Sorry y'all I just had to do this ...
Later Ted
Later Ted
Ah ha! A challenge!
NO, you win Ted
NO, you win Ted
I'm too busy reading Ted's posts to do any of my own.
Later Ted
Later Ted
Hello Norn; I've seen it listed but never taken the time to have a look until now!
Later Ted
Later Ted
Ted, while I was browsing around I found a piccy of you.
Oh my; that pic was never supposed to be released ...
Later Ted
Later Ted
Cat (or should I say Bare Feet) out of the bag now.
Yes I've been exposed ...
Later Ted
Later Ted
Better go and change your picture now Ted.
Is that better ...
Later Ted
Later Ted
I've grown rather fond of this avatar, thanks Norm ...
Later Ted
Later Ted
Yeah he is going crazy with the posts!!! Good Job., too bad everyone else wouldn't post as well.,
Hello linuzo, Hows the pre-beta going? Anything to tell us?
Well Norm,
The pre-beta is going awesome. I would say it is better then Vista itself so I have migrated over to this full time for most of my computing needs. I was able to activate it with an old beta key that Microsoft gave me back in 2006 when I first tested vista. I don't know if this is intended or maybe they just used the same key generator to issue out the new keys.
Either way, I am happy with the new changes but I cannot wait for Build 6933 with the new taskbar. I hear that they are going to open Beta mid december for some of us to give it a try.
The migration of Mesh works nicely with Windows 7 as well, I can't wait until they start to add the apps to it so we can test out those functuality as well. I am currently battling with an audio problem with my microphone as I want to post some camtasia videos on the forum for people to see.
I will let you all know when I get this sorted out.
Try to get a copy of it it's worth it.
The pre-beta is going awesome. I would say it is better then Vista itself so I have migrated over to this full time for most of my computing needs. I was able to activate it with an old beta key that Microsoft gave me back in 2006 when I first tested vista. I don't know if this is intended or maybe they just used the same key generator to issue out the new keys.
Either way, I am happy with the new changes but I cannot wait for Build 6933 with the new taskbar. I hear that they are going to open Beta mid december for some of us to give it a try.
The migration of Mesh works nicely with Windows 7 as well, I can't wait until they start to add the apps to it so we can test out those functuality as well. I am currently battling with an audio problem with my microphone as I want to post some camtasia videos on the forum for people to see.
I will let you all know when I get this sorted out.
Try to get a copy of it it's worth it.
Barefoot Dreams | CozyChic by Barefoot Dreams
just for you bearfoot...
Hello darkassain.
I'm going to have to look into that link; as I do get rather chilly at times....
Later Ted
I'm going to have to look into that link; as I do get rather chilly at times....
Later Ted
Don't think the clothes from that site will fit your man Norm
hey there's and adult line of clothes
since his name has kid in it...
i felt it was better suited for him....
i think i might have contracted your
i deemed it the BFK virus...
no offense Barefoot...
edit: a update on the
Maybe that's what's been wrong with me of late; I've contracted a virus!...
I like the idea of a virus named after me; The BFK Virus: cool! I knew I'd be famous one day....
Later Ted
just had to say it...
That's even better.......We can even change the term from forum whore to BFK virus....
Later Ted
Later Ted
copyright ? 20....
aww you shouldnt have norm....
now I feel
Later Ted
to be getting thanked by the founder himself
is trully an Honour....
Later Ted
Yes i am very Honourned....
hey i should ask as i a had a burning itch to ask someone...
should i just leave it as is
without showing the how to do it yourself???
i mean show the step by step process???
not getting off topic (but in my defense it is the chillout
Speaking of burning itches.... DA, did you forget an S in your user name, or is it on purpose? I think to ask that every time I see it
i think you're meaning that about darkassassin???
well that all happen when i got my gmail address for the first time...
i type that in and it said that was not available..
and it gave that option as my email address
as for the name here...
this is purely
but he you can call me DA for short....
kinda sounds kool...
oh and its two s that i was missing...
No need to be pedantic...
Thanks for clearing that up mate
I also get a small laugh every time I see No Cake..
It makes me bloody feel like cake
Thanks for clearing that up mate
I also get a small laugh every time I see No Cake..
It makes me bloody feel like cake
i was promised cake...
not once but twice...
here in this forum
A mystery...
shame on me for believing there was
lol, makes sense now. I must have missed that thread
hey i was offered cake when i finished the exercises
i was promised cake...
not once but twice...
here in this forum
A mystery...
shame on me for believing there was
i was promised cake...
not once but twice...
here in this forum
A mystery...
shame on me for believing there was
darkassain, I can't stand to see you miss out. Heres your cake.
finallly someone gave me cake!!!
i feel so touched....
this is the first time i have been give cake...
and it will never go away...
not like the physical cake that just runs
and since i cant rep you again i say thanks...
aww darn it...
now i have to change my
yay cake!!!!
finallly someone gave me cake!!!
i feel so touched....
this is the first time i have been give cake...
and it will never go away...
not like the physical cake that just runs
and since i cant rep you again i say thanks...
aww darn it...
now i have to change my
finallly someone gave me cake!!!
i feel so touched....
this is the first time i have been give cake...
and it will never go away...
not like the physical cake that just runs
and since i cant rep you again i say thanks...
aww darn it...
now i have to change my
mr smarteyeyeball i congratulate you on your crown but now it going to be MINE....
but congrats on the big 3 double 0
oops thought he was online well i guess we will play the waiting game..
sorry still highjacking the thread BFK but
yes 400!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
edit: too much party.... im way past my limit and im exhausted.....gonna take extended
yes 400!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
edit: too much party.... im way past my limit and im exhausted.....gonna take extended
Good one DA but no more cake for you!
Hey DA; congratulations on the big 400....
Later Ted
Later Ted
I just read 15 pages of posts and I LOL'd! This is all for the group "Post Whore".
So is this where all the cool kids hang out? lol
Yes. Become a cool kid today - post every 10 seconds!
Sounds good lol
You too can earn the Coveted Ruby Badge!!
Psssh Ruby.....I'm shootin for GOLD!
Gold is a worthy Badge, and only 18 people currently have attained it ... even fewer have attained the Coveted Ruby Badge. Keep your eyes on the prize...
Well now i know...and knowing is half the battle.
And the other half is
Post whoring= going back on the old beat.
Who's a post wh*re??
From one of the best 3pc band of the 90's ... The Stray Cats...
Tews don't need no steeenkin Google
Yeah, he's got aBing and abang and aboom.
In the ninties was the temp, at the time back in 1983.
I still think 1983.
Where did you ever dig that menusha up from .. ok .. back at ya .. What hip DJ brought this eclectic song to the west coast?? Take out your false teeth mama, I wanna suck on your gums rag??
The clock starts now
The clock starts now
I'm not sure that's even legal, never mind who found it
So does that mean you were capped by Peter Wolf or decapped.
Or even De Cap itated
I think he lost his head personally!!
No of Devils May or may not be significant
No of Devils May or may not be significant
Where'd y'all dig this one up at? It's been so long I wasn't even subscribed to it anymore.
Who me? I should've given this one to Dinesh the other day!
Relapses are always good.... Add me on msn barefoot!! It's been awhile!
Hello linuzo, it has been a while, how've you been mate?
Ive been doing good thanks. Between webdesign and working for a new company called Everything has been good. Just thinking of moving to another province in a few months and start a new career.. Man life is good So many people use these forums now.. Glad to see it was a great success!
Ive been doing good thanks. Between webdesign and working for a new company called Everything has been good. Just thinking of moving to another province in a few months and start a new career.. Man life is good So many people use these forums now.. Glad to see it was a great success!
Good to see you around mate.
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