it working and still same thing. Device working properly in Device Manager but disabled and wouldn't enable. They suggested getting the USB version.
I then took the PCI version back and got the WUSB600N v.2, plugged it into the USB slot and after manually installing the drivers, Device Manager showed the device working properly but disabled and wouldn't enable! I was really frustrated at this point.
I'm a tech of 12+ years and I consulted with other techs and with Linksys techs and everybody was saying things from the PCI slot on my mobo being bad to it being a Windows 7 problem to the adapter itself. But I saw other people using this adapter in Windows 7 and the only other option was to re-install Windows 7.
I decided to take one last look through Google before re-installing Windows 7 and I stumbled across a post at the Vista forums where somebody had the same problem as us and they said they uninstalled ZoneAlarm and their adapter just started working. Well I used ZoneAlarm also, so after uninstalling ZoneAlarm and restarting the computer the adapter automatically enabled itself and I was on the network!
I spent 3 days with 3 different adapters trying to figure out this problem and it ended up not being my PCI slot, not being a Windows 7 problem, and not being a driver problem. It was a third-party software problem. ZoneAlarm was taking over the network connections and for some reason not allowing new network adapters to be installed properly. Needless to say, I've since dumped ZoneAlarm. I don't need it anyway as my router has 2 firewalls, plus Windows firewall plus my wireless network is not broadcasting.
Duncan, if your device manager says the device and drivers are working properly, then it most likely is. What is causing the device to be disabled and not enable is some third-party software like ZoneAlarm or some other antivirus/firewall. Even disabling ZoneAlarm wouldn't work. It had to actually be uninstalled. I would uninstall your antivirus and firewall software (not Windows firewall) and try that. If your device still won't enable after a restart, then the only other option would be to reinstall Windows 7 and install the adapter before any other third-party software is installed. That is unless you can uninstall one third-party program at a time to determine which program is causing your adapter to be disabled.
Hope this info helps. Any further questions, feel free to ask.
Thank you ooBoneZoo !! Seriously, you sloved my problem. I tried call Linksys cisco tech support for help but they ended up offering me a package (cost $69.99USD) that garentee the problem is fixed and any other problems within a year. Such a rip off. anyways, Im appreciate your help. Thanks.
Try changing wireless channel on the router if you haven't yet.
Yeah, and only use one firewall at a time. Either disable Windows Firewall or uninstall Norton. I'd go with the latter, personally.
Yeah, and only use one firewall at a time. Either disable Windows Firewall or uninstall Norton. I'd go with the latter, personally.
I have the PCI wmp600n version of the Linksys. They have RALINK chipsets.
Try different versions/dates of their drivers.
I have found (for my purposes) that a driver released in summer 2009 works the best - even beats latest 2010 which sometimes dropped off connection!
There are at least 4 versions to try - some with more or less 'features' enabled.
Try different versions/dates of their drivers.
I have found (for my purposes) that a driver released in summer 2009 works the best - even beats latest 2010 which sometimes dropped off connection!
There are at least 4 versions to try - some with more or less 'features' enabled.
I replaced a TP-link usb wireless card with the wusb600n and while it only shows 54 megs, the actual through put and reliability is MUCH higher/better than the other USB.
I'm running windows 7 and ran the setup in vista compat mode - works flawless. it does take up to 25 or 30 seconds to connect but then runs great.
I'm running windows 7 and ran the setup in vista compat mode - works flawless. it does take up to 25 or 30 seconds to connect but then runs great.
You need an 'n' router for 150Mbps/300+ speeds!
i read a post somewhere about letters assigned to the drivers, which constrain the max transfer rate, ie b g n etc, he managed to change his to n, the answer is out there
With my PCI card (prob same with usb) I can go into Device Manager>PCI Linksys card>Advanced and switch 'n' 150Mbps on & off manually there.
Also there is the option for switching on 'dual aerial link' for 'n' 300Mbps speed which is called 'Multimedia/video'
Plus settings to adjust, turn on/off 2.4 & 5Ghz bands
Also there is the option for switching on 'dual aerial link' for 'n' 300Mbps speed which is called 'Multimedia/video'
Plus settings to adjust, turn on/off 2.4 & 5Ghz bands
i did this and it WORKED!!! the limited connection speed was killing me. thank you for posting this. i kept trying to install the old driver and W7 kept telling me i had the best driver. the other part of it was you have click the "let me pick from a list of device drivers" and then point it to the right folder in the disk directory (e:\linksys\drivers\vista 64 in my case). it took 2 seconds and i was back to my 130mbps
i can not get this to work. i have updated my driver to the "WildPackets"(ralink v1.4.0.16) driver and it seems to get more bars then the linkys one, but still only get 54mbps maximum. can you give me the links of the drivers you use that get 130mbps please? i have windows 7. thanks guys
Here is my setup and after installing the driver using browser on system and selecting the folder I extracted the Version 2 file from on Cisco's support page,
I had to right click > properties, each file and click 'unblock" then click advanced and uncheck encript file > then apply > ok. This allowed me to manually install this driver and now I have no problems
System Info:
Driver Provider: Linksys,a Aivision of Cisco Systems,Inc.
Driver Version
Windows 7 32Bit
After Install I also had to enable N support which is the first setting under device manager> properties under the Linksys USB Stick > advanced tab, which automatically disabled at first install so If you use AdHoc N make sure you enable this here and uncheck power save in the same area under the power management tab if you are on a PC.
I had to right click > properties, each file and click 'unblock" then click advanced and uncheck encript file > then apply > ok. This allowed me to manually install this driver and now I have no problems
System Info:
Driver Provider: Linksys,a Aivision of Cisco Systems,Inc.
Driver Version
Windows 7 32Bit
After Install I also had to enable N support which is the first setting under device manager> properties under the Linksys USB Stick > advanced tab, which automatically disabled at first install so If you use AdHoc N make sure you enable this here and uncheck power save in the same area under the power management tab if you are on a PC.
How Much Mbps and are you getting nyliferocks?
speed shows 54mps under status of my connection. After running a test from a website my down speed was about 19 which I think is good since I am connected wifi
I have done what you have did and for some reason i get only 56 mbps sometimes but usually 36 mbps or less! However, with this driver from ralink/wildpackets- Drivers for Wireless Network Adapters - WildPackets Network Monitoring and Analysis (1st one) i get a 56 mbps always. not exactly 130 mbps but better then 36. but i used to be able to get 130 on windows xp, and this doesnt Completely solve the problem. thanks for the help though.
I have been read all (or at least most) of the above and still cannot figure out how to load WUSB600N drivers for Windows 7. I have downloaded Ralink drivers but can't get them installed.
Can anybody give me a breakthrough hint?
Can anybody give me a breakthrough hint?
I looked in device manager and there was the device and the driver was showing in the properties. It also said 'device working properly' in properties. I tried enabling it and the little box that popped up said enabled, but it remained grayed out with disabled written underneath it.
I then called Linksys support and paid for their techs to remotely control my computer and try to get it working and still same thing. Device working properly in Device Manager but disabled and wouldn't enable. They suggested getting the USB version.
I then took the PCI version back and got the WUSB600N v.2, plugged it into the USB slot and after manually installing the drivers, Device Manager showed the device working properly but disabled and wouldn't enable! I was really frustrated at this point.
I'm a tech of 12+ years and I consulted with other techs and with Linksys techs and everybody was saying things from the PCI slot on my mobo being bad to it being a Windows 7 problem to the adapter itself. But I saw other people using this adapter in Windows 7 and the only other option was to re-install Windows 7.
I decided to take one last look through Google before re-installing Windows 7 and I stumbled across a post at the Vista forums where somebody had the same problem as us and they said they uninstalled ZoneAlarm and their adapter just started working. Well I used ZoneAlarm also, so after uninstalling ZoneAlarm and restarting the computer the adapter automatically enabled itself and I was on the network!
I spent 3 days with 3 different adapters trying to figure out this problem and it ended up not being my PCI slot, not being a Windows 7 problem, and not being a driver problem. It was a third-party software problem. ZoneAlarm was taking over the network connections and for some reason not allowing new network adapters to be installed properly. Needless to say, I've since dumped ZoneAlarm. I don't need it anyway as my router has 2 firewalls, plus Windows firewall plus my wireless network is not broadcasting.
Duncan, if your device manager says the device and drivers are working properly, then it most likely is. What is causing the device to be disabled and not enable is some third-party software like ZoneAlarm or some other antivirus/firewall. Even disabling ZoneAlarm wouldn't work. It had to actually be uninstalled. I would uninstall your antivirus and firewall software (not Windows firewall) and try that. If your device still won't enable after a restart, then the only other option would be to reinstall Windows 7 and install the adapter before any other third-party software is installed. That is unless you can uninstall one third-party program at a time to determine which program is causing your adapter to be disabled.
Hope this info helps. Any further questions, feel free to ask.
First time was I needed to go into control panel, advance system settings, environment settings, click 'new' and add under name: devmgr_show_nonpresent_devices,
then make the value 1
(I did the cmd way of this as well but it didn't work for me)
then go to device manager and go to view>show hidden devices
..then, i went and uninstalled all other pre-installed wireless adapters, including the same adapter but in different usb ports (they were listed #1, #2, #3 etc.)
reinstalled and worked.....
second time... non of the above worked for me.... the quote above is correct in that it is probably a 3rd party software stopping the install somehow, but instead of disabling things I just boot up in safe mode with networking and uninstalled then reinstalled from device manager using the latest copy of drivers from the linksys website... and it's now up and running.
i recently was given this wireless adapter wusb600n installed it using new drivers ... came up disabled in network connections and couldnt enable it .... turned on (turned on to Auto start) the service WLAN autoconfig in component services in administrative tools ... and the adapter enabled ...am using it now ... took me a few days to figure this out but all is good now ... hope this will help someone.. p.s i tried linksys for help using their chat service ...useless ... asked ridiculous questions that had nothing to do with the adapter ...
Latest 2011 Linksys+USB drivers on Ralink
Ralink corp.
For All Windows flavours, Linux and Mac
Make sure you download either the PCI card version or USB
(unlike some pillocks who say the driver won't load )
Ralink corp.
For All Windows flavours, Linux and Mac
Make sure you download either the PCI card version or USB
(unlike some pillocks who say the driver won't load )
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