Hi Everybody,
I installed Seven build 7000 yesterday, and I'm having problems with CPU usage being stuck on a 100% even when the system is IDLE. Does anyone have any suggestions on this issue?
I installed Seven build 7000 yesterday, and I'm having problems with CPU usage being stuck on a 100% even when the system is IDLE. Does anyone have any suggestions on this issue?
i had the same thing happing but it was memory not cpu . i did a new clean install and memory went back down. did you install over a copy or clean install? if you installed over another copy that may be the trouble..
Hi, prjoni99, and welcome to the forums.
Did you perform an upgrade or a clean install? have you tried performing another install? My CPU utilization is near 0 at idle....
Did you perform an upgrade or a clean install? have you tried performing another install? My CPU utilization is near 0 at idle....
I performed a clean install. So far I have installed AVG free, Office 2007, Google Chrome, WinDVD 9. I have uninstalled AVG because I thought that was the problem. CPU Usage is still way high, I think I would have to blame Svchost for the resource hog. I have also disabled Windows Update and the aero interface and went to Windows Basic. Do you guys have any other advice?
The problem with saying it is Svchost is that is just an executable wrapper that is used to blanket a Windows service so it can be called as an executable - and if you use a more robust tool like Process Explorer then you'll see that that one file (and usually there are like 2-4 instances of it running) can have a whole bevy of services that it is actually loading.
Hey everyone I am having this exact same problem. I have clean installs of both the 32 and 64 bit versions of 7 on my home machine, which runs XP really well. My specs are easily better than the minimums (2.2GHz Athlon 64, 2BG RAM, 1GB Video card.
Both installs are virtually unusable because the CPU usage is constantly pegged at 100%. I have installed nothing more than the driver for my graphics card. When there is nothing running, I will open up task manager and it will usually show 50% CPU being used by windows explorer, and 50% by tskmgr.exe. If I open up IE, it will split the three, 33/33/33. Sometimes it fluctuates, but basically all available CPU is always being used up by some combination of the running processes.
I am dumbfounded here. I thought my machine just couldn't hack the 64 bit, but the 32 bit version does the exact same thing. Any help or advice would be highly appreciated.
Both installs are virtually unusable because the CPU usage is constantly pegged at 100%. I have installed nothing more than the driver for my graphics card. When there is nothing running, I will open up task manager and it will usually show 50% CPU being used by windows explorer, and 50% by tskmgr.exe. If I open up IE, it will split the three, 33/33/33. Sometimes it fluctuates, but basically all available CPU is always being used up by some combination of the running processes.
I am dumbfounded here. I thought my machine just couldn't hack the 64 bit, but the 32 bit version does the exact same thing. Any help or advice would be highly appreciated.
Did you see any updates on Windows Update regarding your chipset?
The suspect could be AHCI drivers for your HDs
I had the same thing... but fixed it.. http://www.sevenforums.com/general-discussion/2065-why-does-windows-seem-lag-when-multitasking-post22333.html#post22333
I had the same thing... but fixed it.. http://www.sevenforums.com/general-discussion/2065-why-does-windows-seem-lag-when-multitasking-post22333.html#post22333
just installed win7 64 bit. only programs running are antivirus and firefox plus a bunch of windows related stuff necessary I guess to run the computer.
just watching the cpu monitor it stays right at 50% as it scrolls by with little bitty jumps now and then. would hate to see it if I was actually using any program that was demanding. guess I better look at this in vista 64 bit and see if its the same.
is there anyplace in windows help that explains what all that means in those meter boxes? network frequently jumps to 100% and disk to 100% as well.
just watching the cpu monitor it stays right at 50% as it scrolls by with little bitty jumps now and then. would hate to see it if I was actually using any program that was demanding. guess I better look at this in vista 64 bit and see if its the same.
is there anyplace in windows help that explains what all that means in those meter boxes? network frequently jumps to 100% and disk to 100% as well.
just posted I had 50% CPU use with win7 64bit and now checking stats in vista 64...
CPU usage is kicking around under 10% like 5% with no spikes near 10. actively running firefox, antivirus, comodo firewall, video drivers.
network use is much lower (don't really know what their score basis is)
have discovered the help there to explain what these things are tho.
shocking difference, from 5% in vista to 50% in win7 unless these are not really comparable ratings.
CPU usage is kicking around under 10% like 5% with no spikes near 10. actively running firefox, antivirus, comodo firewall, video drivers.
network use is much lower (don't really know what their score basis is)
have discovered the help there to explain what these things are tho.
shocking difference, from 5% in vista to 50% in win7 unless these are not really comparable ratings.
Similar issue I had too, and ended up boiling it down to the Microsoft Audio Endpoint Builder service. Found if I went into device manager and disabled the ATI HDMI Audio driver (Don't even have it hooked up) viola! Problem solved.
My cpu usage wasn't 100, more like 20%, constantly at idle. I'm quite happy with this now
Hopefully this will help anyone else out with random svchost.exe cpu hoarders!
My cpu usage wasn't 100, more like 20%, constantly at idle. I'm quite happy with this now
Hopefully this will help anyone else out with random svchost.exe cpu hoarders!
Believe it or not i had this problem initially and it turned out to be my gadgets!! Turned them off voila! CPU went down to .2 lol turn them back on and pop CPU went up through the roof!!
So i reinstalled and it has not happened again.
Believe it or not i had this problem initially and it turned out to be my gadgets!! Turned them off voila! CPU went down to .2 lol turn them back on and pop CPU went up through the roof!!
So i reinstalled and it has not happened again.
Hi everybody, thanks for the suggestions. I fired up process explorer last night, and found that the vast majority of my CPU usage is going towards "hardware interrupts", which is listed under system idle processes. It shows 0% virtually all the time in my XP install.
This seems to suggest some sort of driver or other hardware problem. I am going to try the suggestions listed here when I get home tonight, including disabling the HDMI audio driver (anyone know how exactly I do this? is it in device manager?), turning off gadgets, and anachronymous' suggestion regarding the AHCI driver (that appears to be a dead link he posted, but I will look around). I'll post back tonight and let you all know if any of that helped.
Any more thoughts would be appreciated. Thanks!
This seems to suggest some sort of driver or other hardware problem. I am going to try the suggestions listed here when I get home tonight, including disabling the HDMI audio driver (anyone know how exactly I do this? is it in device manager?), turning off gadgets, and anachronymous' suggestion regarding the AHCI driver (that appears to be a dead link he posted, but I will look around). I'll post back tonight and let you all know if any of that helped.
Any more thoughts would be appreciated. Thanks!
I've been having the same problem with hardware interrupts on my netbook.
Solutions I found on the internet were referring to either bad SATA cables for the hard disks, or bad IDE/SATA drivers for the hard disk again.
In general, they were all focusing on the hard disk and ide/sata controller drivers.
Regarding my netbook, I tried to install chipset/ide drivers from the manufacturer's download page, but it still kept giving me hardware interrupts CPU usage. Then , after a few days, Windows Update found and installed a new chipset driver from Intel and the problem was gone.
My suggestions:
1. Check windows update for update chipset drivers if any.
2. If not, manually download and install IDE/SATA controller drivers and chipset drivers for your mobo.
Solutions I found on the internet were referring to either bad SATA cables for the hard disks, or bad IDE/SATA drivers for the hard disk again.
In general, they were all focusing on the hard disk and ide/sata controller drivers.
Regarding my netbook, I tried to install chipset/ide drivers from the manufacturer's download page, but it still kept giving me hardware interrupts CPU usage. Then , after a few days, Windows Update found and installed a new chipset driver from Intel and the problem was gone.
My suggestions:
1. Check windows update for update chipset drivers if any.
2. If not, manually download and install IDE/SATA controller drivers and chipset drivers for your mobo.
[quote=ZerouEx;25603]Similar issue I had too, and ended up boiling it down to the Microsoft Audio Endpoint Builder service. Found if I went into device manager and disabled the ATI HDMI Audio driver (Don't even have it hooked up) viola! Problem solved.
Thank you ZerouEx! This was what solved my 100% CPU usage problem too. I went into device manager, and under 'System Devices' there was a listing for "High Definition Audio Controller". The very instant I disabled this entry, my CPU went from 100% down to the types of levels (<5%) that I would normally expect from a mostly idle machine.
Thanks to all for your suggestions, and specifically to ZerouEx for the one that worked.
Thank you ZerouEx! This was what solved my 100% CPU usage problem too. I went into device manager, and under 'System Devices' there was a listing for "High Definition Audio Controller". The very instant I disabled this entry, my CPU went from 100% down to the types of levels (<5%) that I would normally expect from a mostly idle machine.
Thanks to all for your suggestions, and specifically to ZerouEx for the one that worked.
Have any of you thought that it may be the indexing going on in the background? Change these settings and you may see a difference... If you leave it be it may lessen once all the files are indexed that need to be.
Personally I am not a fan of indexing even in XP- but Vista / 7 rely on it to be responsive etc.
I am sure you can uncheck all file types and disable the indexing service altogether (Like I do in XP) but you may then get lag when searching if you are a big fan of the Search feature
Personally I am not a fan of indexing even in XP- but Vista / 7 rely on it to be responsive etc.
I am sure you can uncheck all file types and disable the indexing service altogether (Like I do in XP) but you may then get lag when searching if you are a big fan of the Search feature
Nope it wasn't the indexing; I tried disabling it, along with defender and the firewall. None of that helped. It was definitely the HD Audio Controller like I said above. The difference is night and day.
I am having similar problems.
I just installed (upgrade) Windows 7 Build 7057 x86 over an existing (and perfectly working) Vista Ultimate x86 OS.
I just noticed that both cores on my Core 2 Duo proc are running almost constantly at 100%. Based on advice on this forum I ran Process Explorer and I seem to have found the culprits:
SearchFilterHost.exe using 49.23%
wmpnetwk.exe using 49.23%
What do I do to fix this?
Any help will be highly appreciated!
I just installed (upgrade) Windows 7 Build 7057 x86 over an existing (and perfectly working) Vista Ultimate x86 OS.
I just noticed that both cores on my Core 2 Duo proc are running almost constantly at 100%. Based on advice on this forum I ran Process Explorer and I seem to have found the culprits:
SearchFilterHost.exe using 49.23%
wmpnetwk.exe using 49.23%
What do I do to fix this?
Any help will be highly appreciated!
Hi there, small question!
What is your page file sitting at right now?
You can turn this setting on and off by right-clicking the Computer icon, clicking the Advanced System Settings link, then clicking the Settings button under Performance, then the advanced tab.
My CPU is at 0% during idle, and page file is 4934MB
Please note, I have 4 gigs of RAM so my paging file is larger then someone with less RAM (yes these numbers are seperate), also, please let us know your hard drive size, so we can determine if you are able to have the required space for the paging file.
Finally, I would suggest this:
Disable the .XML file extension from being indexed in the Indexing Options control panel.
Good luck guys.
What is your page file sitting at right now?
You can turn this setting on and off by right-clicking the Computer icon, clicking the Advanced System Settings link, then clicking the Settings button under Performance, then the advanced tab.
My CPU is at 0% during idle, and page file is 4934MB
Please note, I have 4 gigs of RAM so my paging file is larger then someone with less RAM (yes these numbers are seperate), also, please let us know your hard drive size, so we can determine if you are able to have the required space for the paging file.
Finally, I would suggest this:
Disable the .XML file extension from being indexed in the Indexing Options control panel.
Good luck guys.
My page file size is 2814 MB, but this is after I went in to services.msc and disabled both services (4 GB RAM and 320 GB HD).
That was a quick fix for the CPU load issue, but I'd rather have the services enabled and working correctly!
That was a quick fix for the CPU load issue, but I'd rather have the services enabled and working correctly!
Try that XML trick see if that works.
Also is windows automatically managing the page file? If not, let it.. if it is, I would try manually changing the page file to 5 gigs.
Also is windows automatically managing the page file? If not, let it.. if it is, I would try manually changing the page file to 5 gigs.
Hi there, small question!
What is your page file sitting at right now?
You can turn this setting on and off by right-clicking the Computer icon, clicking the Advanced System Settings link, then clicking the Settings button under Performance, then the advanced tab.
My CPU is at 0% during idle, and page file is 4934MB
Please note, I have 4 gigs of RAM so my paging file is larger then someone with less RAM (yes these numbers are seperate), also, please let us know your hard drive size, so we can determine if you are able to have the required space for the paging file.
Finally, I would suggest this:
Disable the .XML file extension from being indexed in the Indexing Options control panel.
Good luck guys.
What is your page file sitting at right now?
You can turn this setting on and off by right-clicking the Computer icon, clicking the Advanced System Settings link, then clicking the Settings button under Performance, then the advanced tab.
My CPU is at 0% during idle, and page file is 4934MB
Please note, I have 4 gigs of RAM so my paging file is larger then someone with less RAM (yes these numbers are seperate), also, please let us know your hard drive size, so we can determine if you are able to have the required space for the paging file.
Finally, I would suggest this:
Disable the .XML file extension from being indexed in the Indexing Options control panel.
Good luck guys.
Hi, sorry,
Just right click on your hard drive(s) properties and at the very bottom it should say "allow files on this drive to be indexed etc". Uncheck it.
It only makes the built in "search" function of windows faster.. if you do not use that feature too often to look for a file (I know I do not) then you do not need it.
You can manually set that not to index xmp files, but turning it entirely off is probably more productive.
Just right click on your hard drive(s) properties and at the very bottom it should say "allow files on this drive to be indexed etc". Uncheck it.
It only makes the built in "search" function of windows faster.. if you do not use that feature too often to look for a file (I know I do not) then you do not need it.
You can manually set that not to index xmp files, but turning it entirely off is probably more productive.
Hi, sorry,
Just right click on your hard drive(s) properties and at the very bottom it should say "allow files on this drive to be indexed etc". Uncheck it.
It only makes the built in "search" function of windows faster.. if you do not use that feature too often to look for a file (I know I do not) then you do not need it.
You can manually set that not to index xmp files, but turning it entirely off is probably more productive.
Just right click on your hard drive(s) properties and at the very bottom it should say "allow files on this drive to be indexed etc". Uncheck it.
It only makes the built in "search" function of windows faster.. if you do not use that feature too often to look for a file (I know I do not) then you do not need it.
You can manually set that not to index xmp files, but turning it entirely off is probably more productive.
Sadly, i started having the same problem.
I'm using Windows 7 64x build 7057 on an Athlon 64 x2 4000+ ; 2x1GB RAM and a GF8600GT.
I tried to disable the HD Audio devise, the Gadgets and .xml file indexing. Also I checked for viruses. When I used the Minimal Safe Boot Option the problem wasn't there.
The problem itself occured when i used verifier.exe to check if all drivers are OK. The verifier asked me to reboot and when I did the CPU Usage was hitting the roof.
I'm using Windows 7 64x build 7057 on an Athlon 64 x2 4000+ ; 2x1GB RAM and a GF8600GT.
I tried to disable the HD Audio devise, the Gadgets and .xml file indexing. Also I checked for viruses. When I used the Minimal Safe Boot Option the problem wasn't there.
The problem itself occured when i used verifier.exe to check if all drivers are OK. The verifier asked me to reboot and when I did the CPU Usage was hitting the roof.
I have an even weirder one.
My CPU monitors say 100% for Core1, bounces around between 50 and 100% on Core2... but when I check Task Manager, there isn't a single process above 5%. The usage certainly doesn't total even 30%.
I've disabled drivers for devices that are not in use currently (SATA PCI card, ATI video capture card, and all USB card readers).
I've disabled indexing, which took an incredibly long time.
I've updated all drivers for existing hard drives and the controllers.
I'm still at 100%, often on both Cores.
My CPU monitors say 100% for Core1, bounces around between 50 and 100% on Core2... but when I check Task Manager, there isn't a single process above 5%. The usage certainly doesn't total even 30%.
I've disabled drivers for devices that are not in use currently (SATA PCI card, ATI video capture card, and all USB card readers).
I've disabled indexing, which took an incredibly long time.
I've updated all drivers for existing hard drives and the controllers.
I'm still at 100%, often on both Cores.
I had the same 100 percent cpu and after disabling HD audio drive like the others my cpu has dropped and stayed at 2% idle!!! Hooray!! I had trouble finding this because it wasn't listed under my audio section, but instead a ways down under total different category. Many thanks for who ever found this out!
I have to say I really like windows 7 and am prepared to buy it next month. Only real issue so far has been cpu usage after installation and my Norton Gaming edition 2009 is incompatible at the moment until release of final version.
I have to say I really like windows 7 and am prepared to buy it next month. Only real issue so far has been cpu usage after installation and my Norton Gaming edition 2009 is incompatible at the moment until release of final version.
just installed win7 64 bit. only programs running are antivirus and firefox plus a bunch of windows related stuff necessary I guess to run the computer.
just watching the cpu monitor it stays right at 50% as it scrolls by with little bitty jumps now and then. would hate to see it if I was actually using any program that was demanding. guess I better look at this in vista 64 bit and see if its the same.
is there anyplace in windows help that explains what all that means in those meter boxes? network frequently jumps to 100% and disk to 100% as well.
just watching the cpu monitor it stays right at 50% as it scrolls by with little bitty jumps now and then. would hate to see it if I was actually using any program that was demanding. guess I better look at this in vista 64 bit and see if its the same.
is there anyplace in windows help that explains what all that means in those meter boxes? network frequently jumps to 100% and disk to 100% as well.
should be like your vista specs
kill smc.exe
Sadly, i started having the same problem.
I'm using Windows 7 64x build 7057 on an Athlon 64 x2 4000+ ; 2x1GB RAM and a GF8600GT.
I tried to disable the HD Audio devise, the Gadgets and .xml file indexing. Also I checked for viruses. When I used the Minimal Safe Boot Option the problem wasn't there.
The problem itself occured when i used verifier.exe to check if all drivers are OK. The verifier asked me to reboot and when I did the CPU Usage was hitting the roof.
I'm using Windows 7 64x build 7057 on an Athlon 64 x2 4000+ ; 2x1GB RAM and a GF8600GT.
I tried to disable the HD Audio devise, the Gadgets and .xml file indexing. Also I checked for viruses. When I used the Minimal Safe Boot Option the problem wasn't there.
The problem itself occured when i used verifier.exe to check if all drivers are OK. The verifier asked me to reboot and when I did the CPU Usage was hitting the roof.
I have an even weirder one.
My CPU monitors say 100% for Core1, bounces around between 50 and 100% on Core2... but when I check Task Manager, there isn't a single process above 5%. The usage certainly doesn't total even 30%.
I've disabled drivers for devices that are not in use currently (SATA PCI card, ATI video capture card, and all USB card readers).
I've disabled indexing, which took an incredibly long time.
I've updated all drivers for existing hard drives and the controllers.
I'm still at 100%, often on both Cores.
My CPU monitors say 100% for Core1, bounces around between 50 and 100% on Core2... but when I check Task Manager, there isn't a single process above 5%. The usage certainly doesn't total even 30%.
I've disabled drivers for devices that are not in use currently (SATA PCI card, ATI video capture card, and all USB card readers).
I've disabled indexing, which took an incredibly long time.
I've updated all drivers for existing hard drives and the controllers.
I'm still at 100%, often on both Cores.
Only if you're running a Norton product....
Hello everyone!
I'm a little bit late with my reply, but nevermind. Right now I'm running Windows 7 Professional, build 7600 (final) and I had similar problems: my CPU usage was always around 80%, on all 4 cores. Task manager didn't show any active app that used all that CPU time, and ProcExp has shown slightly elevated HW interrupts and DPC's. After snooping around the net, I found that the solution is to disable VIA firewire controller. After that, my stats were back to normal.
I'm a little bit late with my reply, but nevermind. Right now I'm running Windows 7 Professional, build 7600 (final) and I had similar problems: my CPU usage was always around 80%, on all 4 cores. Task manager didn't show any active app that used all that CPU time, and ProcExp has shown slightly elevated HW interrupts and DPC's. After snooping around the net, I found that the solution is to disable VIA firewire controller. After that, my stats were back to normal.
Hi everyone.
I've been having this problem for a while, but noticed it was only when connected to the internet.
Just went through the service list, and noticed punkbuster was hiding under 'local system'.
Disabled that annoying arse thing, and I'm idling at 1% and able to live my life.
SO if anyone has punkbuster installed, try disabling PnkBstrA and PnkBstrB in services (or removing it altogether) and see if that helps.
I've been having this problem for a while, but noticed it was only when connected to the internet.
Just went through the service list, and noticed punkbuster was hiding under 'local system'.
Disabled that annoying arse thing, and I'm idling at 1% and able to live my life.
SO if anyone has punkbuster installed, try disabling PnkBstrA and PnkBstrB in services (or removing it altogether) and see if that helps.
So I noticed after reinstalling 7, the cpu stabilized. After updating the windows updates, then the cpu went back to being crazy again. I hope they come out with an update asap to fix the cpu problem.
*edit, actually after one more restart things seems to have calmed down quite a bit!
I guess reinstalling 7 did help~
Hope this helps.
*edit, actually after one more restart things seems to have calmed down quite a bit!
I guess reinstalling 7 did help~
Hope this helps.
only way I know how is post a msg. sorry for the inconvenience.
hey everyone i had the same problem was running at 100% cpu usage.
the way i fixed this was i went to my services and stop "Folding@home-CPU-[1]" and
"Folding@home-CPU-[2] and that fixed my problem hope it helps you too.
the way i fixed this was i went to my services and stop "Folding@home-CPU-[1]" and
"Folding@home-CPU-[2] and that fixed my problem hope it helps you too.
You posted on an old thread. Just an FYI, not many ppl come here. BTW all the distributed client software max'es out cpu unless you throttle them. It is really, really bad to use on a laptop because of heat.
I do seti@home and melted an IBM laptop that way.
Good Luck
Ken J+
I have found a soulution the issues is internet tweaks/system tweaks run tcp optimizer and do the default values thing and it should fix it.
Hi all,
I have the same problem and if I disable the HDMI Audio Driver, the CPU usage goes down. However, my sound is not working when I turn it off !
I have a netbook , Intel Atom Z520 1.33 GHz, 32 bit , 2G, Asus Eee Pc ...
Does anyone know what to do?
Thanks in advance,
I have the same problem and if I disable the HDMI Audio Driver, the CPU usage goes down. However, my sound is not working when I turn it off !
I have a netbook , Intel Atom Z520 1.33 GHz, 32 bit , 2G, Asus Eee Pc ...
Does anyone know what to do?
Thanks in advance,
I have the same problem, but it isn't due to one problem, like some of you have. When I go to see what's using my CPU it can be anything, from svchost, to wmp, to I don't know what. It hits 100% even when I use youtube, and then it laggs.
I tried also to disable hd audio controller but I lose my sound, and it doesn't seem to help the CPU ussage. Closing the gadgets also doesn't help.
I have a dual core 2x2.33Ghz, 4gb RAM. I'm running win 7 x64 so my first opinion was that my computer was too weak so I should go on x32, but reading this kinda indicates that it won't solve the problem. Does anybody have a clue what that could be?
I tried also to disable hd audio controller but I lose my sound, and it doesn't seem to help the CPU ussage. Closing the gadgets also doesn't help.
I have a dual core 2x2.33Ghz, 4gb RAM. I'm running win 7 x64 so my first opinion was that my computer was too weak so I should go on x32, but reading this kinda indicates that it won't solve the problem. Does anybody have a clue what that could be?
I got a similar problem but, it's really really strange: I don't have 100% CPU all the time; It's ONLY when I unplug my laptop from the outlet! When i check in the task manager, the resource monitor, i found that the task manager was tooking like 30% and the resource monitor 40%. Then, i've plugged the outlet, it goes back to normal after like 30 sec, but when i check again the resource monitor, the resource monitor is still the one that is using the most the CPU, even if it's not using so much. Right now i think it's a probleme with a service because its looks like Tri's probleme, but i don't know what's the service I have to disable.
I've recently installed win7 with the CD of upgrade of HP which contain the drivers for my PC. My PC worked normaly when i was under Vista. So I've thought about two sources for this probleme :the updates i've automaticly made a bit after i've installed win7, or some drivers linked my they installed at the win7 installation that were not good for my PC.
Does anybody got a solution for this probleme or an idea to check if i got a good drivers or a bad service running?
I've recently installed win7 with the CD of upgrade of HP which contain the drivers for my PC. My PC worked normaly when i was under Vista. So I've thought about two sources for this probleme :the updates i've automaticly made a bit after i've installed win7, or some drivers linked my they installed at the win7 installation that were not good for my PC.
Does anybody got a solution for this probleme or an idea to check if i got a good drivers or a bad service running?
Hi All,
I am Facing the problem with CPU Usage & Physical memory usage....
I am Using:-
Intel4 CPU - 2.00 GHz
Win - 7 (32 Bit)
* CPU Usage 100%
* Physical Memory Usage upto 70%
Till now tried to solve this by:
* Checked Windows media player lib location changed it to other partition from system partition.
* disabled windows update automatic.
* used service optmizer for vista/7
* increased page file size ( Min-1501 - Max. 3000)
* Re-Install WIN7
Kindly provide your expert help to resolve this -
Below will be screen for your reference to understand the actual problem.

Kindly find the below screen shotwhere in i have taken task manger process.
* When i am playing media player ( Its Media player which is eating CPU & Physical Mem.)
* When i am Using Internet explorer ( ItsInternet explorer which is eating CPU & Physical Mem.)
* Also one more file which is on thrid position is DMW.EXE ( Desktop]Window Manager)
*** I have already scaned PC with Anit-viruse but nothing found.
*** I have re-installed WIN 7 but not working for me.

I am Facing the problem with CPU Usage & Physical memory usage....
I am Using:-
Intel4 CPU - 2.00 GHz
Win - 7 (32 Bit)
* CPU Usage 100%
* Physical Memory Usage upto 70%
Till now tried to solve this by:
* Checked Windows media player lib location changed it to other partition from system partition.
* disabled windows update automatic.
* used service optmizer for vista/7
* increased page file size ( Min-1501 - Max. 3000)
* Re-Install WIN7
Kindly provide your expert help to resolve this -
Below will be screen for your reference to understand the actual problem.
Kindly find the below screen shotwhere in i have taken task manger process.
* When i am playing media player ( Its Media player which is eating CPU & Physical Mem.)
* When i am Using Internet explorer ( ItsInternet explorer which is eating CPU & Physical Mem.)
* Also one more file which is on thrid position is DMW.EXE ( Desktop]Window Manager)
*** I have already scaned PC with Anit-viruse but nothing found.
*** I have re-installed WIN 7 but not working for me.
Hi All,
Kindly visit the link for the further details to provide the solution for the issue i have tried to update as much info i can from my end to do the CA.
CPU Usage 100% & physical memory 70%
Kindly visit the link for the further details to provide the solution for the issue i have tried to update as much info i can from my end to do the CA.
CPU Usage 100% & physical memory 70%
I have had that problem since I installed Windows 7. Along the way I found a 50% CPU problem with the IDT driver (stacsv64.exe) which, after re-installing it several times, I seem to have permanently solved (knock on wood) by simply setting stacsv64.exe to run in Vista compatibility mode. I reasoned that this is only a Win 7 problem and the developers probably just copied the Vista drivers over and tested them a bit--not bumping into the CPU usage issue. I think the 64 bit software is only half-baked for Windows 7 and they are clueless about the problems and not trying very hard to duplicate them, even though the problem reports are all over the internet. Someone needs to talk to these people!!!
However, the pesky 100% CPU utilization (showing in task manager) when the machine was not running any applications and no process was showing more than a few percent usage, was elusive. Finally, with some help from the forums, I realized that it mostly happened when the machine was unplugged. I had seen some references to batteries and power settings in the forums and some references to the problem occurring when the machine was unplugged. Then I was able to duplicate the problem at will when the computer was plugged in by setting the [advanced power options/processor power management/system cooling policy/plugged in] to "passive." Voila! My machine went into slow motion as soon as I saved the setting. I had to use the power switch and boot into safe mode to get it back. It would time out on a shut down command. I am speculating that, in passive cooling mode, the CPU throttling on the Intel Core 2 Duo processors is ramping the CPUs down to about 5% or even less--which then shows an overall usage of 100% of that 5% in task manager while no single application is getting more than a few percent (except Task Manager, itself, which shows up at 30% to 50% intermittently). Note: Task Manager only uses 3% to 7% when the CPUs are running at full. So, even 100% of 5% (or less) is not enough to run Windows 7. The machine becomes useless. What are they thinking to allow the CPUs to throttle back that far???!!! Definitely a power management bug.
Anyway, that is my theory.
However, the pesky 100% CPU utilization (showing in task manager) when the machine was not running any applications and no process was showing more than a few percent usage, was elusive. Finally, with some help from the forums, I realized that it mostly happened when the machine was unplugged. I had seen some references to batteries and power settings in the forums and some references to the problem occurring when the machine was unplugged. Then I was able to duplicate the problem at will when the computer was plugged in by setting the [advanced power options/processor power management/system cooling policy/plugged in] to "passive." Voila! My machine went into slow motion as soon as I saved the setting. I had to use the power switch and boot into safe mode to get it back. It would time out on a shut down command. I am speculating that, in passive cooling mode, the CPU throttling on the Intel Core 2 Duo processors is ramping the CPUs down to about 5% or even less--which then shows an overall usage of 100% of that 5% in task manager while no single application is getting more than a few percent (except Task Manager, itself, which shows up at 30% to 50% intermittently). Note: Task Manager only uses 3% to 7% when the CPUs are running at full. So, even 100% of 5% (or less) is not enough to run Windows 7. The machine becomes useless. What are they thinking to allow the CPUs to throttle back that far???!!! Definitely a power management bug.
Anyway, that is my theory.
Hey, thanks brucewilkinson!
This one's been driving me mad. I've now set the advanced power options / processor power management / system cooling policy / on battery to "active" and, hey presto, I can at last use my laptop on battery power! Magic!
Control panel/Adjust commonly used mobility settings/Battery status/High performance. This was set to Power Saver, which obviously has a bug because my computer would frequently become unusable.
I would't faf around with changing settings, I just reboot or just restart the computer, the most common reason for high processor idleing is the system idle process that can be located in task manager but cannot be disabled.
i7 720QM 1.6ghz
4gb ddr3 1333mhz
ati mobility radion 5730
640gb hdd
I have run into a similar problem but it started out with my memory usage. It tends to mostly happen when I play a game but it's occasionally happened at other times. The performance monitor gadget and task manager were both telling me that my memory was getting used up anywhere from 95% to 100%. I checked the processes list to see if I could find what was hogging up all the memory but everything seemed to be normal. This problem only stopped when the cpu usage started jumping to 100%. This problem only occurred while playing a game. I would start playing a game and it would run fine then the framerate would steadily decline until it was anywhere from 0 to 2 frames per second and the sound would be buzzing and scratching. I closed the game and checked task manager and it said my cpu was at 100%. After a few minutes the cpu steadily went back down to normal usage levels. I then did some research and downloaded Systinternals Process Explorer to see what exactly was hogging cpu and it was usually svchost.exe. I'd expand that process to see what within it was hogging cpu but everything was either at 00 or 01. Then there were other times that everything was at 00 or 01 including System Idle Process.
This is a brand new computer and it's been running flawless up until I ran into this problem a few days ago. I've been wanting to reinstall the OS and do a clean install just to remove the bloatware and install everything from the ground up. I just want to make sure that a clean install will also cure this problem. I read somewhere that someone was experiencing this problem due to an ATI HDMI Audio driver which I do have.
Another note, my computer is running in high performance mode and plugged in. So I know that my problem isn't anything to do with power settings.
i7 720QM 1.6ghz
4gb ddr3 1333mhz
ati mobility radion 5730
640gb hdd
I have run into a similar problem but it started out with my memory usage. It tends to mostly happen when I play a game but it's occasionally happened at other times. The performance monitor gadget and task manager were both telling me that my memory was getting used up anywhere from 95% to 100%. I checked the processes list to see if I could find what was hogging up all the memory but everything seemed to be normal. This problem only stopped when the cpu usage started jumping to 100%. This problem only occurred while playing a game. I would start playing a game and it would run fine then the framerate would steadily decline until it was anywhere from 0 to 2 frames per second and the sound would be buzzing and scratching. I closed the game and checked task manager and it said my cpu was at 100%. After a few minutes the cpu steadily went back down to normal usage levels. I then did some research and downloaded Systinternals Process Explorer to see what exactly was hogging cpu and it was usually svchost.exe. I'd expand that process to see what within it was hogging cpu but everything was either at 00 or 01. Then there were other times that everything was at 00 or 01 including System Idle Process.
This is a brand new computer and it's been running flawless up until I ran into this problem a few days ago. I've been wanting to reinstall the OS and do a clean install just to remove the bloatware and install everything from the ground up. I just want to make sure that a clean install will also cure this problem. I read somewhere that someone was experiencing this problem due to an ATI HDMI Audio driver which I do have.
Another note, my computer is running in high performance mode and plugged in. So I know that my problem isn't anything to do with power settings.
I have the same problem i have clean installed and there is no difference, i have clean installed 3 times already :P and it does not work. My computer was working fine till i formated the computer to make it a clean install. I had Vista installed and then upgraded to Windows 7 Home. Now i clean installed with the Upgrade CD n now i am facing this problem as well.
Skype, NFS World, OR Adobe softwares They start freezing as the CPU usage goes to 100%.
My laptop is QUAD Core and 8 GB ram n i have this problem and i just cant find a Solution to this CHAOS
Skype, NFS World, OR Adobe softwares They start freezing as the CPU usage goes to 100%.
My laptop is QUAD Core and 8 GB ram n i have this problem and i just cant find a Solution to this CHAOS
I Realised that only when i am online n using applications that need Internet connection my CPU jumps to 100%.
Skype starts acting Wierd on me if i have a Browser on which is WIERD! Skype uses 100 000 k and NFS WORLD goes to 700 000 K O_o ... IN PROCESSES.
SO Now i am going to Reinstall Vista and do an upgrade i am assuming there is something that is missing in Windows 7 Copy which needs to be added from Vista
Skype starts acting Wierd on me if i have a Browser on which is WIERD! Skype uses 100 000 k and NFS WORLD goes to 700 000 K O_o ... IN PROCESSES.
SO Now i am going to Reinstall Vista and do an upgrade i am assuming there is something that is missing in Windows 7 Copy which needs to be added from Vista
Post a new thread in this section with your problem and you will get some assistance.
Post a Snip of Task Manager Processess Tab for a start.
Post a Snip of Task Manager Processess Tab for a start.
I formated my other Laptop, but this is another one with clean install AMD X2 Processor, ATI Radeon 4000 series, 4gb ram.
This same the same problem, and this does not have anything except skype and Google chrome, it is still new Laptop just bought 10 days back
This same the same problem, and this does not have anything except skype and Google chrome, it is still new Laptop just bought 10 days back
Hey everyone,
I'm not positive if this will solve the problem you all are experiencing but I did find a solution.
I was playing a game and I started having the max cpu issue and the game was lagging out. A thing I noticed was that the sound was all crackly as well. I opened process explorer and found that audiodg.exe was hogging all my cpu. I looked it up and they said to turn off the sound enhancements to cure the problem. I did this and it solved the problem. I haven't had issues since.
To turn off sound enhancements, right click on your volume control, then go to playback devices. Select your main audio output device and click properties. Go to the enhancements tab and check off "Disable all enhancements". Or you can fiddle and tinker around to find out which enhancement is actually causing problems.
I'm not positive if this will solve the problem you all are experiencing but I did find a solution.
I was playing a game and I started having the max cpu issue and the game was lagging out. A thing I noticed was that the sound was all crackly as well. I opened process explorer and found that audiodg.exe was hogging all my cpu. I looked it up and they said to turn off the sound enhancements to cure the problem. I did this and it solved the problem. I haven't had issues since.
To turn off sound enhancements, right click on your volume control, then go to playback devices. Select your main audio output device and click properties. Go to the enhancements tab and check off "Disable all enhancements". Or you can fiddle and tinker around to find out which enhancement is actually causing problems.
That is not going to help i assume as it did not help me, i would like to ask if u were playing online or no? because after reading every ones post i only see the problem happening when some app is using the net.
Now i am trying to install Windows Vista n then going to up grade it to Windows 7 n not clean install W7 so lets see what happens. I have 2 laptops so will try n update as much as possible
Now i am trying to install Windows Vista n then going to up grade it to Windows 7 n not clean install W7 so lets see what happens. I have 2 laptops so will try n update as much as possible
It made no difference whether I was playing online or not. But I know for a fact my problem was with audiodg since after I turned off the sound enhancements, my problems went away.
Well guys i installed vista and then windows 7 over it, TO my notice it was a useless thing as i realised that The Windows Updates are causing of CPU usage problem. Only thing i have to figure out is which update is causing the problem... will start fresh in the morning n try to figure that out. IF some one wants to start early Can uninstall their updates n try n figure out which one is the cause LOL.
I have a familiar problem. It occurred when I tried to play an mkv file. The cpu goes to 100%. I looked at the processes and found out that explorer.exe is responsible and uses 89-97% of cpu!! The problem stops once I log out and log in in my account (or restart).
Hi there
I realise this is an old thread, but after Googling my problem this was the most useful thread I found, in my opinion *is* still useful, and it helped my solve my problem (it appears).
I had similar problems as described just recently with Windows 7 of CPU at 100%. For example, my Windows Media Player Network Sharing Service was hogging a lot of CPU, also saw Task Manager at way high CPU whilst it was open, had Firefox and some other applications maxing out the CPU for no apparent reason, I've also seen the HD Audio process hogging CPU. I stopped many Services and disabled a number of items from startup.
In the end, the problem seems to be because I had recently changed to the 'High Performance' power plan, which in Control Panel > Power Options > Select a Power Plan > Change plan settings > Change advanced power settings > Processor Power Management > Minimum Processor State > Plugging in (which is what I have most of the time), the setting was set to 100%. So it seems that this setting is causing my CPU to *overwork* somehow (seems silly to me).
Changing the Power Plan to 'Balanced' seems to have fixed the CPU maxing out problem...! Yay!
So I wanted to share it on this thread as it seems to have helped a lot.
I realise this is an old thread, but after Googling my problem this was the most useful thread I found, in my opinion *is* still useful, and it helped my solve my problem (it appears).
I had similar problems as described just recently with Windows 7 of CPU at 100%. For example, my Windows Media Player Network Sharing Service was hogging a lot of CPU, also saw Task Manager at way high CPU whilst it was open, had Firefox and some other applications maxing out the CPU for no apparent reason, I've also seen the HD Audio process hogging CPU. I stopped many Services and disabled a number of items from startup.
In the end, the problem seems to be because I had recently changed to the 'High Performance' power plan, which in Control Panel > Power Options > Select a Power Plan > Change plan settings > Change advanced power settings > Processor Power Management > Minimum Processor State > Plugging in (which is what I have most of the time), the setting was set to 100%. So it seems that this setting is causing my CPU to *overwork* somehow (seems silly to me).
Changing the Power Plan to 'Balanced' seems to have fixed the CPU maxing out problem...! Yay!
So I wanted to share it on this thread as it seems to have helped a lot.
I got this off the Microsoft website and this works!
So, first goto start and type msconfig.exe (or just msconfig).
Mext, go to the startup tab and disable some services (except microsfot services.)
I got this off the Microsoft website and this works!
So, first goto start and type msconfig.exe (or just msconfig).
Mext, go to the startup tab and disable some services (except microsfot services.)
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