I have problem with StarCraft 1.16.1 � it freezes after 1-5 minutes of playing. But system continue working (winamp plays ok). I even can't exit StarCraft, it not respond any keys and I have to press reset.
System: Windows 7 build 7100 with all updates from microsoft.
Does anybody know whats wrong with my StarCraft or Windows?
I have problem with StarCraft 1.16.1 � it freezes after 1-5 minutes of playing. But system continue working (winamp plays ok). I even can't exit StarCraft, it not respond any keys and I have to press reset.
System: Windows 7 build 7100 with all updates from microsoft.
Does anybody know whats wrong with my StarCraft or Windows?
Would need more info, system specs, vid card driver, etc.
processor: Athlon 64X2 Dual Core Processor 4800+
memory: 2 Gb
video: Radeon X1600
1 try: Catalyst 9.1 driver for Windows Vista
2 try: integrated microsoft driver
event log clear when starcraft freezes
memory: 2 Gb
video: Radeon X1600
1 try: Catalyst 9.1 driver for Windows Vista
2 try: integrated microsoft driver
event log clear when starcraft freezes
I saw the same problem on the blizzard forum but there are no solutions
You did try compatibility mode, right? Starcraft is still a great game, but pretty old. I would still play it if I could up the resolution. Just looks horrible on my 1440x900 LCD.
Is it anything like the problem I've been having?
So far I've only had starcraft crash on me when I'm playing multiplayer over LAN (UDP) and I haven't been able to remedy the problem.
Mind you, my issue doesn't happen every game...I can successfully play a full hour-long LAN game at times, but some games I play for about 5 minutes and my whole system seizes up.
It seems like a similar behaviour to your problem...Programs running in the background continue to function but I'm unable to exit starcraft in any way (Alt+tab, Ctrl+alt+del, etc...) except a hard reset.
EDIT: I'm running SC with multiple compatibility options because of a common issue with the colors and Windows Vista/7.
Still having the same system crashes.
So far I've only had starcraft crash on me when I'm playing multiplayer over LAN (UDP) and I haven't been able to remedy the problem.
Mind you, my issue doesn't happen every game...I can successfully play a full hour-long LAN game at times, but some games I play for about 5 minutes and my whole system seizes up.
It seems like a similar behaviour to your problem...Programs running in the background continue to function but I'm unable to exit starcraft in any way (Alt+tab, Ctrl+alt+del, etc...) except a hard reset.
EDIT: I'm running SC with multiple compatibility options because of a common issue with the colors and Windows Vista/7.
Still having the same system crashes.
Same thing exactly happens to me... Sometimes I can play full games and then it will randomly freeze completely without warning on another.
I am having the same problem. I can play Starcraft for 5 min sometimes and other times it can be 45 min and then my whole system will just lock up. The only way to get out of the game is to do a manual reset.
Hi, after searching on the web for a while seems I found the solution (at least for my problem) which seems to be pretty much the same problem you are having.
I am using Windows 7 Build 7100, Starcraft: BroodWar patch 1.16.1. Whenever I start Starcraft all the colors are messed up, the same description as above and when trying to play multiplayer on Battle.net SC gets frozen.... can't move the mouse pointer, music is still playing and works.. alt+tab won't work, ctrl+alt+delete won't work either, I have to shut down my computer by holding down the power button for several seconds....
Now let's go to the solution...
1. open notepad
2. type the following:
taskkill /f /IM explorer.exe
C:\"Program Files (x86)"\"Starcraft"\"StarCraft.exe"
start explorer.exe
Where the 2nd line is your installation folder, which may vary depending on where you installed it, and yes you have to use the quotation marks or it won't work.
3. Save the file with the extension .bat (batch file) where you can find it easly.
4. Double click on it and play starcraft, this will close the explorer (explorer.exe) and reopen it when you close Starcraft.
You can still have other programs open like winamp, skype, whatever, it works for me....
I hope this solution works for you as it did for me, I just found it on the web (can't remember from all the sites I visited to solve this issue).
I am using Windows 7 Build 7100, Starcraft: BroodWar patch 1.16.1. Whenever I start Starcraft all the colors are messed up, the same description as above and when trying to play multiplayer on Battle.net SC gets frozen.... can't move the mouse pointer, music is still playing and works.. alt+tab won't work, ctrl+alt+delete won't work either, I have to shut down my computer by holding down the power button for several seconds....
Now let's go to the solution...
1. open notepad
2. type the following:
taskkill /f /IM explorer.exe
C:\"Program Files (x86)"\"Starcraft"\"StarCraft.exe"
start explorer.exe
Where the 2nd line is your installation folder, which may vary depending on where you installed it, and yes you have to use the quotation marks or it won't work.
3. Save the file with the extension .bat (batch file) where you can find it easly.
4. Double click on it and play starcraft, this will close the explorer (explorer.exe) and reopen it when you close Starcraft.
You can still have other programs open like winamp, skype, whatever, it works for me....
I hope this solution works for you as it did for me, I just found it on the web (can't remember from all the sites I visited to solve this issue).
a silly thing have you tried disabling aero .. i have not tried but in vista i had the same problem with a c&c ... the only way to make it work was to disable aero...
Hi, after searching on the web for a while seems I found the solution (at least for my problem) which seems to be pretty much the same problem you are having.
I am using Windows 7 Build 7100, Starcraft: BroodWar patch 1.16.1. Whenever I start Starcraft all the colors are messed up, the same description as above and when trying to play multiplayer on Battle.net SC gets frozen.... can't move the mouse pointer, music is still playing and works.. alt+tab won't work, ctrl+alt+delete won't work either, I have to shut down my computer by holding down the power button for several seconds....
Now let's go to the solution...
1. open notepad
2. type the following:
taskkill /f /IM explorer.exe
C:\"Program Files (x86)"\"Starcraft"\"StarCraft.exe"
start explorer.exe
Where the 2nd line is your installation folder, which may vary depending on where you installed it, and yes you have to use the quotation marks or it won't work.
3. Save the file with the extension .bat (batch file) where you can find it easly.
4. Double click on it and play starcraft, this will close the explorer (explorer.exe) and reopen it when you close Starcraft.
You can still have other programs open like winamp, skype, whatever, it works for me....
I hope this solution works for you as it did for me, I just found it on the web (can't remember from all the sites I visited to solve this issue).
I am using Windows 7 Build 7100, Starcraft: BroodWar patch 1.16.1. Whenever I start Starcraft all the colors are messed up, the same description as above and when trying to play multiplayer on Battle.net SC gets frozen.... can't move the mouse pointer, music is still playing and works.. alt+tab won't work, ctrl+alt+delete won't work either, I have to shut down my computer by holding down the power button for several seconds....
Now let's go to the solution...
1. open notepad
2. type the following:
taskkill /f /IM explorer.exe
C:\"Program Files (x86)"\"Starcraft"\"StarCraft.exe"
start explorer.exe
Where the 2nd line is your installation folder, which may vary depending on where you installed it, and yes you have to use the quotation marks or it won't work.
3. Save the file with the extension .bat (batch file) where you can find it easly.
4. Double click on it and play starcraft, this will close the explorer (explorer.exe) and reopen it when you close Starcraft.
You can still have other programs open like winamp, skype, whatever, it works for me....
I hope this solution works for you as it did for me, I just found it on the web (can't remember from all the sites I visited to solve this issue).
Hi, after searching on the web for a while seems I found the solution (at least for my problem) which seems to be pretty much the same problem you are having.
I am using Windows 7 Build 7100, Starcraft: BroodWar patch 1.16.1. Whenever I start Starcraft all the colors are messed up, the same description as above and when trying to play multiplayer on Battle.net SC gets frozen.... can't move the mouse pointer, music is still playing and works.. alt+tab won't work, ctrl+alt+delete won't work either, I have to shut down my computer by holding down the power button for several seconds....
Now let's go to the solution...
1. open notepad
2. type the following:
taskkill /f /IM explorer.exe
C:\"Program Files (x86)"\"Starcraft"\"StarCraft.exe"
start explorer.exe
Where the 2nd line is your installation folder, which may vary depending on where you installed it, and yes you have to use the quotation marks or it won't work.
3. Save the file with the extension .bat (batch file) where you can find it easly.
4. Double click on it and play starcraft, this will close the explorer (explorer.exe) and reopen it when you close Starcraft.
You can still have other programs open like winamp, skype, whatever, it works for me....
I hope this solution works for you as it did for me, I just found it on the web (can't remember from all the sites I visited to solve this issue).
I am using Windows 7 Build 7100, Starcraft: BroodWar patch 1.16.1. Whenever I start Starcraft all the colors are messed up, the same description as above and when trying to play multiplayer on Battle.net SC gets frozen.... can't move the mouse pointer, music is still playing and works.. alt+tab won't work, ctrl+alt+delete won't work either, I have to shut down my computer by holding down the power button for several seconds....
Now let's go to the solution...
1. open notepad
2. type the following:
taskkill /f /IM explorer.exe
C:\"Program Files (x86)"\"Starcraft"\"StarCraft.exe"
start explorer.exe
Where the 2nd line is your installation folder, which may vary depending on where you installed it, and yes you have to use the quotation marks or it won't work.
3. Save the file with the extension .bat (batch file) where you can find it easly.
4. Double click on it and play starcraft, this will close the explorer (explorer.exe) and reopen it when you close Starcraft.
You can still have other programs open like winamp, skype, whatever, it works for me....
I hope this solution works for you as it did for me, I just found it on the web (can't remember from all the sites I visited to solve this issue).
The freezing is fairly random, so I think the previous posters just haven't seen the issue crop up again for a few games, but it is still an issue.
This works great in Windows 7 for fixing the graphical glitches in the game under this OS, but unfortunately, this wont fix the freezing issue. I've tested and it isn't working with Windows RC 7100.
The freezing is fairly random, so I think the previous posters just haven't seen the issue crop up again for a few games, but it is still an issue.
The freezing is fairly random, so I think the previous posters just haven't seen the issue crop up again for a few games, but it is still an issue.
Hi, after searching on the web for a while seems I found the solution (at least for my problem) which seems to be pretty much the same problem you are having.
I am using Windows 7 Build 7100, Starcraft: BroodWar patch 1.16.1. Whenever I start Starcraft all the colors are messed up, the same description as above and when trying to play multiplayer on Battle.net SC gets frozen.... can't move the mouse pointer, music is still playing and works.. alt+tab won't work, ctrl+alt+delete won't work either, I have to shut down my computer by holding down the power button for several seconds....
Now let's go to the solution...
1. open notepad
2. type the following:
taskkill /f /IM explorer.exe
C:\"Program Files (x86)"\"Starcraft"\"StarCraft.exe"
start explorer.exe
Where the 2nd line is your installation folder, which may vary depending on where you installed it, and yes you have to use the quotation marks or it won't work.
3. Save the file with the extension .bat (batch file) where you can find it easly.
4. Double click on it and play starcraft, this will close the explorer (explorer.exe) and reopen it when you close Starcraft.
You can still have other programs open like winamp, skype, whatever, it works for me....
I hope this solution works for you as it did for me, I just found it on the web (can't remember from all the sites I visited to solve this issue).
I am using Windows 7 Build 7100, Starcraft: BroodWar patch 1.16.1. Whenever I start Starcraft all the colors are messed up, the same description as above and when trying to play multiplayer on Battle.net SC gets frozen.... can't move the mouse pointer, music is still playing and works.. alt+tab won't work, ctrl+alt+delete won't work either, I have to shut down my computer by holding down the power button for several seconds....
Now let's go to the solution...
1. open notepad
2. type the following:
taskkill /f /IM explorer.exe
C:\"Program Files (x86)"\"Starcraft"\"StarCraft.exe"
start explorer.exe
Where the 2nd line is your installation folder, which may vary depending on where you installed it, and yes you have to use the quotation marks or it won't work.
3. Save the file with the extension .bat (batch file) where you can find it easly.
4. Double click on it and play starcraft, this will close the explorer (explorer.exe) and reopen it when you close Starcraft.
You can still have other programs open like winamp, skype, whatever, it works for me....
I hope this solution works for you as it did for me, I just found it on the web (can't remember from all the sites I visited to solve this issue).
Found a way to get AoE to work.
instead of typing -
C:\"Program Files (x86)"\"Empire"\"age2_x1.exe"
type -
cd C:\"Program Files (x86)"\"Empire"
i don't know why this works but it does
(note: remember where you stored the file might be a different name)
instead of typing -
C:\"Program Files (x86)"\"Empire"\"age2_x1.exe"
type -
cd C:\"Program Files (x86)"\"Empire"
i don't know why this works but it does
(note: remember where you stored the file might be a different name)
I spoke too soon. Neither starcraft nor AoE work when explorer is disabled. I'm going to bet there's a problem with the graphics card since the colors are all weird. I'll keep looking at this but I have no idea how to fix it.
Hi there,
I found the following in a forum post.
Please set your compatibility for your Starcraft.exe (shortcut) as follows.
*edit* It does still not to seem to work for me, but it is worth a try for you!
I found the following in a forum post.
Please set your compatibility for your Starcraft.exe (shortcut) as follows.
*edit* It does still not to seem to work for me, but it is worth a try for you!
Another thing one could try is checking with "Safe Mode" and/or "Selective Startup".
Yet this probably won't track down the issue, just help when you really want to play.
Yet this probably won't track down the issue, just help when you really want to play.
The only real solution I've found to this problem is either using Windows 7 XP mode (which I cant use because I dont have a VT enabled processor), or using VMWare to run a virtual machine of XP and run SC within that. That 'sort of' works in exclusive mode. It will connect and allow you to play over b.net, but there are other issues with the graphics with that method. I've managed to play several games in that fashion though.
I hope to soon be able to test with a true windows 7 XP mode install, but until then, this will have to do.
I hope to soon be able to test with a true windows 7 XP mode install, but until then, this will have to do.
Hey, maybe this thread works, seems like a lot of confirmations - StarCraft fix holy cow!
I wonder if it fixes the freezing issues. Will test and report back.
I wonder if it fixes the freezing issues. Will test and report back.
I've tried the vmware combination to run starcraft and it still locked the computer, but in a totally different way. This time I can move my mouse, but the keyboard is still locked, and there's a window popping up and the only way out as that window wouldn't close neither and just sat there, was a hard reset. I only did it once though so i don't know what are my luck this thing going to happen again.
I actually just had this happen to me for the first time. Normally it would run without freezing at all (I play quite a bit of Starcraft I should note, ie. a few games every day) but this time it happened after about 10 minutes into a game.
Running Windows 7 64-bit build 7600. I have ObjectDock running in the background, that may have something to do with it
Running Windows 7 64-bit build 7600. I have ObjectDock running in the background, that may have something to do with it
I also use Stardocks Object Dock Plus. I don't think this is the issue, I even closed all other programs, the problem still persists.
@Damocles: I'm not sure if that helps, because my/our problem is not the graphics.
@Damocles: I'm not sure if that helps, because my/our problem is not the graphics.
Another solution I just found here in this forum:
Did not try it yet. My question would be: Can one make fix this "run only on CPU x" for a program / SC somewhere in the settings of Windows or SC?
1. Click properties and go to Compatibility tab
2. Run with Windows XP Service pack 3
3. Check all other boxes there.
4. Start StarCraft then pres alt+tab and go to Task Manager
5. Find StarCraft.exe in processes then right button Set Affinity...
6. Make it run only on CPU 0
7. Stop Processes that use most of your CPU such as Sidebar Bittorrent ETC
8. All processes that you want to use that are soft of your choosing like Winamp Skype ETC make them run on the other CPU(s) not on CPU 0.
It's Done you should be able to play Starcraft in LAN etc without having your system crash every 15 minutes.
2. Run with Windows XP Service pack 3
3. Check all other boxes there.
4. Start StarCraft then pres alt+tab and go to Task Manager
5. Find StarCraft.exe in processes then right button Set Affinity...
6. Make it run only on CPU 0
7. Stop Processes that use most of your CPU such as Sidebar Bittorrent ETC
8. All processes that you want to use that are soft of your choosing like Winamp Skype ETC make them run on the other CPU(s) not on CPU 0.
It's Done you should be able to play Starcraft in LAN etc without having your system crash every 15 minutes.
One thing I'd like to run by everyone else having these issues is what you're running int he background. I think the only times I've experienced the freezing is when Skype is running. Does everyone else that freezes have Skype running too?
I always have skype / miranda / ultramon / daemon tools running.
setting the affinity to one core doesn't help.
will try closing skype to see if that helps.
running windows 7 rtm 32bit!
setting the affinity to one core doesn't help.
will try closing skype to see if that helps.
running windows 7 rtm 32bit!
I ran into the problem in safe mode too thinking safe mode with networking would avoid it. It didn't.
closing all background programs helps for me, no crashes/freezes when I close:
firefox, skype, miranda, outlook, vlc media player ...
so if I basically run windows and then start starcraft and nothing else before it doesn't crash at all. if I have skype running in the background - it crashes. if I have miranda running - it crashes (altough I have disabled all miranda sounds anyway, so not sure if it's related to sound issues).
I don't set the affinity to one core anymore or do anything else other than just closing the background programs. I also let programs like daemon tools, ultramon etc. run - since they don't seem to interfere.
firefox, skype, miranda, outlook, vlc media player ...
so if I basically run windows and then start starcraft and nothing else before it doesn't crash at all. if I have skype running in the background - it crashes. if I have miranda running - it crashes (altough I have disabled all miranda sounds anyway, so not sure if it's related to sound issues).
I don't set the affinity to one core anymore or do anything else other than just closing the background programs. I also let programs like daemon tools, ultramon etc. run - since they don't seem to interfere.
The solution from Elfus doesn't work for me! Also closing all programs doesn't help!
But I'll try the Aero solution. How can I most quickly deactivate and reactivate Aero again?
Because I don't want to waste additional time just because of stupid Starcraft.
But I'll try the Aero solution. How can I most quickly deactivate and reactivate Aero again?
Because I don't want to waste additional time just because of stupid Starcraft.
Solution: Deactivate Aero. Click right on your desktop, choose "Personalize", scroll down, choose one of the Basic themes, e.g. "Windows 7 Basic", click apply, wait 30 seconds, start up Starcraft, it works!
Disabling Aero didn't work for me... it ran fine for one game then froze again :/
Does anyone who runs Starcraft on Windows 7 NOT have these problems?
Does anyone who runs Starcraft on Windows 7 NOT have these problems?
@handcold: Ok that is bad news.
I admit I didn't try it a second time, so then I had good luck only.
Which graphics card + motherboard do you have/use again?

I had a fix for this in vista but it's not working in 7 ..... working on my fix. some have said if you right click destop and personalize you don't get the crazy login colors. haven't tried it because that really isn't a FIX.
right now most people are complaining about the 1.16 patch asking for CD on 7 working on a registry fix for that as I write this post.
right now most people are complaining about the 1.16 patch asking for CD on 7 working on a registry fix for that as I write this post.
MSI 790FX-GD70
I tried it again earlier... it ran fine for about 20 minutes before freezing again.
Again, is there anybody who doesn't have problems running Starcraft in Windows 7 64-bit?
I had these Problems, and don't have them anymore. Disable skype and any other media players while playing starcraft and update to the latest graphic card drivers and chipset driver (for nivida -> Welcome to NVIDIA - World Leader in Visual Computing Technologies - latest gpu and !!!! nforce driver)
@hax: I've got the newest NVIDIA drivers. Or do you mean BETA drivers? I never had Skype or music running while playing SC. Or how do you mean disable?
Ok, I found two things, one solution (?) and one reason. Solution:
(Source: The article linked here)
*edit* Ok, doesn't work!
Reason (maybe):
What didn't work, is setting the "Extension limit" in the NVIDIA (Global 3D) settings to "On".
Right click the Starcraft icon -> Properties -> Compatibility tab
Check ALL the Settings, but do NOT check Compatibility Mode
Check ALL the Settings, but do NOT check Compatibility Mode
*edit* Ok, doesn't work!

Reason (maybe):
My theory is that it relates to widescreen monitors. I first installed it on my laptop (1280x768) and it had issues but the latest drivers and the DH mobility modder worked wonders in conjunction with changing the compatibility settings.
What didn't work, is setting the "Extension limit" in the NVIDIA (Global 3D) settings to "On".
@hax: I've got the newest NVIDIA drivers. Or do you mean BETA drivers? I never had Skype or music running while playing SC. Or how do you mean disable?
I meant just closing Skype and other unneeded programs while playing.
What also seemed to be important is to update windows, and also to update to the latest nvidia chipset drivers (nforce drivers), they released an update not so long ago.
hope that helps - as I said starcraft used to freeze on me every second/third game, and now it doesn't anymore at all. I haven't changed anything hardwarewise.
Isn't nforce included in the driver package anyway? Windows is always up to date for me.
Ok, so what did you do? ^^ The 191.07 drivers are not really "new" imho.
Btw., currently it works also for me, what did I do: I googled around and found the
Resolution Expander (v.5.1)
and after extracting it (seems you can put it anywhere), SC BW now works without any flaws (yet), although the resolution sadly didn't change. (Any idea how to make it work? Didn't use my Widescreen resolution 1680x1050 but the next smaller 1440x900.)
Ok, so what did you do? ^^ The 191.07 drivers are not really "new" imho.
Btw., currently it works also for me, what did I do: I googled around and found the
Resolution Expander (v.5.1)
and after extracting it (seems you can put it anywhere), SC BW now works without any flaws (yet), although the resolution sadly didn't change. (Any idea how to make it work? Didn't use my Widescreen resolution 1680x1050 but the next smaller 1440x900.)
Ok, indeed the Resolution Expander didn't help in any way, except the single player is working, yet I get freezes while playing in Battle.net! -.-
Will now install the NVIDIA beta and although I doubt it'll help from looking at the Release Notes, I'll try. Another thing we should check:
Is anyone over- or underpowered in terms of PSU?
I know I'm somewhat slightly underpowered (500W, see stats), as I wrongly calculated my energy use when building my PC.
Next time I'll do better or upgrade as soon this is absolutely necessary.
Will now install the NVIDIA beta and although I doubt it'll help from looking at the Release Notes, I'll try. Another thing we should check:
Is anyone over- or underpowered in terms of PSU?
I know I'm somewhat slightly underpowered (500W, see stats), as I wrongly calculated my energy use when building my PC.
I have a 750W PSU and am encountering the same problems... it's definitely not due to underpowering...
Ok. Has been unlikely anyway.
The new NVIDIA beta drivers didn't help, yet it "only" freezes in Multiplayer now, which is the bigger problem though!

Guys I know its not StarCraft but I have this SAME exact problem with RollerCoaster Tycoon 2. The game will run for a few mins and then just randomly lock my pc (no mouse or key responce). Only thing I can do is to do a Hard Reset of my PC.
I sure hope someone is looking at the big picture and is working on an official fix.
I sure hope someone is looking at the big picture and is working on an official fix.
I have an ATI card (HD4890) and I don't think it's a driver issue. I think it's a compatibility issue. I could try running StarCraft in windowed mode, but it's quite hard to play like that. But I would like to see if it still crashes even if it's not in full screen. I think I should try emailing blizzard report and tell them that a lot of players are encountering problems with StarCraft on Windows 7 RC - Windows 7 RTM/Final Release.
I have the same freezing problem both on my notebook and desktop PC whitch have Win 7. I really hope a solution will come up eventually because I cannot play SC at all.
I have this issue across 3 systems, all of which use different cpu's and video adapters.
all use x64.
and worse, is that its not just starcraft thats effected.
all use x64.
and worse, is that its not just starcraft thats effected.
Hey guys-
Just feel I should throw in what is happening to my computers and starcraft as well.
I have the latest Win7 and all the updates for both my computers.
Laptop- Win7 pro 32bit
desktop- win7 pro 64bit
I can play single player as much as I want with no problem. But when I attempt to play a lan game or a battle.net game I crash some where between 6-20 min in to the game. Audio of the game still plays but no visual or key commands work. And on other computers the game shows me laggy and causing them to drop me.
Desktop has a x4 amd with a 4870 and the laptop has a p4 x2 with a intel based chipset.... So nothing in hardware is the same.
Just feel I should throw in what is happening to my computers and starcraft as well.
I have the latest Win7 and all the updates for both my computers.
Laptop- Win7 pro 32bit
desktop- win7 pro 64bit
I can play single player as much as I want with no problem. But when I attempt to play a lan game or a battle.net game I crash some where between 6-20 min in to the game. Audio of the game still plays but no visual or key commands work. And on other computers the game shows me laggy and causing them to drop me.
Desktop has a x4 amd with a 4870 and the laptop has a p4 x2 with a intel based chipset.... So nothing in hardware is the same.
I guess nobody is listening to me...lol! Check out my thread here.
Hey guys-
Just feel I should throw in what is happening to my computers and starcraft as well.
I have the latest Win7 and all the updates for both my computers.
Laptop- Win7 pro 32bit
desktop- win7 pro 64bit
I can play single player as much as I want with no problem. But when I attempt to play a lan game or a battle.net game I crash some where between 6-20 min in to the game. Audio of the game still plays but no visual or key commands work. And on other computers the game shows me laggy and causing them to drop me.
Desktop has a x4 amd with a 4870 and the laptop has a p4 x2 with a intel based chipset.... So nothing in hardware is the same.
Just feel I should throw in what is happening to my computers and starcraft as well.
I have the latest Win7 and all the updates for both my computers.
Laptop- Win7 pro 32bit
desktop- win7 pro 64bit
I can play single player as much as I want with no problem. But when I attempt to play a lan game or a battle.net game I crash some where between 6-20 min in to the game. Audio of the game still plays but no visual or key commands work. And on other computers the game shows me laggy and causing them to drop me.
Desktop has a x4 amd with a 4870 and the laptop has a p4 x2 with a intel based chipset.... So nothing in hardware is the same.
I guess nobody is listening to me...lol! Check out my thread here.
I guess nobody is listening to me...lol! Check out my thread here.
Yea.... I really don't want to run it in a window like that.. I don't even like the xp emulator tool or running XP within 7. An operating system should be able to run something like this. It worked fine in Vista ( at least for me with color issues ) and it works in Ubuntu and on Macs. So there is really no reason why this shouldn't work in 7... I mean come on... I can name 23 people ( had to count ) that play Starcraft still and didn't go to XP when it came out because they were unsure if it would run. Again for vista. And again for 7. Now they switched to and are still using XP, and have no plans to go to vista or 7. They have plans to go to Ubuntu....
~ EDIT ADDED: Its funny how one game can change someones mind.... Like I'm about to.... Games that won't run for me: Starcraft Online, Age of Empires any, Dawn of War- has online and lan issues, and simcity 4 isn't working..

Don't care if its older software. I want to play it! And I'm not duel booting just because of this. All of these software titles worked in Vista 64 and should work in 7 64.
I had the same freezing problem... HAD!
Here's my solution: before starting SC change your desktop theme to Windows Classic. After u start SC, press Alt + Tab, go to Task Manager and set affinity to CPU 0 only (for SC of course...). I've recently been using Chaos Launcher to play SC (maybe it has sth to do too...).
Anyway, no crashes for almost two weeks now
Anyway, no crashes for almost two weeks now
I had the same freezing problem... HAD!
Here's my solution: before starting SC change your desktop theme to Windows Classic. After u start SC, press Alt + Tab, go to Task Manager and set affinity to CPU 0 only (for SC of course...). I've recently been using Chaos Launcher to play SC (maybe it has sth to do too...).
Anyway. If microsoft has no fix, then i guess my friend will be getting busy and making a DDraw > D3D wrapper to bypass DDraw entirely.
How does HqX shaders sound for filtering? lol.
I've tried the vmware combination to run starcraft and it still locked the computer, but in a totally different way. This time I can move my mouse, but the keyboard is still locked, and there's a window popping up and the only way out as that window wouldn't close neither and just sat there, was a hard reset. I only did it once though so i don't know what are my luck this thing going to happen again.
I applied the...
taskkill /f /IM explorer.exe
C:\"Program Files"\"Starcraft"\"StarCraft.exe"
start explorer.exe
...method, and it does fix the colors. But I still get a freeze every 1 hour or so. And it doesn't relaunch explorer for me, only rarely.
Thats an unecessarily destructive method. All you need to do is pause the explorer threads, which im sure you can do just as easily with a batch file
Instead of just sitting here waiting for the answer I've been looking for, I decided to take some initiative and e-mail blizzard support. This is their response delivered relatively quick.
I personally like to play my starcraft stretched on my 19 inch widescreen, and don't want it to be in the 640x480 resolution, but oh well... I have not tested to see if this works yet
Thank you for contacting us regarding StarCraft. Unfortunately this is a known issue. Please right click on the StarCraft icon and select Properties, click on the Compatibility tab. Under the Settings section, please select "Run in 256 Colors", "Run in 640x480 resolution", "Disable Visual Themes" and "Run as Administrator". This should work for many customers.
Although forcing the colors to 256 colors as well as forcing the 640x480 resolution should resolve the graphical issues, we have noticed it doesn't for each type of video card. From other customers we have heard that force quitting the Explorer.exe file from the task manager and then running StarCraft right away seems to resolve it (CTRL ALT DELETE -> Start Task Manager).
Other then that the only other thing I can suggest is to play StarCraft while in Safe mode, since Safe mode will not load your video card drivers, it will not attempt to force the color scheme. To do this, please follow the appropriate instructions for your Windows version on this page:
Blizzard Support
If you have any Technical Issues, feel free to give me an e-mail.
Best Regards,
Blizzard Entertainment
Technical Support
Blizzard Support
Thank you for contacting us regarding StarCraft. Unfortunately this is a known issue. Please right click on the StarCraft icon and select Properties, click on the Compatibility tab. Under the Settings section, please select "Run in 256 Colors", "Run in 640x480 resolution", "Disable Visual Themes" and "Run as Administrator". This should work for many customers.
Although forcing the colors to 256 colors as well as forcing the 640x480 resolution should resolve the graphical issues, we have noticed it doesn't for each type of video card. From other customers we have heard that force quitting the Explorer.exe file from the task manager and then running StarCraft right away seems to resolve it (CTRL ALT DELETE -> Start Task Manager).
Other then that the only other thing I can suggest is to play StarCraft while in Safe mode, since Safe mode will not load your video card drivers, it will not attempt to force the color scheme. To do this, please follow the appropriate instructions for your Windows version on this page:
Blizzard Support
If you have any Technical Issues, feel free to give me an e-mail.
Best Regards,
Blizzard Entertainment
Technical Support
Blizzard Support
Check your software and driver compatibility here: Windows 7 Compatibility Center home.
Windows Outreach Team
Windows Outreach Team
It doesn't.
Issue 1.
Ddraw is VMd/Emulated on NT6+ using D3D. D3D requires functional Video drivers.
Issue 2.
None of the compatibility settings fix either the colours, or the freeze under win7. Though some have discovered using a 5:4 or 4:3 monitor can help with the colour.
Don't give us that generic crap, if you aren't a senior developer you aren't qualified to be advising on this situation. There is a high level race issue in the operating system when running full screen 256 colour DDraw applications, which even developers who have written DDraw for years cannot seem to work out.
If it was the driver interface, it would be a low level race issue resulting in a bsod or hardlock, but since its only a freeze of the directx / display and secondary audio and applications continue to function in the background, the only point it could be is at the API level.
And when you enter the right search query... look what you find
As i have checked... DWM is not disabled when a fullscreen DDraw app is run on windows 7. This has been the case since the prebeta versions.
It doesn't.
Issue 1.
Ddraw is VMd/Emulated on NT6+ using D3D. D3D requires functional Video drivers.
Issue 2.
None of the compatibility settings fix either the colours, or the freeze under win7. Though some have discovered using a 5:4 or 4:3 monitor can help with the colour.
Check your software and driver compatibility here: Windows 7 Compatibility Center home.
Windows Outreach Team
Windows Outreach Team
If it was the driver interface, it would be a low level race issue resulting in a bsod or hardlock, but since its only a freeze of the directx / display and secondary audio and applications continue to function in the background, the only point it could be is at the API level.
And when you enter the right search query... look what you find
As i have checked... DWM is not disabled when a fullscreen DDraw app is run on windows 7. This has been the case since the prebeta versions.
If I can help in anyway let me know, as I used to have the errors and now I don't anymore.
And it definitely was no hardware issue for me.
And the people suggesting to play in safe mode / other os and so on ... those are not solutions but merely bad jokes I hope. I mean I don't go to a mechanic with a car problem and expect to be told "well you can ride a bike ..."
And it definitely was no hardware issue for me.
And the people suggesting to play in safe mode / other os and so on ... those are not solutions but merely bad jokes I hope. I mean I don't go to a mechanic with a car problem and expect to be told "well you can ride a bike ..."
This is what i was pointing to specifically
DWM must disable in order for the application to lock the backbuffer, This behavior can be reproduced in OpenGL applications that request a lockable backbuffer, but not in DDraw applications.
Now i've noticed 16bit and 32bit DD apps, such as emulators do not freeze in fullscreen, nor do they have the colour palette issue. However these apps have been adapted over time to support XP.
Hax, have you tried manually disabling the DWM service in Services.msc prior to playing?
Windows 7: Applications manifested for Windows 7 cannot call Lock API in DDRAW to lock the primary Desktop video buffer. Doing so will result in error, and NULL pointer for the primary will be returned. This behavior is enforced even if Desktop Window Manager Composition is not turned on. Windows 7 compatible applications must not lock the primary video buffer to render.
Windows Vista (default): Applications will be able to acquire a lock on the primary video buffer as legacy applications depend on this behavior. Running the application turns off Desktop Window Manager.
Windows Vista (default): Applications will be able to acquire a lock on the primary video buffer as legacy applications depend on this behavior. Running the application turns off Desktop Window Manager.
Now i've noticed 16bit and 32bit DD apps, such as emulators do not freeze in fullscreen, nor do they have the colour palette issue. However these apps have been adapted over time to support XP.
Hax, have you tried manually disabling the DWM service in Services.msc prior to playing?
How do you disable the DWM service ? i can't find it in services.msc
edit : btw i have the same problem on windows 7 64bit
I tried to use virtual pc 2007 but there is some latency in the mouse or its not configured properly anyway i cant play with it in the best conditions
Should i try VMWare?
edit : btw i have the same problem on windows 7 64bit
I tried to use virtual pc 2007 but there is some latency in the mouse or its not configured properly anyway i cant play with it in the best conditions
Should i try VMWare?
How do you disable the DWM service ? i can't find it in services.msc
edit : btw i have the same problem on windows 7 64bit
I tried to use virtual pc 2007 but there is some latency in the mouse or its not configured properly anyway i cant play with it in the best conditions
Should i try VMWare?
edit : btw i have the same problem on windows 7 64bit
I tried to use virtual pc 2007 but there is some latency in the mouse or its not configured properly anyway i cant play with it in the best conditions
Should i try VMWare?
No point, i just did some funky stuff with windbg and its not as simply as DWM not disabling, the blasted application is failing to lock the primary buffer regardless of DWM being enabled or not. God only knows why this is. The only thing i can think of at this point is that these games are behaving like windows 7 manifested apps for some reason so Primary buffer locking is not allowed regardless of dwm being enabled or disabled.
Its looking more and more like the only fix is going to be rerouting the api into D3D directly.
We should email blizzard the link to this thread so they cand read it fully, and not reply to us the same old crap about compatibility settings.
they won't care. and to be honest I think it's microsoft who should care, not blizzard. they made that game 11 years ago, and it's ms's responsibility to be backwards compatible, not blizzards. altough it would be nice of them to care.
Agreed, but blizzard isnt doing much still, not to mention bnet connectivity is the worse i have seen in an online game in a long time..
Anyway im installing vmware, hopefully that'll let me play in decent conditions
Anyway im installing vmware, hopefully that'll let me play in decent conditions
Whoever fixes the freezing issue will be our hero.

someone tried disabling the "throtling cpu" or such in the options during the game ?
I've recently upgraded my NVIDIA drivers to the new version that just came out, and it now stretches it to completely fill my 1920x1200 widescreen instead of having two empty black spaces on the side. But it still freezes quite often with the music still playing...
Just a heads up, nothing on all 7 pages of this thread have worked for me.
I have:
Windows 7 RTM 7100 x64
HP dv7-1175nr with:
Core2Duo T5800 ( 2GHz 800MHz FSB 2MB L2 )
NVida GeForce 9600M w/ 512 Dedicated Video up to 2GB Shared
And Starcraft with Brood Wars.
Today, I was doing exceptionally well with Terran against 1 computer opponent (yes, I'm a noob, and I'm not ashamed haha), and then right as I was about to launch my first attack, it froze.
Please help, or I might just give up on Starcraft 1 until SC2 comes out. Maybe if we're lucky there will be a "special pre-order edition" that will come with Win7-compatible SC1...
I have:
Windows 7 RTM 7100 x64
HP dv7-1175nr with:
Core2Duo T5800 ( 2GHz 800MHz FSB 2MB L2 )
NVida GeForce 9600M w/ 512 Dedicated Video up to 2GB Shared
And Starcraft with Brood Wars.
Today, I was doing exceptionally well with Terran against 1 computer opponent (yes, I'm a noob, and I'm not ashamed haha), and then right as I was about to launch my first attack, it froze.

Please help, or I might just give up on Starcraft 1 until SC2 comes out. Maybe if we're lucky there will be a "special pre-order edition" that will come with Win7-compatible SC1...
its not that simple... and since it affects far more games then just Starcraft.. though in starcraft it is the most prominent (age of empires usually runs perfect once you have got it to the main menu)....
What's funny is that I now try to save every 5 minutes or so. Then when I forget, the freeze comes. Pretty frustrating, but I still like running Starcraft in Win7 rather than XP Mode because I don't have to set things up.
I'm confused, what do you mean by that?
I mean that I installed StarCraft into a virtual Windows XP, but it requires that you first start up the virtual machine before you can play. It takes less than a minute, but it's a slight nuisance.
So two questions then:
1) Does SC1 work in VirtualPC (the one from Microsoft)?
2) Does SC1 work in XP Mode (available from the same site)?
I guess I lied, I haven't tried all of the solutions (this being the only one). I know we shouldn't have to do something else to play a simple computer game on Vista/Win7 but if I have to spend 30 seconds loading X program to play SC1 without interruption or the graphics glitch, I'll do it.
1) Does SC1 work in VirtualPC (the one from Microsoft)?
2) Does SC1 work in XP Mode (available from the same site)?
I guess I lied, I haven't tried all of the solutions (this being the only one). I know we shouldn't have to do something else to play a simple computer game on Vista/Win7 but if I have to spend 30 seconds loading X program to play SC1 without interruption or the graphics glitch, I'll do it.
yes it works (see the other thread) but you dont get the same confort than when playing on native (the mouse isnt as precise, and you have to deal with sizing issues)
Aral, the mouse works very good in my virtual XP. For best performance, your processor needs to be able to support virtualization. (Intel-VT or AMD-V)
As for the sizing issue, it is a bit of a hassle to have to zoom in and lock the screen every time you want to play.
As for the sizing issue, it is a bit of a hassle to have to zoom in and lock the screen every time you want to play.
it works but i find it to be less sensitive than in the regular windows
For the sizing i cant get it to work in VMWare, how do you do it in virtual XP?
For the sizing i cant get it to work in VMWare, how do you do it in virtual XP?
No, it doesn't. It works in VMware Player though since 3D acceleration is enabled.
You've never tried the new Windows 7 zoom feature?
haha i just realized how it was working
i thought it was a vmware feature
Ill try it with starcraft
edit : ok well its not that usable, when you move the mouse, the screen is going left and right, and i still feel like my cursor is lagged..
edit 2 : ok you can lock the mouse, i figured it out now
Ill see how it works
i thought it was a vmware feature
Ill try it with starcraft
edit : ok well its not that usable, when you move the mouse, the screen is going left and right, and i still feel like my cursor is lagged..
edit 2 : ok you can lock the mouse, i figured it out now
Ill see how it works
After you get the screen fitting how you like it, lock it in place, and click the VMware screen to input in StarCraft. It's not that hard, is it?
Meh, I just downloaded Chaos Launcher and it works beautifully. No lame virtual crap, just Chaos Launcher and that's it.
This will work until MS puts out a fix for games this old.
This will work until MS puts out a fix for games this old.
BTW, I'm currently running StarCraft in Windows 7, not in XP Mode. I just put up with the freezing every other game.
I'll try out Chaoslauncher. What exactly does it do and does it fix the freezing problem?
I'll try out Chaoslauncher. What exactly does it do and does it fix the freezing problem?
It's a free program that just launches Star Craft so I don't think it's illegal or anything. Just a heads up, it would be a good idea to read the Readme file before using Chaos Launcher, as it tells you the key combinations needed to do certain things (like using alt and function buttons, etc).
I hope this helps people for now!
Well I downloaded Chaoslauncher and Avast reported the main executable of being a trojan. Not sure if it's a false positive, but I'm not willing to see.
I have Avast Antivirus 4.8 Professional and Ad Aware Pro Anniversary Edition, both fully updated, and neither of them said anything for me, until I checked this post. Now for some reason Avast says the same thing.
I can tell you for a fact that the program worked 100%. I played two complete games with it.
Interesting how now it wants to claim it's a Trojan. On a side note, most programs that have to do with modding games or hacking them get reported as trojans by your AV software. It has something to do with the way the code's written even though it's not malware.
It's your guys' choice obviously, but I was just trying to provide a solution that worked for me when nothing else here did.
I can tell you for a fact that the program worked 100%. I played two complete games with it.
Interesting how now it wants to claim it's a Trojan. On a side note, most programs that have to do with modding games or hacking them get reported as trojans by your AV software. It has something to do with the way the code's written even though it's not malware.
It's your guys' choice obviously, but I was just trying to provide a solution that worked for me when nothing else here did.
its just behavior pattern based heuristics.
anyway, we already know it works in a window... the point is not having to, nor having to use a VM.
anyway, we already know it works in a window... the point is not having to, nor having to use a VM.
Actually he said that he didn't have any freezes and it seems like he meant full-screen mode.
I use it mostly now in windowed mode though now Avast reports it as a trojan, I've gotten rid of it. Shame.

Well it might have still freezed if you played a few more long games. At first it didn't freeze for me, but after a while it started freezing once every 1-2 hours.
How do we run Starcraft in windows mode? Perhaps if we run the window in our exact resolution, then it won't be a window anymore ay guys? (It's funny because if StarCraft worked perfectly, I wouldn't be playing it so much to try and get it to work)
How do we run Starcraft in windows mode? Perhaps if we run the window in our exact resolution, then it won't be a window anymore ay guys? (It's funny because if StarCraft worked perfectly, I wouldn't be playing it so much to try and get it to work)
chaos launcher doesnt make starcraft freeze?
Well it didn't for me but HughShaw said it did for him after 1-2 hours.
No, I meant just playing normally since I haven't tried Chaoslauncher.
Well i've been screwing around with other apps and i believe i have proved that it is a DirectDraw wide failure in locking the primary buffer.
making use of the emulator FCEU (nes emu) i found that with double buffering enabled, (a commonly used method to offset the risk of Vsync slowing down rendering) which requires the locking of the primary frame buffer. the Windows start menu orb and taskbar buttons (those flashing the button atleast) were rendered on top of the application in fullscreen. Had the frame buffer locked properly it would not have these draw ontop.
the good news is that the D3D Wrapper is looking to get under Dev soon since my friend has finally gotten Win7 compatible updates for the "Tools" he uses.
making use of the emulator FCEU (nes emu) i found that with double buffering enabled, (a commonly used method to offset the risk of Vsync slowing down rendering) which requires the locking of the primary frame buffer. the Windows start menu orb and taskbar buttons (those flashing the button atleast) were rendered on top of the application in fullscreen. Had the frame buffer locked properly it would not have these draw ontop.
Are you gonna release these "tools" for the community?
the tools.... not so much :P... the wrapper yeah, after hes got it together and forced me and Lazure through beta testing :P
Thanks for your hard work and I'm looking forward to your fix!
Yeah, I'll certainly be testing the wrapper. Currently, I resort to running these games in a virtual machine.
While the games run GREAT in the VM, they run in a tiny lil window which can be hard to see when a game is only 640x480. =p
While the games run GREAT in the VM, they run in a tiny lil window which can be hard to see when a game is only 640x480. =p
Squall, I see that you are very busy with this issue on Microsoft Answers. Let's all vote to need an answer so that Microsoft does something!
Well... it looks like the issue is not DWM, rather its the windows shell itself. Applications which call for Vsync via Vblank are having the taskbar draw on topic of parts of the screen that draw black, and also does so on the classic theme.
these are also probably what causes the flickering colours, and the inability to lock the primary buffer in order to vsync.
these are also probably what causes the flickering colours, and the inability to lock the primary buffer in order to vsync.
Well... it looks like the issue is not DWM, rather its the windows shell itself. Applications which call for Vsync via Vblank are having the taskbar draw on topic of parts of the screen that draw black, and also does so on the classic theme.
these are also probably what causes the flickering colours, and the inability to lock the primary buffer in order to vsync.
these are also probably what causes the flickering colours, and the inability to lock the primary buffer in order to vsync.
what a pain in the ass really...
I'm kind of lost by all the technical explanations but do you think there is a chance that microsoft does something about this ?
I'm kind of lost by all the technical explanations but do you think there is a chance that microsoft does something about this ?
Well I downloaded Chaoslauncher and Avast reported the main executable of being a trojan. Not sure if it's a false positive, but I'm not willing to see.
Chaoslauncher is mainly used for the latencychanger feature, where you can play on Battle.net with no delay.
This thread must not die until the freezing issue is solved. And yes, I've tried all the solutions and they work, but the game freezes every 3 games or so.
it won't die as long as its kept in your subscriptions.
But it may die in the hearts of the Windows 7 forumers, so a good bump was in order.
I've tried all the solutions and they don't work for me, on Vista or Win7.
The only thing that DID work was running SC on an old computer with XP.
Lame Windows is lame.
i also tried all solutions here and sc bw still freezes after 30-50 minutes playing, or after few games, its random, cant exactly specify..
and chaosluncher was the worst ever thing ;/
and chaosluncher was the worst ever thing ;/
Yeah I ended up just creating a dual boot set up with XP and 7 and just boot into XP every time I want to play Starcraft
I use my old laptop ;(
Yeah, this is a really annoying problem....
I was certain that this was a x64 problem, quite surprised that people have this problem on x32.
Just have to wait for the patch...if they ever make one! Or wait for Starcraft 2
P.S. I knew that Windows 7 was too good to be true
I was certain that this was a x64 problem, quite surprised that people have this problem on x32.
Just have to wait for the patch...if they ever make one! Or wait for Starcraft 2
P.S. I knew that Windows 7 was too good to be true

Yeah, I also have a Win 7 Ultimate 32-bit and experience this problem
This worked for me. I dont know why, but I uninstalled Pando Media Booster, that comes default with win7, and it just stopped crashing
I don't think it comes default with W7, but was preinstalled by your pc's manufacturer - I didn't see it on any notebook or pc with W7
I've had moderate success although my games do freeze but not very often. BTW, I haven't noticed it mentioned in this forum although I may have missed it, to get rid of the color problem, bring up the Screen Resolution panel and then launch SC on top of that. Colors always work properly on my rig when launched liked that.
Well, we started looking into a few methods to fix this, starting with porting Wine's DDraw emulation to windows,.. needless to say, emulating ddraw via d3d via opengl isn't that fun lol.
Pando media booster does not come with windows 7 by default.
Pando media booster does not come with windows 7 by default.
I had Pando as default. I have a HP Compaq PC.
What I've noticed is that the freeze problem usually happens with those that has the 7100 Build. I'm planning to get SC, and I wondered if it happens to the 7600 build?
What I've noticed is that the freeze problem usually happens with those that has the 7100 Build. I'm planning to get SC, and I wondered if it happens to the 7600 build?
maybe for x32 users, but for x64 users its pretty high occurence with 7600.
I'm running windows 7 7600 build, 32bit, and I still get the freezes. Tried most of what was suggested here, except for chaos launcher. Was able to get normal graphics by killing explorer, but game still froze after about 6 seconds. Very shocked to see people have actually made it 30mins to 3 hours. I haven't made it past a min without a freeze (both with explorer running and not running)
I tried chaos launcher and it works just fine !
You can also lock the mouse inside the window so you can scroll the screen on the map easily (which is hard to do with virtual clients)
Anyway until this is fixed, chaos launcher is good enough, plus it makes multi tasking a lot easier
You can also lock the mouse inside the window so you can scroll the screen on the map easily (which is hard to do with virtual clients)
Anyway until this is fixed, chaos launcher is good enough, plus it makes multi tasking a lot easier
Here's what we know:
The problem is not in the Specs or Starcraft itself, Something in the Windows 7 OS is the problem.
On one hand, I'm not taking the risk for any false positives, if a virus exists, it's a virus. So chaoslauncher is out.
I did some experimenting and what happened was that I opened a bunch of other programs at the same time of starcraft. The more RAM that was being used, the shorter amount of time before it froze. Perhaps this has something to do with windows 7 attempts to "speed up your computer". I also found that the some programs still seem to run, Windows Media Player, Winamp, even When I used youtube.com to listen while still playing. It froze, but still ran. Downloads also completed, even though the game itself froze.
We already know what the real issue is:
Well i've been screwing around with other apps and i believe i have proved that it is a DirectDraw wide failure in locking the primary buffer.
making use of the emulator FCEU (nes emu) i found that with double buffering enabled, (a commonly used method to offset the risk of Vsync slowing down rendering) which requires the locking of the primary frame buffer. the Windows start menu orb and taskbar buttons (those flashing the button atleast) were rendered on top of the application in fullscreen. Had the frame buffer locked properly it would not have these draw ontop.
the good news is that the D3D Wrapper is looking to get under Dev soon since my friend has finally gotten Win7 compatible updates for the "Tools" he uses.
making use of the emulator FCEU (nes emu) i found that with double buffering enabled, (a commonly used method to offset the risk of Vsync slowing down rendering) which requires the locking of the primary frame buffer. the Windows start menu orb and taskbar buttons (those flashing the button atleast) were rendered on top of the application in fullscreen. Had the frame buffer locked properly it would not have these draw ontop.
so does that mean that it will be fixed by third party people?
well what's how it worked for me.. After a clean boot, i found that bw crashes because of the skype service which starts with startup.
So, when i switched it of, crashes dissapier. So you can try.
START > msconfig > startup > skype > (uncheck it)
Now i cant use skype in one moment while playing sc bw. If you dont have skype, You should find your program or service which maybe dont work correctrly with BW. Hope this will help you.
So, when i switched it of, crashes dissapier. So you can try.
START > msconfig > startup > skype > (uncheck it)
Now i cant use skype in one moment while playing sc bw. If you dont have skype, You should find your program or service which maybe dont work correctrly with BW. Hope this will help you.
Thank you for your input, but it's very unlikely that both things are related since there is probably a few people in this topic that dont use skype at all (i know i didnt have it installed when my computer started crashing)
You should try which service works "wrong" with your running BW. Good luck
i don't skype, however i have other things open. regardless any application that causes a freeze like this is just accelerating the freeze in reality and not really causing it at all
I've tried to play the game on all versions of windows 7, hoping that Microsoft didnt put in a secret dll file into the higher up versions of 7 (ultimate), and still no go.
But after talking this with my stepfather, he asked if the game worked on Vista and of course XP, and stated that there could be a missing .dll file from vista that never got transferred to Windows 7. I've tried looking for the .dll file but after spending about a whole month, got nothing.
Just an idea to put out there....
But after talking this with my stepfather, he asked if the game worked on Vista and of course XP, and stated that there could be a missing .dll file from vista that never got transferred to Windows 7. I've tried looking for the .dll file but after spending about a whole month, got nothing.
Just an idea to put out there....
if a dependency was missing, the game would simply fail to run.
Hello! As the first I apologize for my English. I let it translate in the Internet. I have the same problem as here descriptive with Pharao from Sierra. Every 5 seconds to 10 min. freezes.
All drivers and Mainboard Bios are up to date.
I described the problem here:
Probleme mit Pharao unter Windos 7 32 Bit
The result of the discussion was the following:
My board (Asus P5K) is too old and does not support Windows 7 any longer correctly.
Here is the original answer (translated):
the driver support goes only to Vista. Under Windows 7 the board functions reduced. In this constellation it will give no useful solution.
Could it be really so simple?
My System Specs:
OS: Win7 32 Bit
CPU: Q6600
Grafik: Geforce 8800 GTX
Mainboard: Asus P5K
All drivers and Mainboard Bios are up to date.
I described the problem here:
Probleme mit Pharao unter Windos 7 32 Bit
The result of the discussion was the following:
My board (Asus P5K) is too old and does not support Windows 7 any longer correctly.
Here is the original answer (translated):
the driver support goes only to Vista. Under Windows 7 the board functions reduced. In this constellation it will give no useful solution.
Could it be really so simple?
My System Specs:
OS: Win7 32 Bit
CPU: Q6600
Grafik: Geforce 8800 GTX
Mainboard: Asus P5K
Hi, its not age, or lack of support. Though i've tried pharoah and didn't have a freeze myself, it just means i might not have tested long enough. This game is however immune from the colours bug.
You'll be able to play again if you install Windows XP under virtualbox or virtual pc. (Not XP Mode as it doesn't support display switching)
Windows 7 seems to have a bizarre issue with DirectDraw titles that result in them freezing randomly for no good reason, some newer DDraw apps are immune, presumably because they use the desktop palette or 32bit depth.
You'll be able to play again if you install Windows XP under virtualbox or virtual pc. (Not XP Mode as it doesn't support display switching)
Windows 7 seems to have a bizarre issue with DirectDraw titles that result in them freezing randomly for no good reason, some newer DDraw apps are immune, presumably because they use the desktop palette or 32bit depth.
don't know if this is irrelevent information, but i just installed starcraft on my new computer running windows 7 64 bit home premium.
i played entirely through the original campaigns, fresh install, sc version 1.04. no problems, no freezes, approx. 20 hours of play (i dont consider the slight color glitches a "problem").
however, this exact freezing problem started when i moved on to play through the expansion missions, after installing broodwar.
starcraft = worked
starcraft post expansion install = broken
that's all i got
i played entirely through the original campaigns, fresh install, sc version 1.04. no problems, no freezes, approx. 20 hours of play (i dont consider the slight color glitches a "problem").
however, this exact freezing problem started when i moved on to play through the expansion missions, after installing broodwar.
starcraft = worked
starcraft post expansion install = broken
that's all i got
Yo guys, i haven't got the time to try this myself atm, but can someone check
Update for Windows 7 for x64-based Systems (KB978637)
Download size: 258 KB
You may need to restart your computer for this update to take effect.
Update type: Recommended
Install this update to address an issue in which program compatibility settings are ignored and cause applications opened through another 32-bit application to exhibit Windows Vista behavior on Windows 7 x64 or Windows 2008 R2 x64/IA-64. The fix additionally prevents the user from receiving an incorrect �Program Compatibility Assistant� warning that the installation has failed while it has actually succeeded. After you install this item, you may have to restart your computer.
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Download size: 258 KB
You may need to restart your computer for this update to take effect.
Update type: Recommended
Install this update to address an issue in which program compatibility settings are ignored and cause applications opened through another 32-bit application to exhibit Windows Vista behavior on Windows 7 x64 or Windows 2008 R2 x64/IA-64. The fix additionally prevents the user from receiving an incorrect �Program Compatibility Assistant� warning that the installation has failed while it has actually succeeded. After you install this item, you may have to restart your computer.
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Update for Windows 7 for x64-based Systems (KB976264)
Download size: 1.8 MB
You may need to restart your computer for this update to take effect.
Update type: Recommended
Install this update to resolve issues with non-compatible applications for Windows 7. For complete details of this update, see Knowledge Base Article KB976264. After you install this item, you may have to restart your computer.
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Download size: 1.8 MB
You may need to restart your computer for this update to take effect.
Update type: Recommended
Install this update to resolve issues with non-compatible applications for Windows 7. For complete details of this update, see Knowledge Base Article KB976264. After you install this item, you may have to restart your computer.
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This windows patch does not include starcraft in it's non-compatible application change info. The solution to starcraft freezing is not a directdraw problem. This is due to third party hacks not being compatible with windows seven. So if you wanna stop freezing I advise you stop hacking!. Give it a try and leave feedback.
Yay squall, thanks a lot, it works!!! Finally SOLVED?!!!!!
@KNIVES: Sorry, just total BS, read the last 14 pages (and esp. the TL links), there were no hacks involved at all.
@KNIVES: Sorry, just total BS, read the last 14 pages (and esp. the TL links), there were no hacks involved at all.
better try a bit more KnowledgeWorker, i did get a freeze, but it might've been caused by suspending the explorer process or affinity so i can't say whether it is fixed or not.
Just a note, i tested FCEUX, and the flashing icons are no longer drawing on top of it in fullscreen
Just a note, i tested FCEUX, and the flashing icons are no longer drawing on top of it in fullscreen
Yeah. I tried this update. I actually froze after 1min or less og play on iccup. I've been looking around and tried about every small fix people think would work. This problem is still not fixed.
another compatibility update came out.
Hey guys, I had been trying to find a fix for the freezing for a few days now, When suddenly it hit me: The game had been freezing the keyboard and mouse, Yet things were working in the background. What if i tried the game in window mode? Well, I did a little snooping and found a program called "Chaos luancher". I used it to play starcraft in windowed mode, And what do ya know; Problem solved! I have successfully played both on and offline for hours on end with no problems, Not even the strange discoloration! Give it a shot!
try reading the thread next time yeah?
I don't know if this is irrelevant or already established because I do not know too much about computers. Lately, I have been having the exact same freezing problem on Windows 7 Home Premium, leading me to try all the fixes on this thread and several other threads I found over google. Of course, none of them worked. Eventually, I found a thread mentioning windows xp mode, leading me to upgrade to Windows 7 Ultimate to try it out. Xp mode was a disappointment because starcraft was too small and laggy. This led to me ditching xp mode and reinstalling starcraft on Windows 7 Ultimate, and ever since then the freezing issue completely stopped. I use the troubleshoot compatibility option and use the recommended settings, but I don't know if that makes a difference because on Windows 7 Home Premium edition I did the exact same thing and the game continued freezing. I don't know if this helps at all, but at least the problem fixed itself for me and I believe it has something to do with the upgrade to Windows 7 Ultimate. I have played about 25 games online now and absolutely no freezing anymore.
I have been ripping apart Starcraft a-lot in the past few days and I just want to know- How did you all install the game? Please include Starcraft Cd version number if you can.
For example I installed by:
Starcraft CD - Version 1.0
I put the Cd in the computer and installed it. Nothing, just plain old installed.
Then installed Brood War.
Then When to Battle.net and got the update.
Went online from there and boom crash..
You guys?
For example I installed by:
Starcraft CD - Version 1.0
I put the Cd in the computer and installed it. Nothing, just plain old installed.
Then installed Brood War.
Then When to Battle.net and got the update.
Went online from there and boom crash..
You guys?
This windows patch does not include starcraft in it's non-compatible application change info. The solution to starcraft freezing is not a directdraw problem. This is due to third party hacks not being compatible with windows seven. So if you wanna stop freezing I advise you stop hacking!. Give it a try and leave feedback.
Shut the **** up.... Hacking = Losers ( sorry for all that do ). I agree with KnowledgeWorker if you had taken the time to read the posts you would have determined that hacks are not the issues. Now please, don't blame good players that they hack just because you suck.
I wish you all read the posts.
Chaos Launcher is already on this board as an option, though it is my personal preference not to use it because it "has a false positive", and in my book, false positives don't exist. But that's just me.
There is a window 7 patch out there (under optional, not recommended) that supposedly fixes the problem. My friend has home basic and it fixes the problem, but however, it still freezes on 7 Ultimate, which is what I have. Well, not that it matters soon, Starcraft II is coming out, and I'm having fun with that
Chaos Launcher is already on this board as an option, though it is my personal preference not to use it because it "has a false positive", and in my book, false positives don't exist. But that's just me.
There is a window 7 patch out there (under optional, not recommended) that supposedly fixes the problem. My friend has home basic and it fixes the problem, but however, it still freezes on 7 Ultimate, which is what I have. Well, not that it matters soon, Starcraft II is coming out, and I'm having fun with that
I found what causes the freeze: READ CAREFULLY
I discovered that Starcraft:Broodwar freezes becouse of Skype,
Turn if off completly and you should be fine to play.
If you have problems contact me on skype:emil.popov3 (i can speak English)
And we can play some games.
I hope this will help you :P
I discovered that Starcraft:Broodwar freezes becouse of Skype,
Turn if off completly and you should be fine to play.
If you have problems contact me on skype:emil.popov3 (i can speak English)
And we can play some games.
I hope this will help you :P
I found what causes the freeze: READ CAREFULLY
I discovered that Starcraft:Broodwar freezes becouse of Skype,
Turn if off completly and you should be fine to play.
If you have problems contact me on skype:emil.popov3 (i can speak English)
And we can play some games.
I hope this will help you :P
I discovered that Starcraft:Broodwar freezes becouse of Skype,
Turn if off completly and you should be fine to play.
If you have problems contact me on skype:emil.popov3 (i can speak English)
And we can play some games.
I hope this will help you :P
using skype while playing sc only makes sc freeze much much faster.
I agree completely. Odd thing is, the more programs you close, the longer the play time is before the freeze. You can's say one particular program is the cause, the problem is somewhere in the Windows 7 System, because in Vista, it didn't freeze.
I found what causes the freeze: READ CAREFULLY
I discovered that Starcraft:Broodwar freezes becouse of Skype,
Turn if off completly and you should be fine to play.
If you have problems contact me on skype:emil.popov3 (i can speak English)
And we can play some games.
I hope this will help you :P
I discovered that Starcraft:Broodwar freezes becouse of Skype,
Turn if off completly and you should be fine to play.
If you have problems contact me on skype:emil.popov3 (i can speak English)
And we can play some games.
I hope this will help you :P
using skype while playing sc only makes sc freeze much much faster.
I don't have skype.. never installed it.. On two computers Starcraft crashes and I have never run it
Any application can cause a false positive.
many applications flag a warning on packed executables because of the compression techniques making the header harder to interpret.
also any application which hooks anothers functionality, such as a trainer or an extender utility like the starcraft widescreen tool will flag as trojan/loaders
There is a window 7 patch out there (under optional, not recommended) that supposedly fixes the problem. My friend has home basic and it fixes the problem, but however, it still freezes on 7 Ultimate, which is what I have. Well, not that it matters soon, Starcraft II is coming out, and I'm having fun with that
Ok the tip with skype was wrong,but i found how to fix the freeze for good,
First start Sc:broodwar, then using ctrl+alt+del go to the taks manager menu,then click show processes from all users,then find the starctaft.exe right click on it,and Set Affinity make it to use only The cpu 0,and make other active programs to use the CPU 1 (like bitcomet,skype,msn,wmplayer,realtek,your antivirus).
When you do it you will be able to play whole day (Tip:you have to make this every time you boot windows,it takes maximum 2 minutes).Look at this pictures i made,Hope this make it easier for you.All the best,enjoy SC
Imageshack - 11532662.jpg
Imageshack - 82960717.jpg
Imageshack - 56920783.jpg
Imageshack - 89041792.jpg
First start Sc:broodwar, then using ctrl+alt+del go to the taks manager menu,then click show processes from all users,then find the starctaft.exe right click on it,and Set Affinity make it to use only The cpu 0,and make other active programs to use the CPU 1 (like bitcomet,skype,msn,wmplayer,realtek,your antivirus).
When you do it you will be able to play whole day (Tip:you have to make this every time you boot windows,it takes maximum 2 minutes).Look at this pictures i made,Hope this make it easier for you.All the best,enjoy SC
Imageshack - 11532662.jpg
Imageshack - 82960717.jpg
Imageshack - 56920783.jpg
Imageshack - 89041792.jpg
No. That tip only works on Vista, and is only for unpatched starcraft/broodwar without the idle cycles setting.
No it works on Windows 7, too today i played 2 hours without freeze on fastests maps.
And yes i do use WINDOWS 7
And yes i do use WINDOWS 7
Doesn't work.
I've played StarCraft Broodwar for many hours with only a few lock ups. With a 56/ 76 record in Battlenet (nothing to brag about I know
) I've played coutless hours during which I most always run Skype while actively talking to 2 to 3 other players. The only thing special I do is make sure to drop to a single monitor and open the "Personalize" window in the background before launching the game. This takes care of the color issues 95 percent of the time for me. If during the game, another app pops up in front or I have to ALT/TAB back to the desktop, the colors are ususally screwed until I restart the game, but not so bad that I cannot finish the game at hand. We were playing multi-player via my VPN until everyone finally purchased the BattleChest. Below I'll list all of the relevant hardware and sofware I can think of:
Asus PNE SLI Mainboard
Nvidia NForce Chipset
Nvidia 8800 GTS Driver
Intel 6600 (2.4 GHz) Dual Core
1X4 Dual Channel SLI NEW EGG Memory (I think actually Crucial brand)
32 bit Windows 7 Ultimate
Windows Experience listed at 5.7, disk being the weakest link
Single SATA 150 GB WD Raptor drive, no RAID
Razor Copperhead Mouse/ USB
Generic old clicking Toshiba keyboard, PS/2
Creative XFi Fatality1 Sounds card with latest drivers
Avast Home
Office 2007 including Outlook 2007
There is a huge amount of experimental software also installed, I'm not too cautious in trying things as I tend to format fairly often, every 6 months or so but the time frame has gotten longer from XP to 7. Never has SC Broodwar caused an an issue after several formats, so going from a clean system to a junked up system seems to not affect performance so I would say software is out but not for sure obviously.
All that said, I think the problem people are experiencing with Broodwar on Windows 7 are caused by hardware or drivers, maybe x64? I haven't had a reason to x64 on my desktop. Tried it, it sucked. Server is a different story. So far in this thread and others, I havent seen anyone put together a pattern to eliminate possibilities to bring this to a down common factor. That's my input for now, everyone should begin including similar specs and we may bring this to a close.
I've played StarCraft Broodwar for many hours with only a few lock ups. With a 56/ 76 record in Battlenet (nothing to brag about I know
Asus PNE SLI Mainboard
Nvidia NForce Chipset
Nvidia 8800 GTS Driver
Intel 6600 (2.4 GHz) Dual Core
1X4 Dual Channel SLI NEW EGG Memory (I think actually Crucial brand)
32 bit Windows 7 Ultimate
Windows Experience listed at 5.7, disk being the weakest link
Single SATA 150 GB WD Raptor drive, no RAID
Razor Copperhead Mouse/ USB
Generic old clicking Toshiba keyboard, PS/2
Creative XFi Fatality1 Sounds card with latest drivers
Avast Home
Office 2007 including Outlook 2007
There is a huge amount of experimental software also installed, I'm not too cautious in trying things as I tend to format fairly often, every 6 months or so but the time frame has gotten longer from XP to 7. Never has SC Broodwar caused an an issue after several formats, so going from a clean system to a junked up system seems to not affect performance so I would say software is out but not for sure obviously.
All that said, I think the problem people are experiencing with Broodwar on Windows 7 are caused by hardware or drivers, maybe x64? I haven't had a reason to x64 on my desktop. Tried it, it sucked. Server is a different story. So far in this thread and others, I havent seen anyone put together a pattern to eliminate possibilities to bring this to a down common factor. That's my input for now, everyone should begin including similar specs and we may bring this to a close.
I am now 99% sure that Winamp has been causing SC to crash when both are running.
I have played for 3 weeks w/o Winamp with no crashes.
I used to get crashes that occured at the most random times. The game and computer would just freeze but the in Winamp will continue playing. it does not necessarily happen 1-5 mins. It can happen anywhere from 1min to several hours of play.
I hope this info helps somebody
I have played for 3 weeks w/o Winamp with no crashes.
I used to get crashes that occured at the most random times. The game and computer would just freeze but the in Winamp will continue playing. it does not necessarily happen 1-5 mins. It can happen anywhere from 1min to several hours of play.
I hope this info helps somebody
any and all applications affect the amount of time till it freezes to an extent.
I completeley read the thread and I tried all the tips but didn't work for me to solve the freeze problem. I've got win 7 64bit ultimate. I downloaded from my battle.net account the 1.15.2 US starcraft installer which doesn't require CD and it solved the colour problem but freezing stayed the same. At first i though it was skype but I was wrong. Now it seems that an old winamp (winamp agent) can be the problem for me. I played 4 mission without any trouble. I didn't try battle.net yet. Just wanted to share my experiences maybe it's helpful.
I completeley read the thread and I tried all the tips but didn't work for me to solve the freeze problem. I've got win 7 64bit ultimate. I downloaded from my battle.net account the 1.15.2 US starcraft installer which doesn't require CD and it solved the colour problem but freezing stayed the same. At first i though it was skype but I was wrong. Now it seems that an old winamp (winamp agent) can be the problem for me. I played 4 mission without any trouble. I didn't try battle.net yet. Just wanted to share my experiences maybe it's helpful.
Is it just me, or does it seem like every single change you do to attempt to fix it only works once or twice when you open the application. Then the computer seems to remember the process you used and freezes the third onward.
also, I was bored and tried this and it worked. I minimized the game on a 2 minute interval, and re-opened it. Do it again and again, and it never freezes. But overall isnt worth doing.
This is a Windows 7 user. I have both Windows 7 32bit and 64bit Pro! They are both doing it. I do not even have WinAmp installed. I have been trying to get some kind of log file or anything out of windows and when starcraft crashes or hangs.. It doesn't give any kind of information..... I don't know- I just want to play starcraft. Ubuntu runs it better then Windows now!
I played many hours since I made my post and it's not freezing. I'm quite sure that in my case winamp was the source of the problem. I'll indicate if freezing returns.
In my case, the crashings were because of Winamp and Firefox with youtube open or any other videostreaming site. Also, sometimes Firefox doesnt close when I close it, so I have to finish the process on the task manager to close it completly, which also caused some crashes (Firefox had youtube open in those cases I guess).
So from my experience, any media player or streaming/music player site will cause a freeze on Starcraft.
I really wish this could be fixed, I play better with some good music heh
So from my experience, any media player or streaming/music player site will cause a freeze on Starcraft.
I really wish this could be fixed, I play better with some good music heh
Between having an application open to simply having media player open. I have shut down every service except for Windows it self in Regular Mode. Starcraft keeps crashing. Even in Safe Mode Starcraft to crashes. The only way I can play Starcraft on my main rig is if I run SC from or in ChaosLauncher. Even then Starcraft and ChaosLauncher decide to crash once in a blue moon. At least its not the whole computer.....
squall_leonhart has explained it endless times now.
the issue CANNOT be resolved by closing background applications, as those will only accelerate the crashing. so yes it will crash less if you close background stuff like skype, but it WILL keep crashing. there's no fix, and either the microsoft / blizzard guys will have to fix it.
the issue CANNOT be resolved by closing background applications, as those will only accelerate the crashing. so yes it will crash less if you close background stuff like skype, but it WILL keep crashing. there's no fix, and either the microsoft / blizzard guys will have to fix it.
when i first installed sc it worked for 3 levels i uninstalled it and it played for around 20 levels .. i don't have any solution right now but i know that the problem is in windows 7 not skype or any other software that is not already installed on windows 7 ... i don't have skype and freezing happens ..
This should make you happy:
StarCraft II gets July 27 worldwide release date
StarCraft II gets July 27 worldwide release date
This should make you happy:
StarCraft II gets July 27 worldwide release date
StarCraft II gets July 27 worldwide release date
No new ideas or changes? I'm really not liking the inability to play my brother in SC. Every time I do well and am about to make an attack, the game freezes and I have to reset

im yet to try chaos launcher, but i've been using Vbox with no issues.
Everyone: I have the solution to this!!
I had some out of town relatives in town while my immediate family was out of town so I put together a game night. I had everyone over and my good friend�s brother had a NEW version of the old StarCraft. He said he bought it about 6 months ago. I guess Blizzard re-released the game with Vista Support?? The CD looks about the same but it states on the CD it is for Windows Vista and has a completely different Key. The package has the original StarCraft and Brood War. We installed this version on our Windows 7 machines and played StarCraft for 16 hours straight without ANY issues on all machines. We used old original maps from the original CD as well as many downloaded from Blizzard Years and Years ago. We even played with maps we downloaded off the internet without issues as well. It seems this re-release works and is fixed. So if you have Windows 7 and want to play this game you need to re-purchase it for Windows Vista and you will have no problems.
I am extremely happy to have this working perfectly!!! -WS
I had some out of town relatives in town while my immediate family was out of town so I put together a game night. I had everyone over and my good friend�s brother had a NEW version of the old StarCraft. He said he bought it about 6 months ago. I guess Blizzard re-released the game with Vista Support?? The CD looks about the same but it states on the CD it is for Windows Vista and has a completely different Key. The package has the original StarCraft and Brood War. We installed this version on our Windows 7 machines and played StarCraft for 16 hours straight without ANY issues on all machines. We used old original maps from the original CD as well as many downloaded from Blizzard Years and Years ago. We even played with maps we downloaded off the internet without issues as well. It seems this re-release works and is fixed. So if you have Windows 7 and want to play this game you need to re-purchase it for Windows Vista and you will have no problems.
I am extremely happy to have this working perfectly!!! -WS
Um.... no.
Everyone: I have the solution to this!!
I had some out of town relatives in town while my immediate family was out of town so I put together a game night. I had everyone over and my good friend�s brother had a NEW version of the old StarCraft. He said he bought it about 6 months ago. I guess Blizzard re-released the game with Vista Support?? The CD looks about the same but it states on the CD it is for Windows Vista and has a completely different Key. The package has the original StarCraft and Brood War. We installed this version on our Windows 7 machines and played StarCraft for 16 hours straight without ANY issues on all machines. We used old original maps from the original CD as well as many downloaded from Blizzard Years and Years ago. We even played with maps we downloaded off the internet without issues as well. It seems this re-release works and is fixed. So if you have Windows 7 and want to play this game you need to re-purchase it for Windows Vista and you will have no problems.
I am extremely happy to have this working perfectly!!! -WS
I had some out of town relatives in town while my immediate family was out of town so I put together a game night. I had everyone over and my good friend�s brother had a NEW version of the old StarCraft. He said he bought it about 6 months ago. I guess Blizzard re-released the game with Vista Support?? The CD looks about the same but it states on the CD it is for Windows Vista and has a completely different Key. The package has the original StarCraft and Brood War. We installed this version on our Windows 7 machines and played StarCraft for 16 hours straight without ANY issues on all machines. We used old original maps from the original CD as well as many downloaded from Blizzard Years and Years ago. We even played with maps we downloaded off the internet without issues as well. It seems this re-release works and is fixed. So if you have Windows 7 and want to play this game you need to re-purchase it for Windows Vista and you will have no problems.
I am extremely happy to have this working perfectly!!! -WS
Squall: When I was reading over this forum I noticed that Chaoslauncher was suggested a few times. I downloaded it last night and been using it, so far no freeze. The colour is funny but I don't care about that, its only in the title screen anyways, not during gameplay. I know people said there are fixes for that, I just don't care to look.
I haven't played many games of SC/BW with Chaoslauncher but so far so good. I just wish I didn't need another program to run Starcraft...I never heard of vbox but maybe I'll take a look at that.
Everyone: I have the solution to this!!
I had some out of town relatives in town while my immediate family was out of town so I put together a game night. I had everyone over and my good friend�s brother had a NEW version of the old StarCraft. He said he bought it about 6 months ago. I guess Blizzard re-released the game with Vista Support?? The CD looks about the same but it states on the CD it is for Windows Vista and has a completely different Key. The package has the original StarCraft and Brood War. We installed this version on our Windows 7 machines and played StarCraft for 16 hours straight without ANY issues on all machines. We used old original maps from the original CD as well as many downloaded from Blizzard Years and Years ago. We even played with maps we downloaded off the internet without issues as well. It seems this re-release works and is fixed. So if you have Windows 7 and want to play this game you need to re-purchase it for Windows Vista and you will have no problems.
I am extremely happy to have this working perfectly!!! -WS
I had some out of town relatives in town while my immediate family was out of town so I put together a game night. I had everyone over and my good friend�s brother had a NEW version of the old StarCraft. He said he bought it about 6 months ago. I guess Blizzard re-released the game with Vista Support?? The CD looks about the same but it states on the CD it is for Windows Vista and has a completely different Key. The package has the original StarCraft and Brood War. We installed this version on our Windows 7 machines and played StarCraft for 16 hours straight without ANY issues on all machines. We used old original maps from the original CD as well as many downloaded from Blizzard Years and Years ago. We even played with maps we downloaded off the internet without issues as well. It seems this re-release works and is fixed. So if you have Windows 7 and want to play this game you need to re-purchase it for Windows Vista and you will have no problems.
I am extremely happy to have this working perfectly!!! -WS
Squall: When I was reading over this forum I noticed that Chaoslauncher was suggested a few times. I downloaded it last night and been using it, so far no freeze. The colour is funny but I don't care about that, its only in the title screen anyways, not during gameplay. I know people said there are fixes for that, I just don't care to look.
I haven't played many games of SC/BW with Chaoslauncher but so far so good. I just wish I didn't need another program to run Starcraft...I never heard of vbox but maybe I'll take a look at that.
Naitsirk, check out my latest thread for a color fix, its not just the title screen but also causes artifacts in water and along sprite edges.
I wonder why it is NOT working for you. We installed it on 16 different Windows 7 machines. Windows 7 Enterprise, Windows 7 Ultimate and Windows 7 Pro all without issue. Laptops and Desktops. ???? Puzzled.
the issue is a tricky beast, and isn't always reproducible.
I wonder why it is NOT working for you. We installed it on 16 different Windows 7 machines. Windows 7 Enterprise, Windows 7 Ultimate and Windows 7 Pro all without issue. Laptops and Desktops. ???? Puzzled.
the issue is a tricky beast, and isn't always reproducible.
i can manage to run starcraft, age of empires, age of empires 2, and worms, before going back to starcraft and having it freeze.
So you are saying you play starcraft, age of empires, age of empires 2, and worms then go back to playing a game of starcraft and then it freezes?? If that is the case then you may be completely correct. Games can and do leave code in memory when you exit so you may have issues. Your best bet is to play only one game and then re-boot, after re-boot then start the next game. This has been a Gaming practice for Years and Years. It was learned when LAN parties were all the rage before the Internet took off.
So you are saying you play starcraft, age of empires, age of empires 2, and worms then go back to playing a game of starcraft and then it freezes?? If that is the case then you may be completely correct. Games can and do leave code in memory when you exit so you may have issues. Your best bet is to play only one game and then re-boot, after re-boot then start the next game. This has been a Gaming practice for Years and Years. It was learned when LAN parties were all the rage before the Internet took off.
1. The game is faulty.
2. The operating systems memory management is faulty.
That said, that is on a good day.
Other times it can freeze on first load.
So you are saying you play starcraft, age of empires, age of empires 2, and worms then go back to playing a game of starcraft and then it freezes?? If that is the case then you may be completely correct. Games can and do leave code in memory when you exit so you may have issues. Your best bet is to play only one game and then re-boot, after re-boot then start the next game. This has been a Gaming practice for Years and Years. It was learned when LAN parties were all the rage before the Internet took off.
1. The game is faulty.
2. The operating systems memory management is faulty.
That said, that is on a good day.
Other times it can freeze on first load.
Windows 7 has gotten 1000% better IMHO on memory management but it is still not perfect. If it were we would never see BSOD.
There could be some other program you are using that has a "Memory Leak" or "Leaves Code In Memory". Once StarCraft is loaded or running (short or long time) it then freezes because of the memory issues.
If you are willing to find out. You could make a backup image of your machine. Then load Windows 7 fresh without any extras no Adobe, No Wireless Software, No Toolbar Mods etc. etc. etc. Play StarCraft for a day or so. If it works start adding software one at a time then playing StarCraft for a day or so and see if the problems come back once you find the program that is causing the problem you can then put the image back on your machine and remove that program or get update or replace it with something else. I know it is a bit of work but sometimes it is worth it if you want to resolve it completely.
On a side note: Most if not all the machines we played StarCraft on did not have too much extra software just the basics, all Windows Updates, A/V software, Adobe Reader, FireFox, and other games. No hacks were installed, no fancy desktops, no mods etc.
I hope that helps in tracking down more issues with StarCraft.
Dynamic Libraries are open and closed as applications are, the only code left in memory most often only consists of windows level libraries.
Further, junk code would cause it to freeze in a window, as well as fullscreen which isn't the case.
Further, junk code would cause it to freeze in a window, as well as fullscreen which isn't the case.
After going to other websites, I have found a fix to your problems. (Note: You will not have the pleasure of enjoying sound).
taskkill /f /IM explorer.exe
C:\"Users"\"Home"\"Desktop"\"STARCRAFT"\"Starcraft No Install"\"StarCraft.exe"
start explorer.exe
C&P the above text into notepad, change the middle line into the destination of the StarCraft.exe file. The quotation marks in there (C:\"Users"\"Home"\"Desktop"\"STARCRAFT"\"Starcraft No Install"\"StarCraft.exe") are necessary. If you're wondering why my destination is so weird (instead of Program Files\Starcraft blahblah) it's because I'm using a "no install" version of Starcraft (obviously). It seems that explorer.exe is interfering with the Starcraft process.
Edit: Oh yeah, I forgot. Save that as a .bat file...like, run.bat or something, and just click on it when you want to play some SC
taskkill /f /IM explorer.exe
C:\"Users"\"Home"\"Desktop"\"STARCRAFT"\"Starcraft No Install"\"StarCraft.exe"
start explorer.exe
C&P the above text into notepad, change the middle line into the destination of the StarCraft.exe file. The quotation marks in there (C:\"Users"\"Home"\"Desktop"\"STARCRAFT"\"Starcraft No Install"\"StarCraft.exe") are necessary. If you're wondering why my destination is so weird (instead of Program Files\Starcraft blahblah) it's because I'm using a "no install" version of Starcraft (obviously). It seems that explorer.exe is interfering with the Starcraft process.
Edit: Oh yeah, I forgot. Save that as a .bat file...like, run.bat or something, and just click on it when you want to play some SC
eh, once again, nope, this does not help
it helps only to fix the color problems
it helps only to fix the color problems
After going to other websites, I have found a fix to your problems. (Note: You will not have the pleasure of enjoying sound).
taskkill /f /IM explorer.exe
C:\"Users"\"Home"\"Desktop"\"STARCRAFT"\"Starcraft No Install"\"StarCraft.exe"
start explorer.exe
C&P the above text into notepad, change the middle line into the destination of the StarCraft.exe file. The quotation marks in there (C:\"Users"\"Home"\"Desktop"\"STARCRAFT"\"Starcraft No Install"\"StarCraft.exe") are necessary.
taskkill /f /IM explorer.exe
C:\"Users"\"Home"\"Desktop"\"STARCRAFT"\"Starcraft No Install"\"StarCraft.exe"
start explorer.exe
C&P the above text into notepad, change the middle line into the destination of the StarCraft.exe file. The quotation marks in there (C:\"Users"\"Home"\"Desktop"\"STARCRAFT"\"Starcraft No Install"\"StarCraft.exe") are necessary.
Well, what WindowStar said seems to be working the best... although a total & complete pain (to reboot before playing), but it works better, (1.15.2 b-net DL) I've had it freeze with the Zune software open while it plays on, running Live Messneger just about the same, however going back to what i said, it runs better when i reboot before playing, I'm looking forward to SCII however.
I've managed several long games so far no issues this week by doing the reboot, I'm hoping Win7 SP1 fixes issues.
~Win7 Ultimate 64~
I've managed several long games so far no issues this week by doing the reboot, I'm hoping Win7 SP1 fixes issues.
~Win7 Ultimate 64~
I have SCII pre-ordered and ready for pick up the day of release!!! I cannot wait.
Glad I provided a small amount of help. We played SC tonight for about 3 hours.
Glad I provided a small amount of help. We played SC tonight for about 3 hours.
Same here... can't wait... it better not freeze like SC! XD
Not the place guys.
From the looks of it, no one knows where the problem lies. Seems there isnt anyone who uses windows seven who doesn't encounter some sort freezing sooner or later. And given the length of how long this problem has lasted, it's likely that there's not actually anyone who is attempting to fix this issue.
It is possible that some improvement to the Windows 7 OS graphics wise is the source, before when I wanted to I'd like the old standard square view on Vista, but am unable to change it from wide-screen anymore in windows 7. Maybe this is something to do with it, I don't know, I'm just saying that there may be some sort of screen window lock or something.
From the looks of it, no one knows where the problem lies. Seems there isnt anyone who uses windows seven who doesn't encounter some sort freezing sooner or later. And given the length of how long this problem has lasted, it's likely that there's not actually anyone who is attempting to fix this issue.
It is possible that some improvement to the Windows 7 OS graphics wise is the source, before when I wanted to I'd like the old standard square view on Vista, but am unable to change it from wide-screen anymore in windows 7. Maybe this is something to do with it, I don't know, I'm just saying that there may be some sort of screen window lock or something.
At home I've got a PC dualcore win WIN7 licensed and updated + Starcraft 1.16.1 and NO freezing altough I played on it many times.
At work I've got a laptop dualcore (Lenovo T61) win WIN7 licensed and updated + Starcraft 1.16.1 and started recently trying to play on it two times and both times got freezing after a few minutes.
At work I've got a laptop dualcore (Lenovo T61) win WIN7 licensed and updated + Starcraft 1.16.1 and started recently trying to play on it two times and both times got freezing after a few minutes.
Ok I fixed my freezing issues, well at least its been three days of none freezing. First off i tried the .bat file of shutting down explorer.exe - didn't work (fixes colors that's about it). Next I tried the compatibility mode with 256 color ect, still didn't fix my freezing issue. So heres what I did:
I'm not sure which step fixed my problem as I did several things after being so agitated at the constant freeze and hard resetting.
First off i downloaded a program called "driver max". Its a free program that auto updates all your drivers ( I had two chipset drivers and an audio driver that were updated via this program).
2nd I went into my ATI control panel and set all my settings from performance to quality (AAA, AI and Mipmap).
3rd I make sure to close all browsers and non window's programs( windows live, WMP, winamp ect.)
Somewhere in this process the freezing stopped although I don't think it was the 3rd step. I haven't taken the time to isolate the problem and am frankly just glad the freezing has stopped. Before i did those three things BW was freezing about 5-6 times a day within a 5 minute time frame, anyways i hope this helps someone out there with this problem.
BTW I'm running Windows 7 home premuim
I'm not sure which step fixed my problem as I did several things after being so agitated at the constant freeze and hard resetting.
First off i downloaded a program called "driver max". Its a free program that auto updates all your drivers ( I had two chipset drivers and an audio driver that were updated via this program).
2nd I went into my ATI control panel and set all my settings from performance to quality (AAA, AI and Mipmap).
3rd I make sure to close all browsers and non window's programs( windows live, WMP, winamp ect.)
Somewhere in this process the freezing stopped although I don't think it was the 3rd step. I haven't taken the time to isolate the problem and am frankly just glad the freezing has stopped. Before i did those three things BW was freezing about 5-6 times a day within a 5 minute time frame, anyways i hope this helps someone out there with this problem.
BTW I'm running Windows 7 home premuim
Ok I fixed my freezing issues, well at least its been three days of none freezing. First off i tried the .bat file of shutting down explorer.exe - didn't work (fixes colors that's about it). Next I tried the compatibility mode with 256 color ect, still didn't fix my freezing issue. So heres what I did:
I'm not sure which step fixed my problem as I did several things after being so agitated at the constant freeze and hard resetting.
First off i downloaded a program called "driver max". Its a free program that auto updates all your drivers ( I had two chipset drivers and an audio driver that were updated via this program).
2nd I went into my ATI control panel and set all my settings from performance to quality (AAA, AI and Mipmap).
3rd I make sure to close all browsers and non window's programs( windows live, WMP, winamp ect.)
Somewhere in this process the freezing stopped although I don't think it was the 3rd step. I haven't taken the time to isolate the problem and am frankly just glad the freezing has stopped. Before i did those three things BW was freezing about 5-6 times a day within a 5 minute time frame, anyways i hope this helps someone out there with this problem.
BTW I'm running Windows 7 home premuim
I'm not sure which step fixed my problem as I did several things after being so agitated at the constant freeze and hard resetting.
First off i downloaded a program called "driver max". Its a free program that auto updates all your drivers ( I had two chipset drivers and an audio driver that were updated via this program).
2nd I went into my ATI control panel and set all my settings from performance to quality (AAA, AI and Mipmap).
3rd I make sure to close all browsers and non window's programs( windows live, WMP, winamp ect.)
Somewhere in this process the freezing stopped although I don't think it was the 3rd step. I haven't taken the time to isolate the problem and am frankly just glad the freezing has stopped. Before i did those three things BW was freezing about 5-6 times a day within a 5 minute time frame, anyways i hope this helps someone out there with this problem.
BTW I'm running Windows 7 home premuim
""" Your best bet is to play only one game and then re-boot, after re-boot then start the next game. This has been a Gaming practice for Years and Years. It was learned when LAN parties were all the rage before the Internet took off. """
Plus you closing all other applications is very good too. Or after the re-boot do not load any software just play the game.
Ok so i played around trying to isolate the problem and its back ground programs. I turned on windows live msg and steam, the result is instant freezing playing BW. Good call on that windowsStar.
Look, the more background programs that are open will speed up the freezing. We went over this. It's not any specific background program that you run. It's likely something in the system.
One solution to prevent the DirectDraw lockups completely is to play the games in window mode. I had the same lockups in Master of Orion 2. It has no window mode by default, but i'm using a tool called DxWnd to force it into window mode. Works like a charm now.
One solution to prevent the DirectDraw lockups completely is to play the games in window mode. I had the same lockups in Master of Orion 2. It has no window mode by default, but i'm using a tool called DxWnd to force it into window mode. Works like a charm now.
Out of DxWnd, VirtualBox and Windows XP mode (from the microsoft site) which is the best? Ive read all 20 pages so far and it seems that these three things seem to have offered people the most success.
Virtual Box in paticular seems to come up fairly often but i was wondering if there was anyone who has tried all three and can provide a comparison or are they all one and the same and its a matter of personal preference?
Also with DxWnd, if you log into battlenet, does blizzard recognize it as a hack (third party programs and what not)?
Virtual Box in paticular seems to come up fairly often but i was wondering if there was anyone who has tried all three and can provide a comparison or are they all one and the same and its a matter of personal preference?
Also with DxWnd, if you log into battlenet, does blizzard recognize it as a hack (third party programs and what not)?
If you haven't tried it yet, try UNCHECKING the "Enable Color Cycling" box by opening the Menu in-game, going to "Options", and then "Video." When I did this, my Starcraft stopped running choppily and went back to normal.
Anyone else notice that it's fixed. The freezing for starcraft 1 stopped. I didnt do anything but update the computer
This is resolved....just buy StarCraft 2. Everything works and it is Awesome!
I bought SC2, but i do miss playing SC1 as well... it has a special place in my heart... i just don't get why Win7 CAN'T play old games
Hey, guys. I'm not sure if it'll work, for you, but... it worked, for Me. I installed IE 9, and rebooted, and... it's fixed. I hope that this works for you! Tell Me, if it does, please. Thanks, bye.
wait, you can install IE9 on 7? what?????
Why the heck would they let you do that, didn't 7 ship with 10?
Why the heck would they let you do that, didn't 7 ship with 10?
Hmmmm. NO! I like starcraft 2- But starcraft is still good. Its just like L4d and L4d2- I personally think L4d2 sucks compared to L4d.. But I love starcraft and starcraft 2.
yea guys starcraft isnt compatible with windows 7 explorer
you gotta turn it off
you gotta turn it off
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